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Remote Recruiting


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I think I'm probably not the only one wondering this. It may be a while before I can get to the recruiting center in Edmonton. I was wondering if theres a way to go through this proccess from a distance. I figured at most I'd talk to someone and they'd tell me I have to come down there anyways. I want to know if its possible before I call that number. Im 18, all I have is grade 10. I have been considering the army for some time. Can anyone help me out here?
No, you can't join the army from a distance, it would be like some refugee joining the canadian forces. ( dont want to be mean)

I am not sure, if i understood your post but here i go :)

Reasons you cant do it online/from distances is because you cant do your testing from a distance :) You cant attach a web cam and do your ur pushups, medical etc.

Sorry man, your gonna have to do that.  this way they also see how you look like and who you are.

BTW - if you used search you will find someone already talkin bout this :) I don't want to do it for you though.
call the number, visit the website. If you have questions after that, that the official channels cannot address come on back and pm me. I'll re-open the thread then.
Registering an account, and making a post, then logging off in under ten minutes raises suspicions as to your intent.

Next thing; many before you have inquired into these matters.  I would suggest our Search Function and our Wiki forums.  In the meantime, when you return, here are some things that you should have looked at more seriously when you registered:

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

I first joined the forces through a recruiting centre 300 km's from my home back in '95.  The recruiting process was pretty much the same for my recent re-enrolment with the removed convenience of being able to drop in whenever I wanted.  All of my testing and interviewing was done on the same day, and I was provided transportation for the day of my swearing in.  My memory isn't great, but I think all other transportation was out of my own pocket (but hey, that was, what fifteen years ago).

There is a good chance you can do it in your hometown. i can anyways im 1300km from the vancouver center there coming up here in 2 weeks for the testing.  so they should come to yours some time but you will have to phone and see when.
WebAddict said:
No, you can't join the army from a distance, it would be like some refugee joining the canadian forces. ( dont want to be mean)

I am not sure, if i understood your post but here i go :)

Reasons you cant do it online/from distances is because you cant do your testing from a distance :) You cant attach a web cam and do your ur pushups, medical etc.

Sorry man, your gonna have to do that.  this way they also see how you look like and who you are.

You are mistaken.

It is absolutely possible to join the CF from remote areas..

You are tested locally at contracted sites (fitness clubs, hospitals etc.) or transported (at crown expense) to a testing centre of the CFs choosing.

For example, when you join from a remote location in the NWT, they fly you to Yellowknife for certain tests, but the preliminary ones are done in your hometown.

Don't let the distance scare you, the CF picks up the tab, from bus fare to plane fare and all the meals along the way. Being recruited from a distance only costs you your time.
Kenny and GO!!! make sense to me. I'd go with their info. The CF wants you to join, so they'll do everything they can to give you the chance.

As for the rest of you: start putting more effort into your posts. Any more of this MSN shit, and I'll take appropriate measures.
Lots of good advice given.

I'd suggest that you submit your application (either mail it in or apply on-line) and let the CFRC coordinate the processing. Afterall, that's what they do - they'll look after all of your travel arrangements.
my situation is similar but after researching and common sense I will wait to apply until I get to toronto.

heres me:

Canadian born, still a citizen but lived in USA from age 6 to now (22).  ive never been back but now Im moving back very soon and want to join as an officer.  after talking to a recruiter it is clear i just need advice for information to bring.  does anyone have suggestions for what i should bring (besides myself, clothes, etc)?

please add to my list:

birth certificate
university transcript
high school transcript
fbi background check
cf application

thanks for all your help guys.  i look forward to returning to canada even though it feels like ive never been there!
Im a bit confused about what you mean by "What to bring"?
The CFRC should be the best people around to tell you exactly what they want from you, especially given your situation.
suraj216 said:
what to bring as in documents

That's what I mean... how could anyone on this board (save for perhaps maybe someone working in a CFRC right now) know exactly what they need from you given current timings, policies, canforgens, and your availability?  Certainly not more than your own file manager.

Just give the CFRC a call, ask what you need,  ensure you understood, and go from there.
listen to Meridian  he knows what he is talking about just call cfrc they will tell you what you need to know