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Reimbursement of educational fees already paid at Civie University


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I have searched a bit already and am still not sure what the whole "reimbursement of educational fees" means

I have paid my university education myself (well with the help of OSAP)
and i have paid half of it of already but i still have about 11 thousand left on osap to pay off.

Now if I enter in the Regular force as an officer under DEO do they reimburse my previously paid fees oreven my left over OSAP debt??
Do I need to bring this up to a recruiter to find the ans?
And what about signing bonuses. . .a friend of mine said that I might get a signing bonus because I have already attained a degree just curious to the possible truth of such statements (the only signing bonus i see is dentist and medical which I am not)


HA ha ha

Thanks Geo for the answer I figured that might be the same case just checking if any one else had any ideas
but i guess when i am being that specific the recruiter is the way to go


DEO does not offer financial reimbursment for education.  The up side is you don't incur obligatory service for your subsidized education.

coreymclean said:

I have searched a bit already and am still not sure what the whole "reimbursement of educational fees" means

I have paid my university education myself (well with the help of OSAP)
and i have paid half of it of already but i still have about 11 thousand left on osap to pay off.

Now if I enter in the Regular force as an officer under DEO do they reimburse my previously paid fees oreven my left over OSAP debt??
Do I need to bring this up to a recruiter to find the ans?
And what about signing bonuses. . .a friend of mine said that I might get a signing bonus because I have already attained a degree just curious to the possible truth of such statements (the only signing bonus i see is dentist and medical which I am not)


Busy posting aren't you?

As previously mentioned there is no reimbursement of educational costs to obtain your degree if you are a DEO.  Signing bonuses are for certain occupations such as Engineering or Medical Officers.  Since you have a Philosophy Degree and are not eligible to join these occupations you are SOL.  Strongly suggest you spend some more time reading the boards as you will find most of your answers with a little effort.
kincanucks said:
Busy posting aren't you?

As previously mentioned there is no reimbursement of educational costs to obtain your degree if you are a DEO.  Signing bonuses are for certain occupations such as Engineering or Medical Officers.  Since you have a Philosophy Degree and are not eligible to join these occupations you are SOL.  Strongly suggest you spend some more time reading the boards as you will find most of your answers with a little effort.

There's a signing bonus for Engineering Officers? I've searched around but never found any official mention of this. A signing bonus for Medical Officers is mentioned on the recruiting site, but I found none for engineers. Is it because it's discontinued and was available in the past?

I'm being merit listed as a CELE and have student loans debt. I would like to pay this off as soon as possible so a signing bonus would be nice, if not, oh well. The salary would be enough to eventually pay off the debt and that's what matters the most.  :)
Flav said:
There's a signing bonus for Engineering Officers? I've searched around but never found any official mention of this. A signing bonus for Medical Officers is mentioned on the recruiting site, but I found none for engineers. Is it because it's discontinued and was available in the past?

I'm being merit listed as a CELE and have student loans debt. I would like to pay this off as soon as possible so a signing bonus would be nice, if not, oh well. The salary would be enough to eventually pay off the debt and that's what matters the most.  :)

Well if it wasn't mentioned during your processing then I would hazard a guess that it is no longer available but check with your CFRC/D to confirm.
A "Signing Bonus" is not written in stone.  It is not a fact.  It is not a 'God Given Right'.  It is not fixed to any specific Occupation/Trade.  A Signing Bonus may be offered for any Occupation/Trade that is undermanned and requires manning.  It does not last forever.  Once that Occupation/Trade is 'full', then there is no need to attract personnel to it, and thus no need for continuance of a "Signing Bonus". 

If that is the only reason you are applying for an Occupation/Trade then you are making a big mistake.  The Signing Bonus is not an automatic, lump sum payment, but one given over a period of time while employed in that job.

If you want up to date info, then go to the CFRC. 

Back to Reimbursement of Educational Fees.
Some general info regarding recruiting allowances, signing bonuses etc.

Recruiting allowances may be provided to eligible applicants entering the Regular Force who have applied for an occupation listed as understrength.  As of 3 Nov 06, the current understrength military occupation list is as follows:

Naval Electronics Technician (Sonar)
Naval Electronics Technician (Communication)
Naval Electronics Technician (Radar)
Signal Operator
Medical Radiation Technologist
Biomedical Electronics Technologist
Intelligence Operator
Medical Officer
Aerospace Engineer
Airfield Engineer
Communications & Electronics Engineer
Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Engineer Officer
Signals Officer
Naval Combat Systems Engineer

The mere possession of a certain trade or academic qualification does not necessarily mean that an applicant meets CF requirements.  The CF is seeking those personnel with skill sets that meet current CF occupation requirements.  Therefore, each applicant file will be reviewed to determine currency of the pertinent skills or academic qualifications and competency.

- Applicants selected for engineering occupations may be eligible for a $40,000 recruiting allowance.  $25,000 is payable when the officer meets all the eligibility criteria (including successful completion of basic training).  $15,000 is payable 24 months after the first instalment providing the officer is still serving in the Regular Force as an officer in an engineering occupation.

Recruitment allowances are subject to income tax, CPP and EI deductions.

Members in receipt of a recruitment allowance will serve in the Regular Force in the assigned understrength military occupation for a specified period of obligatory service from the date of enrolment or transfer. 