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Reserve NCM to Reserve Officer

BushyCentaur said:
Hello, so up front, I have researched the following questions as much as I could. I received some answers, most were mixed or outdated and I've checked with my CoC who also seem unsure so just wanted to see if anybody else here knew.

Currently a Reserve Sig, MCpl who completed PLQ-A last year. I plan to start on working on my degree (I already have a 3 year technical diploma and will be doing a one year program to get my degree) this year. I wanted to OT to reserve officer, particularly Log O. Here are where my questions come.

My degree will be a Bachelor of Technology. Although it sounds more towards science, the degree is more focused around management, business and stats, etc. Would it be a suitable degree for a Log O?

Unlikely. A degree in Business Admin, Commerce, or Finance are preferred, although the PSO can confirm this for you.

BushyCentaur said:
Secondly, if my OT get's accepted before I finished my degree, will I become a Officer Cadet or 2Lt? Not that it matters, but still curious regardless.

Probably Officer Cadet. You typically have to have finished your degree.

BushyCentaur said:
Thirdly, where I have PLQ-A, would CAP be written off? Some have told me yes and others have said no.

Perhaps, you would need to request a PLAR.

BushyCentaur said:
Lastly, would I be able to do the Log O courses before I finish my degree or does it have to be totally finished before I do the phase training? Also, how long is the log o phase training?

Provided you're degree is acceptable, you can start your Ph3 before you complete your degree. Ph3 training is roughly 4 months split between two successive summers.

The best person to fully answer your questions is the PSO. I don't know if there's one in St John's, but there should be one in Gander.

Regarding your degree choice "Bachelor in Technology" it is unlikely the occupation authority would accept this as a suitable degree as they prefer such degree programs as Commerce, Human Resources, Finance, Economics, Public Admin, Nutrition, Supply Chain Management.  However, having said that it is possible for the PSO to submit an academic waiver for consideration but my experience thus far is that the Reserve Log world is holding hard and fast to the preferred degree programs.

Also don't forget that should you wish to commission you will need to ensure your CFAT meets the appropriate cut off for commissioning.


Hi guys, I was unsuccessful in finding a post relating to my questions, so I am posting my own.

I am currently enrolled in a college undergoing a diploma program and I got my offer to join the Army Reserves as an NCM, as I applied for the position. But during the recruiting process, the recruiting team told me I am eligible to enrol as an officer, because of my current status of being a student in a post-secondary institution. Then, again, they realized I would not be eligible because of the fact that I am in a diploma program, not a bachelor's degree. Other than this, I was told I meet every other requirement to become an officer.

The recruiting team told me I can apply to become an officer from NCM once I am enrolled in a university degree program, which I will be in September of 2018.

Here's my question, is it easy for a private to apply to become an officer once enrolled in a university degree program (thus meeting the education level)? Would it work?

The only factors I foresee preventing me from going from an NCM to an officer is a) availability of an officer position and b) whether I would be a good potential for an officer.

Thank you for reading!!
DaveLee said:
The only factors I foresee preventing me from going from an NCM to an officer is a) availability of an officer position and b) whether I would be a good potential for an officer.

See also,

Reservist process to change from NCM to Officer 

Transfer from NCM to Officer 

NCM to Officer process 

NCM -> Officer 



NCM to Officer
It's not "easy", it's "possible". Your unit has to have officer positions, your CFAT has to be high enough to score you for the officer trade you want, and you'll need to pass an interview with your CO (typically). The year I joined (am I officially old if that was 16 years ago?), we had a brief on like the 2nd parade night of the fall for the 26 of us completed training. The unit had officer positions and wanted to know who (currently enrolled in university), wanted an occupational reassignment. We had a few takers, I believe everyone that wanted it got it, and all are still serving.

Its "easier" in the PRes world, especially if you haven't completed your DP1/QL3 training yet. If you have the inclination to do it, speak to your supervisor. Keep in mind there are stark differences in the day to day employment of an officer vs NCM. Make sure you know what you're getting into, and why you want to be an officer other than your recruiter told you that you could.
My CFAT score was high enough to enrol as an officer for the trades that are currently open for hiring. When I do apply to become an officer (whatever this process is called), I would have completed BMQ and BMQ-L.
I am currently a reserve NCM (two hook) who possesses an advanced degree, and would like to make the switch to the officer stream after several years as an NCM. However, my current unit has more than enough officers. I would feel rather bad about abandoning my regiment, and were I much younger I would simply wait it out until an opportunity arises, but time really isn't on my side at my current age.

My question is therefore: would it be a good idea to release and then immediately re-apply from scratch? Is that "kosher", or would there be some issues in the way? For example, I have heard of people attempting to immediately re-join and being told they had to wait for a time until doing so. Better a bird in the hand than two on the tree, and so on.

Any advice on my situation would be greatly appreciated.
Don’t release.

Look at other units, and transfer over when you make the switch from NCM to Officer.  Speak with your chain of command and understand what the process is.  Expect to have an interview at the unit you want to join as an officer.
"Look at other units, and transfer over when you make the switch from NCM to Officer."

So, pardon me if this is a dumb question, but how do I do this? Contact another unit asking if they need an officer? Apply as an officer there while currently serving as an NCM elsewhere? That seems rather strange, though I might have misunderstood you.
So I took a look around, and issue is that the reserve units in this area all have a centralized recruiting system, so the contact info just leads back to the brigade-level recruiting office. I'll give a few a call (since I think they have individual phone numbers), but it still seems kind of awkward to be contacting units outside of my COC. Should I let my COC know explicitly what I'm up to?
Marchog said:
I am currently a reserve NCM (two hook) who possesses an advanced degree, and would like to make the switch to the officer stream after several years as an NCM. However, my current unit has more than enough officers. I would feel rather bad about abandoning my regiment, and were I much younger I would simply wait it out until an opportunity arises, but time really isn't on my side at my current age.

My question is therefore: would it be a good idea to release and then immediately re-apply from scratch? Is that "kosher", or would there be some issues in the way? For example, I have heard of people attempting to immediately re-join and being told they had to wait for a time until doing so. Better a bird in the hand than two on the tree, and so on.

Any advice on my situation would be greatly appreciated.

Pickle Rick said:
Don’t release.

Look at other units, and transfer over when you make the switch from NCM to Officer.  Speak with your chain of command and understand what the process is.  Expect to have an interview at the unit you want to join as an officer.

I agree with PickleRick; don't release - but if you do there is no wait time to reapply for the PRes.  The only wait time is for individuals who release (either PRes or RegF) to apply to the RegF.

Be up front with your CoC, tell them that you'd like to do change occupations to an Officer Occupation.  I come from a Navy background so when wanting to join another unit as an officer you'd reach out to either the Ship's Office (Orderly Room) or Coxswain (RSM) - not sure how Army units feel about that - again speak with your CoC to get the ball rolling :-)
Thank you. I have indeed contacted my COC, and my immediate superior is aware of what's going on.

There are only a few regiments I could possibly hope to join (due to limits inherent in my degree). I'll give them a call and see what happens. It might be too late in the year, seeing as courses tend to happen in the Summer, and they might have already stocked up on cornflake officers beforehand. Cross my fingers.
have you talked to your OR and Adjt?  If not do so, they should be able to provide some assistance on possible units for transfers as Chief HRA's and Adjts do often reach out to their counterparts in other units on these things.

Also curious if this has reached your CO level.  Just because the unit does not currently have an officer position does not mean you have to leave.  If they are happy to have you there as an officer they can broker a deal with an other unit to play home for you and attach you back to your current unit.  This usually entails a friendly discussion between CO's.

Thanks for your insight.

I have talked to the adjt, however he made no mention of transfer, other than a vague "it might work", but that was a while ago. The most recent time I talked about it he stated pretty flatly that the unit has no need of officers, but is in desperate need of NCMs. Basically the worst possible case for someone like me.

As far as I know, the only other person who is aware of my designs is my direct superior. I suppose I could ask him to send up my situation "officially", since so far I've only contacted people on a somewhat informal basis. However, he's hesitating on sending this further up, since it would mean I would end up bottom of the list for NCM courses this summer (for entirely understandable reasons).

In addition, the number of units I could possibly hope to join is very low. I contacted one of them directly, but they said they have no positions available. The other is more promising: they told me they'd phone me back. I'm not sure how much the COC could do, assuming it ever even makes it that high. Quite a headache, the whole thing.
I might as well add further updates for future reference, if only as a "case study".

I felt pretty uneasy about the whole thing at the beginning, since it seemed pretty shady to abandon a unit, switch trades, and apply for commission at the same time. Turns out I was entirely correct. The unit I contacted didn't say "no", but they said it was very bad juju to switch trades, and doubly bad juju to do that plus commission. I asked my direct superior to go ahead and send this issue further up the COC. The less a surprise this comes to them, the better, I think.

I have a feeling my life is about to get very, very "interesting", no matter what direction this takes.