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Reserve Artillery questions on DP1 course timetable length


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First of all, thank you for taking a look in my thread- I did a few searches on the topic, and perused the recruitment website. I then attempted to contact the unit close to my residence in an effort to avoid bugging you folks.

I am interested in exploring the idea of returning to the CF perhaps on a part time basis. But before I do that I need to make a case to my superiors. I have an artillery unit about an hours drive from my house and they seem like a well put together unit. Unfortunately I am away on course for three months in Ottawa and Im having a difficult time getting in touch with them.

While I am in Ottawa im trying to write up my proposal and in it I need to outline what commitments I can expect to have, although not exactly, but as a general way of showing how my employer will be affected.

More specifically, for those of you in reserve arty unit- what are the lengths of the QL courses for NCM's? Are they run over weekends or are they summer courses?? I find the reserves a confusing beast and a little clarification would be nice.
What about the length of your future ql courses? I am absolutely sorry to start a thread on this but I could not locate an answer and Im trying to write my proposal.

mod note -  edit title for clarity
BMQ/M=BMQ-Land are part-time courses.  I do not know of any DP1 artillery courses (new nomenclature for QL3) being run part-time.
Thanks Dapaterson.

Ill be sure and use DP1 from here on in. I most way expected that the DP courses (is that used correctly?) would be fulltime- you wouldnt perhaps know the length of the intial block would you?

edit for spelling

I'm just going into a reserve Artillery Unit here in ON.

The way the courses are run, and the commitment is going to be the following.

My BMQ will run from Oct - Dec/Jan on alternate weekends. SQ will run Jan - April on alternate weekends.

The DP1 course will be run next summer for approximately 6 weeks. My Regiment told me that it's 20 training days, but to allot for the 6 weeks regardless.

Given the current recruiting situation, get yourself in the pipeline now, as you probably will not be on your BMQ until either Jan / Feb or Fall of 2011.

The DP1 that was run his summer in Valcartier started on July 19 and ended on august 16.
During the last weekend of the course was their live fire exercise. So the course was 23 days long.
So depending on how the course is run, it takes between 4 to 5 weeks.

Hope everything works out for you.

Secondly- and thanks again in advance. I've spent my afternoon browsing through all the Arty information I could find. Artillery.net etc and went through all the Arty pages here on Army.ca.

Can someone in the know either PM me or answer here how the breakdown for a reserve Arty Officer works? Its one of the things on the table Im looking at and I found a PDF that had some of the answers I was looking for:



However- the thing thats missing is course length. Any assistance would be appreciated.
DP 1.1 (also called phase 3) is about 10.5 weeks. It is a modular course so as a reservist you can do it in 5 x 2 week mods. I'll warn you though, there is a lot of material on this course and I would think most people would have a very hard time with skill fade if they were to spread this out too much. The content includes things such as recce and deployment, safety, local defence of the gun position and fire planning.

There is a DP 1.2 but it is not required for reserve officers.