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Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition

mariomike said:
Adding to the Newsroom.

If interested in the article, click on the link.


Jan. 27, 2018

Prosecutors say a terror suspect was ‘brainwashed’ by far-right voices online. Can you blame the people he read?
A series of recent criminal cases are again raising the question of how the spread of hateful or radical views can lead to violence. If the debate sounds familiar, it is.

U.K. prosecutors on Tuesday said a London terror suspect was “brainwashed” by right-wing personalities and online material — including from a Canadian outlet — in the weeks before he allegedly drove a van into Muslim worshippers, killing one.

Earlier this month, a man threatened to shoot CNN employees to fight the network his president mercilessly targets — “Fake news. I’m coming to gun you all down,” a male voice said in a telephone call, according to documents unsealed this week.

And in Canada, a country will on Monday mark the one-year anniversary of a mass shooting at a Quebec City mosque that killed six — an attack in which the suspect was reportedly a fan of French Front National leader Marine Le Pen’s xenophobic views.


Sorry to be digging up a necro post, but I realized the results of this particular trial were never posted here. The man who drove the van into the worshippers exiting a mosque in London was convicted of both murder and attempted murder, and the matter was treated by the courts as a terrorist offense for purpose of sentencing. Its similar to how in Canadian law a violent offense can be considered a 'terrorist activity' for sentencing purposes if it meets certain criteria. The judge's written reasons for sentencing are pretty clear and blistering. Four and a half pages, so it's a pretty quick read. It includes a succinct summary of the attacker's background, and his rapid path to radicalization. There's also a hint in there to how the sort of 'target hardening' that has become routine at major public events probably preventing him from mounting a much worse attack based on his original plan earlier that same day.


Brihard said:
Sorry to be digging up a necro post, but I realized the results of this particular trial were never posted here. The man who drove the van into the worshippers exiting a mosque in London was convicted of both murder and attempted murder, and the matter was treated by the courts as a terrorist offense for purpose of sentencing. Its similar to how in Canadian law a violent offense can be considered a 'terrorist activity' for sentencing purposes if it meets certain criteria. The judge's written reasons for sentencing are pretty clear and blistering. Four and a half pages, so it's a pretty quick read. It includes a succinct summary of the attacker's background, and his rapid path to radicalization. There's also a hint in there to how the sort of 'target hardening' that has become routine at major public events probably preventing him from mounting a much worse attack based on his original plan earlier that same day.


Thanks for the update -- here's the decision in case the link doesn't work.


Some more analysis from New Jersey's DHS ...
Black Separatist Extremists


    Black separatist extremists are individuals or groups that seek to establish an independent nation for people of African descent through force or violence. They claim superiority over whites, are typically anti-Semitic, and oppose integration and interracial marriage.

    The intent and capability of black separatist groups vary by chapter and region. At least two groups are active in New Jersey: the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) and the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ (ICGJC). The NBPP portrays itself as a militant modern expression of the original Black Panther Party; however, representatives of the original group have denounced the “exploitation of the party’s name and history” and have called the organization “a black racist hate group.” The ICGJC justifies its rhetoric with religious ideology and believes its members are the true Hebrew descendants. NBPP and ICGJC promote violent and hate-based rhetoric against law enforcement, government officials, Jews, and whites.

Threat to New Jersey: Low

Black separatist extremist organizations in New Jersey are disorganized and continue to focus on activities related to narcotics, illegal weapons, and financial crimes
More @ link or attached one-pager if link doesn't work for you.


??? ... organizations in xxxx are disorganized ....

They are ready to govern!!
From NJ's DHS ...
Domestic Terrorism in 2018

There were 32 domestic terrorist attacks, disrupted plots, threats of violence, and weapons stockpiling by individuals with a radical political or social agenda who lack direction or influence from foreign terrorist organizations (across the U.S.) in 2018. NJOHSP defines domestic terrorism as violence committed by individuals or groups—including anti-government, race-based, religious, and single-issue extremist ideologies—associated primarily with US-based movements.

All information was derived from publicly available sources.
Map/breakdown in attached visuals & one-page PDF here.


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RangerRay said:
Probably because in my line of work, I am more likely to run into these clowns than any other extremist out there.

Because of their twisted ideology based on legal fiction sold to them by sophisticated grifters, these guys believe that the laws of our society do not apply them and do not recognise the authority of law enforcement and the courts.  As such, encounters with these guys are at best difficult; at worst very deadly.  Law enforcement officer in Canada and the US have been assaulted and murdered by these guys during traffic stops and even by-law incidents.  When encounters do not turn violent, sovereigns (or freemen) usually engage in harassment and "paper terrorism" against any official they feel slighted by.  Good luck selling your house in a timely fashion if one of these assholes puts a lien on your house because you gave them a ticket.

A lot of people are drawn to this ideology because to the uneducated and the paranoid, it looks like a legit way to get out of paying taxes, debts and alimony.  Why pay for a driver's license and registering your vehicle when you can declare yourself "sovereign" or a "freeman on the land" and get out from under the thumb of "the man"?  And since "the man" can't hassle you, you can fight back if he does.  Or so the gurus tell the gullible.

These guys are far more common than you would think.



Let them be free, but all the government services aren't, so they pay a toll everytime to use a government built road, bridge, etc
From Jersey's DHS - also attached as PDF if link doesn't work for you ...
Conspiracy Theory Likely Leads to Extremist Violence

White supremacist extremists will likely cite “white genocide” as justification for violence against certain religious communities being the only option to save the white race. Since 2018, there have been no New Jersey-based white supremacist extremist attacks; however, groups and individuals within the State continue to promote the conspiracy in person and online.

    On April 27, John Earnest attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, resulting in one death and three injuries. Prior to the shooting, Earnest stated online that Jewish people are responsible for the planned genocide of the European race, that he is willing to “sacrifice [his] future…for the sake of people,” and that he “would die a thousand times over to prevent the doomed fate that the Jews have planned for the race.”

    On March 15, Brenton Tarrant attacked two mosques in New Zealand, resulting in 51 deaths and 49 injuries. Throughout his manifesto, Tarrant referenced his beliefs that mass immigration from non-European countries and cultural assimilation will result in the racial and cultural replacement of European people. Additionally, Tarrant stated he carried out the attacks against the mosques because he viewed them as a “large group of invaders…that seek to occupy peoples land and ethnically replace people.”

    On October 27, Robert Bowers shot and killed 11 people and injured six others at a synagogue in Pittsburgh after allegedly yelling, “all Jews must die.” Hours prior to the shooting, Bowers posted online that a Jewish organization “likes to bring invaders in that kill people” and that he “can’t sit by and watch people get slaughtered.”



Quoted from Reply #147,
The white genocide conspiracy theory is the belief that there is a Jewish plot to promote cultural assimilation, immigration, and interracial marriage between European and non-European countries that will result in the extinction of the white race.

That may explain the "Jews will not replace us" chant.

Colin P said:
Let them be free, but all the government services aren't, so they pay a toll everytime to use a government built road, bridge, etc.
This from NJ's DHS on Friday
On July 6, counter-protest groups, including anarchist extremists, plan to mobilize against a “Demand Free Speech” rally the Proud Boys and several alt-right personalities are attending in Washington, DC. At this time, there are no overt calls for violence from either side; however, physical altercations have occurred at similar events in the past …

More @ link and in attached if link doesn't work.

… and what unfolded …



Here is a link to a FBI Intelligence Bulletin on how fringe conspiracy theories may motivate extremists to commit acts of violence.
milnews.ca said:
As Evans notes in his final paragraph, "Until law enforcement, and the media, treat these shooters as part of a terrorist movement no less organized, or deadly, than ISIS or Al Qaeda, the violence will continue. There will be more killers, more gleeful celebration of body counts on 8chan, and more bloody attempts to beat the last killer’s 'high score'."

Bringing that perception about will be a virtually impossible challenge when a large segment of society dismissively accepts that "there's good people on both sides" of radicalized violence.  :brickwall:

Retired AF Guy said:
Here is a link to a FBI Intelligence Bulletin on how fringe conspiracy theories may motivate extremists to commit acts of violence.
For anyone interested, Ghayda Hassan (L'Université du Québec à Montréal -- UQAM) is leading some very comprehensive research on the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism.

Dayton and El Paso gun rampages: 251 mass shootings in the US in 216 days

As gunfire ripped through America in an unprecedented 24 hours, a bleak milestone in a nation pocked by gun violence was marked: There have been 251 mass shootings in 2019.

A shooting spree early Sunday at an entertainment district in Dayton, Ohio – which left at least nine dead and 16 hurt – notched an even darker statistic: It occurred on the 216th day of the year, meaning there have been more mass shootings than days so far this year.

That incident followed a rampage Saturday at a Walmart jammed with back-to-school shoppers in El Paso, Texas, which left 20 dead and 26 injured.

The two massacres became the nation's latest mass shootings as defined by the Gun Violence Archive, a not-for-profit organization that provides online public access to information about gun-related violence.

The archive categorizes mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people were shot or killed, not including the shooters. So far this year, more than 520 people have died in mass shootings and at least 2,000 have been injured, according to the data.

Baden Guy said:
Dayton and El Paso gun rampages: 251 mass shootings in the US in 216 days


Once you wrap your head around one simple thing, this makes more sense:

America is ok with mass shootings.

That’s not to say that an individual American is ok with them - though logically, many must be. It’s not to say that particular individual legislators, justices, activists, or leadership figures in public life are ok with mass shootings. Many are. But in aggregate, America as a society, as a political and judicial system, and as a public policy machine has collectively decided that regular mass shootings are an acceptable cost to their way of life.

The slight risk any given individual runs of being in the wrong time and wrong place is an acceptable one. It’s deemed to be better than a generational- and national-scale strategy for such things as mental health, gang violence, violent radicalization and, yes, gun control,

America remains the only country in the developed world where this not just regularly but constantly happens. Anywhere else in the developed world, these events are terrifyingly exceptional, and generally lead to things being done. In America we get the same vacuous platitudes, the same ‘thoughts and prayers’, and the same ‘it’s too soon to talk about...’, trusting that a fresh stack of warm and bloodied bodies will perpetually reset that clock.

It’s disgusting and pathetic. And in the grand scheme of things, it’s a choice they made.
If ISIS members had shot up Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton the discussion would be very different.
dapaterson said:
If ISIS members had shot up Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton the discussion would be very different.
Hear hear. I will state the obvious and there are very, very serious problems with mass shootings and gun violence in the USA. As others have stated here if Sandy Hook did not change anything I don’t know what will...

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