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Army.ca Legend
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Great story about the mascot of Canadian Engineers in Afghanistan.

Hey!  That's my old gunner.  Now you imply that we are associated..........are we playing the 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon' now?
Tina is being royally spoiled by troops at the base and was being fed Pop-Tarts during the interviews.

Atleast she's eating good!..heh
That's a pretty cool picture, looks like an albino donkey I never knew they could be white.

That is soooo cute! Awe, see, big tough army guys can melt over puppies, kids....and now donkeys!
Donkeys and mules have a long history with Canadian troops, especially the 1st CanInfDiv in Italy during WW2. In that back water part of the war, the "D-Day Dodgers " used them enmass to carry everything that they needed to fight with, up and down the spines of the Italian hills. So much for "mechanised infantry " <grin>

Looks like the tradition is continuing today, although this particular macot dosen't seem in any danger of being "worked to death " more likey to die of a "Pop Tart " O.D.  Will this mascot  result in a call for a Vet Tech / sutler to be sent to the sand box ?

Jim B Toronto.
jimb said:
Looks like the tradition is continuing today, although this particular macot dosen't seem in any danger of being "worked to death " more likey to die of a "Pop Tart " O.D.  Will this mascot  result in a call for a Vet Tech / sutler to be sent to the sand box ?

Jim B Toronto.


now the NDP will complain that we are killing the local livestock (let alone STEALING the livestock)

killing them with preservatives from pop tarts which are clearly not meant to be used for goats but could
have been given to starving children in remote area's of Danfur.  Where are our priorities.. I ask you?!  :-X
At the risk of hijacking the thread, this donkey also is doing better than Yeltneb did in Cyprus in the late-sixties.

Now, this is story, which became part of army lore at the time, concerns one of the battalions of the Royal Highland Regiment of Canada which was completing a tour in Cyprus. The unit was being replaced in country by 1 RCR from London. Just prior to the arrival of the advance party some of the Black Watch junior officers purchased an elderly and ill donkey from a local farmer who was about to consign the poor beast to the local equivilent of the glue factory. When the Royals's advance party arrived, great pains were taken to inform them that Yeltneb (the RHC's CO's first name spelled backwards) was a gift from the local community and that particular care should be taken to ensure that the animal remained alive and healthy. Shortly after the rotation was completed, Yeltneb went to whatever reward awaits deceased donkeys, much to the consternation of the new battalion. To add to their discomfort, a couple of locals who had been brought into the joke by the Highlanders, made it a point of calling on the unit to enquire after the donkey's health.

Disclaimer: I have heard several versions of this story over the years, and it has no doubt improved with the telling and re-telling.
Trinity said:

now the NDP will complain that we are killing the local livestock (let alone STEALING the livestock)

killing them with preservatives from pop tarts which are clearly not meant to be used for goats but could
have been given to starving children in remote area's of Danfur.  Where are our priorities.. I ask you?!  :-X

You never grew up near animals did you, Padre?  This is now several posts by you, and you still mistake the donkey for a goat.  I am waiting now for your comments on 'goat's milk' and your attempts to get some from 'our mascot'.

The Padre is from Toronto, which explains a lot.

  In order to help with your AFV (Animal, Farmyard variety) Recognition, i have posted a link below that may be of help.

I think....

the fact I cannot name my barnyard animals bodes well for me TYVM  ;D

I cannot be held to any accusation of lonely farmers or Scotsman!

Besides, if its not a DOG or CAT... its food!
Dogs AND cats are tasty....especially on kabobs!!!
Appropos of nothing but remembering a joke my Romanian father-in-law told me:

Q:  Why does a Dacia (a Romanian make of  car) have 2 holes drilled in the roof over the driver's seat?

A:  To fit the ears of the donkey who bought it.

I trust Regulator-1 rates at least a Bison ;D