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Reserve INT

  • Thread starter Thread starter CrazyCanuck
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What about reserve intel?

I‘m applying as a Sig Op, hoping to do Basic/SQ this summer, and I was told I could apply internally for a intel op position at the Reserve unit in the fall.
Is there not reservist INT. If so you could go that route and then transfer direct.
My buddy is in 2INT in Toronto. He transfered from the RHLI to that with only about 1.5 years in.
You don‘t need any time in for reserve INT. Only for regular.
You don‘t need any time in for reserve INT. Only for regular.
It depends on the unit, and how much they need new people. Some don‘t like taking people off the street, as it can be hit or miss. Having experience from another trade, esp combat arms, is a very good thing to have when going Int.
It is always good to bring something to the table. As for Reserve Int on the west coast we are looking for some experience... and with the lack of positions available the applicant with the most to offer military wise will usually be the choice. Good luck on your career choices future_soldier.
It is always good to bring something to the table. As for Reserve Int on the west coast we are looking for some experience... and with the lack of positions available the applicant with the most to offer military wise will usually be the choice. Good luck on your career choices future_soldier.
I know that the Int. Company here in Halifax was picking fresh recruits without experience this past year.

I know of at least 4 Gents who were going Int with no experience at all, one of them was a friend of mine in fact.
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] I know that the Int. Company here in Halifax was picking fresh recruits without experience this past year.

I know of at least 4 Gents who were going Int with no experience at all, one of them was a friend of mine in fact. [/qb]
****, another reason to live in Halifax ;)

Whether you join the regs as an infantry officer, or join a reserve unit as an intelligence officer, it‘s still going to take you a few years to be accepted as a reg force int officer. Reserve IO‘s who want to go reg need to have quite a bit of experience, be at least a senior Lt (probably a Capt), have good PER‘s, etc.

If you can‘t find any int types around North Bay to talk to about your career aspirations, call up 2 Int Coy or 2 Int Pl- I‘m sure there‘s a couple of officers around that can give you the scoop on what to expect from the reserve experience.

Just my opinion, but I think a few years as a reg force infantry officer would be a more valuable background to have than a few years as a reserve IO.
Some reserve Int units will take people off the street (thats how I got in back home in Halifax), and sometimes they only want folks with prior military expeience (such as 2 Int). The regular force side is a different ball of wax.

future_soldier, there‘s a lot of information floating around about whether or not its better to remuster and then CT, or apply directly as a reg IO....to be honest it depends from year to year, based on the Branch‘s manning reequirements...it‘s a bit of a crap shoot, frankly. I‘ve been in the branch for 5 years, and it changes with the wind sometimes from what I‘ve seen. I do know that to switch to Int on the regular side requires a tour (or did...maybe it‘s changed recently), so you may want to see about tying for a deployment before applying to switch....but it never hurts to apply and get your name in there.

Hey Che, you and I probably know a few folks in common. I‘ve been out of the unit loop since last summer, though...
These boyos just enlisted before last summer, so they did their BMQ last summer, they probably would have just been hookless faceless privates at the time.
I do remember 4 particular laddies that came through last summer. Couple of younger guys, and a couple of older ones.

And you‘re with the Scotian? <trying to remember how many NavRes types I know...>
You can go directly into RES INT, right off the street, both as an NCM and OFFR. However, you‘ll need to have some qualifications to be accepted by the unit (i.e. related experience, academics, etc).

For RegF INT, you‘ll need at least 3-4 years of experience before doing a re-muster. The recruiters may make an exception if you have a tremendous amount of related experience and top academic qualifications such as an MA, PhD, etc, but that sort of exception is (I have heard) extremely rare.

Best bet is to try to get into a RES INT unit, and then, after some time-in and training, do some Class B taskings. That sort of time-in will go a long way when you put in for a CT from ResF to RegF.

You should also talk to a recruiter.
The recruiters may make an exception if you have a tremendous amount of related experience and top academic qualifications such as an MA, PhD, etc, but that sort of exception is (I have heard) extremely rare.
Intelligence is a Job Description, not neccesarily a prerequisite. At least on the Mo side.

As for going straight into res int then a CT to reg int, I still think it would be better to get some combat arms experience beforehand, because there are some things you just won‘t learn going straight into INT..
Yes, I know what you mean RE: Int as job description.

I‘m merely making the point that, if you have an MA or PhD in intelligence or strategic studies (or something related), than they may have an extremly high interest in making some exceptions.

Hey, I know a whole lot of people with grad degrees, and they ain‘t so smart!

Agreed on having combat arms experience, it‘s a definite plus. Get the hands-on experience before trying for a CT, it will pay-off in the long run.
Check with CFRC, they will let you know for sure. It probably depends on a number of factors, one being whether there is a short-fall for Int Offrs. It all depends on need and how bad they want you.

See what they say about the degree discipline, and if they consider one degree more related than another.

Personally, because you are getting an MA in Psyc, I wouldn‘t be surprised if CFRC tries to push you towards Pers Selection. They may also suggest you get to INT through the SECOFFR route first.

If you are doing Pysc, make sure your specialisation and MA thesis is directly related to Int (i.e. interrogation, human manipulation, artificial intelligence, behaviour modelling, etc). This will improve your marketability when you apply. Something like developmental difficulties in white-male, suburban pre-adolesence will likely not cut it!

But, you‘ll definitely have a great chance in getting in a PRes Int branch. So, that might be the best place to start, and then do a CT.
1) Hey all, I'm just going through the application process right now and I've been reading on this site that some people have had a terrible time with waiting for their background/security checks to come through.  I myself spent 2 years in the UK at university and I wanted to know if that will seriously delay my application.  If anyone who has been overseas like myself can shed any more light on this then can they do so...it would be helpful to know.  Some people have said that they have had to wait 12 months or even longer because of having been out of the country...that sounds pretty insane to me (even with the fact that the government security clearance system is abysmally slow...a criticism which I've heard numerous times...esp concerning CSIS).  Anyway, I'm just worried that I might be sitting around for a year waiting for them to get the clearance through.

2)I've been told that the Intelligence Officer occupation is only open to serving CF members.  However, the CF recently posted on the recruiting website under the occupation description for Int a note that states that under exceptional circumstances they may recruit a person directly into the Intelligence Branch through the DEO plan.  Now I've got a Master's Degree in International Politics and Strategic Studies...does that give me at least a slim chance of getting into Intel right off the bat?  If not, can anyway give me some info on how long it takes and what the process is like of getting into Intel once you're in the CF.