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Reserve INT

  • Thread starter Thread starter CrazyCanuck
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van Gemeren said:
...Should I start the process of joining now and then transferring or just wait two years.

It seemed funny that there was no mention of naval Int operators, would you know why they don't exist yet?

Join now.....yes, this morning. It gets you into the whole system earlier, and through the basics that everyone has to do (regardless of whether your long-term goal is to be the first NavRes Int Op or to command an Infantry battalion, everyone starts with "you salute with THIS HAND dopey!" You may as well get the recruit/basic training out of the way. This will also provide "experience" which may prove beneficial if/when you wish to transfer to Int.

I'm afraid I'm not the one to provide info on the Navy Reserve. I'm not Navy; my parents were married....to each other;)
Even if it isn't combat arms?

Thanks again,


P.s your and Trinity's jokes are hilarious. You guys are a riot, make the site more intersting.
Combat Arms would be preferable to Service Support, but ANY military experience is preferable to none.

Jokes? Jokes?!  I can't vouch for....Trinity, is it? (wasn't she the chick in The Matrix?)....but I am always a paragon of seriousness and virtue within this site - - an obvious reflection of my daily life. ;)

I am thinking of applying to join Military Intell reserves--specifically 6 Intelligence Company in Edmonton, Alberta.(http://www.army.dnd.ca/6INTELLIGENCE_COMPANY/)

However, there is not much online about what they do. Would anyone be so kind as to provide any information they have? I would like to know more about what they look for in candidates (I am 35 and have a master's degree in training design, if that matters), the post-basic training, duties, field work, etc?

thanks in advance!
Go in and ask.  For obvious reasons, no intelligence will be discussed on this forum.

The platoon itself is hard working, professional, and dedicated.  They live up to their title -- intelligence -- and require same of potential recruits.

Thanks for your reply.

You wrote "no intelligence will be discussed on this forum." Is that a forum rule? If so, I apologize as I did not know that. If it is not a rule, any information would be appreciated.

I asked two recruiters and they did not know much about it other than the idea of writing with a marker on a plexiglass board in a command centre. The issue was they were not members of intell and as such did not know much; it did not have to do with any confidentiality on their part.


We practice "OpSec" or Operational Security.  Basically, regardless of its classification or lack thereof, certain things won't be discussed because to do so could breach operational security.  This includes tactics, doctrine, information gathering techniques, drills, etc.
Here it goes, for reasons that are best not discussed in an open forum that anyone can look at or read, it is best for you to go and talk to the INT guys at the unit that you plan on joining.  You will be able to talk directly to them  and they will be able to give you answers on the spot.  

You could also use the SEARCH function, as there are already a few threads about the Int trade
Hi, I have a follow up question on the subject;

What’s a main difference between Army Intel Reserve Officer and Naval Intel Reserve Officer trades?  I know that you cannot get into the deep details, but general pros and cons would be appreciated (level of difficulty, transferability or flexibility of skills attained, rate of advancement. etc).

digitaldorobo said:

Thanks for your reply.

You wrote "no intelligence will be discussed on this forum." Is that a forum rule? If so, I apologize as I did not know that. If it is not a rule, any information would be appreciated.

Just remember, this is the real world, and this is a public forum. We can guarantee the (real) bad guys and their sympathisers worldwide frequent here to gather any INT as much as they can.

Loose lips sink ships!

vic said:
Hi, I have a follow up question on the subject;

What’s a main difference between Army Intel Reserve Officer and Naval Intel Reserve Officer trades?  I know that you cannot get into the deep details, but general pros and cons would be appreciated (level of difficulty, transferability or flexibility of skills attained, rate of advancement. etc).


Go here http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/17703.0.html (its actually stickied at the top of this sub board, and it Entitled "TRADES FAQ, links to trades without thier own forum")  scroll down, and you will see 4 thread about the Int trades.  Additionaly the SEARCH function is also very useful.