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References Superthread [Merged]

Hey everyone, I know this have most likely already been answer but when I tried to search for it this came up "Due to high stress on the server, the search function has been automatically and temporarily disabled. Please try again in a short while." I cannot wait, I need to know now. I am in a bit of a situation.

I needed to know if for the references you supply need to write a paragraph about you to send to a recruiter or if the recruiter just contacts them asking questions about you. Please, anyone who went through the process help me. Thank you
Sipkes said:
Hey everyone, I know this have most likely already been answer but when I tried to search for it this came up "Due to high stress on the server, the search function has been automatically and temporarily disabled. Please try again in a short while." I cannot wait, I need to know now. I am in a bit of a situation.

I needed to know if for the references you supply need to write a paragraph about you to send to a recruiter or if the recruiter just contacts them asking questions about you. Please, anyone who went through the process help me. Thank you

Here is the thread on references: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/12763.0.html, you should find all the answers about references in there.


Hey guys,

So I am in the process of applying for NCM reserve infantry. I filled out the standard reference section, with my 5 professional references yada yada yada, however due to my being a dual citizen (UK) I had to fill out an additional "long screening" security form.

I was born in Canada, and have resided here al my life, however I hold dual citizenship to the UK through my father, as well as two passports.

My question is: How much extra time does this usually add to the aplication process, and does anyone have any horror stories of beurocratic hassel as a result of this?

Any info about the additional process is appreciated. Thank you.

I just want ask one question regarding the references for my reserve centre, It ask's for 5 references and one that knows you for atleast 5 years, could I have 5 references and all of them are teachers? and atleast one of them I known for 4 years? because I dont know any of them for 5 years.
AndrewK said:

I just want ask one question regarding the references for my reserve centre, It ask's for 5 references and one that knows you for atleast 5 years, could I have 5 references and all of them are teachers? and atleast one of them I known for 4 years? because I dont know any of them for 5 years.

Please READ this thread.  You will find your answer.

Please READ the instructions on the document you were given.  They are Clear and Concise.  Black and White.  Simple. 

If you are incapable of reading and following instructions, you may find that your acceptance into the Canadian Armed Forces will be an impossible challenge to meet.
Hey guys,

There were simply too many posts to wade through to see if my question was answered prior to posting, so sorry in advance to any of those I may offend ;D I simply need some clarification on one of the bullets found within the DND Personal Data Verification form. The bullet reads "Copies of identification must be included with you completed forms. Ensure that the copies you provide are clear and readable." Now, this may be silly, but my girlfriend asked if they were referring to the references enclosed in the forms. I simply thought this meant a copy of your Driver's License, Health Card, Birth Certificate etc. and thought it would be silly to ask for a copy of identification for the reference ('Hey boss, can I get a copy of your driver's license? Thanks') but I simply wanted to verify that this was not the case and they were simply asking for copies of identification for you only.

Zerkaiya said:
Hey guys,

There were simply too many posts to wade through to see if my question was answered prior to posting, so sorry in advance to any of those I may offend ;D I simply need some clarification on one of the bullets found within the DND Personal Data Verification form. The bullet reads "Copies of identification must be included with you completed forms. Ensure that the copies you provide are clear and readable." Now, this may be silly, but my girlfriend asked if they were referring to the references enclosed in the forms. I simply thought this meant a copy of your Driver's License, Health Card, Birth Certificate etc. and thought it would be silly to ask for a copy of identification for the reference ('Hey boss, can I get a copy of your driver's license? Thanks') but I simply wanted to verify that this was not the case and they were simply asking for copies of identification for you only.


Thanks for being so lazy as not to search and asking someone else to.  You will not go far with your lack of initiative.

Your lack of English comprehension is showing and your going to face serious problems if you can not follow the most simple of instructions.

The bullet reads "Copies of identification must be included with you completed forms. Ensure that the copies you provide are clear and readable."


Keep It Stupid Simple.  (KISS)  Bring in the forms of IDENTIFICATION that they ask for, and they will make copies.  If you bring in copies, ensure you have the originals on hand as well for verification.  KISS. 
LoL, I concur that there are simply way too many posts to wade through especially since a majority of the posts are kind of obsolete being that many of them are from prior 2010, let alone this year. Anyways, I also had difficulty finding references as I am 22 years of age atm (so calling up a high school teacher doesn't exactly work unless you have kept in contact with them for 6 years). I could not even use my current doctor because I had a pediatrician prior to age of majority so he's only known me for a little over 4 now. I've also ONLY held my current job for 2.5 years, so I could not use my employer as a professional reference either. I am lucky enough to have been volunteering at the same place for 5 years straight and I am very good friends with my supervisor. But , my other references were all neighbours and a friend. The latter of which I worked with during a job in high school. By the end of the day, however, it is not an easy feat to acquire your references, though it is much easier if you are a recent high school graduate. Also, the forms I was given had asked for FOUR (4) references and NOT five. In addition, the Sarge who processed me initially told me to STAY AWAY FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY. When my form was looked over, he said that my two references would most likely have been declined if they had not had any work/volunteer affiliation. Hopefully this answers questions and avoids having people to cycle through the numerous posts of this superthread. Also, just as a reference, I am performing the application process in Toronto


EDIT: Grammar
So not sure what to do, but here it is:

two of my references which I work with, were away at the Maple syrup shack for a week.  Same week they called to use as my reference.  Unfortunately, reference one didnt answer because he didn't know the number.  Reference two just didn't see the call.

Reference one wrote the number to call on a piece of paper, and then lost the paper.  Reference two's phone deleted the voice mail because it had been 3 days by the time he got back to they city and in cell range. 

I've used both of these references before, so it wasn't that they didn't want to be used.

Went into CFRC Ottawa, and was told to wait for Guarda to contact me about the references.  Is this true?  Do they  not try calling a second time?
So just thought I would provide a helpful update to those people who are having trouble finding references that have known them for five years each. I spoke to my file manager the other day, and although the forms have not been updated to reflect the change, the new and current policy is that your references have to have known you for a **combined** five years.

Hope this helps anyone.
Cardiomegaly1 said:
So just thought I would provide a helpful update to those people who are having trouble finding references that have known them for five years each. I spoke to my file manager the other day, and although the forms have not been updated to reflect the change, the new and current policy is that your references have to have known you for a **combined** five years.

Hope this helps anyone.

Can anyone confirm this?
Nick1911 said:
Cardiomegaly1 said:
So just thought I would provide a helpful update to those people who are having trouble finding references that have known them for five years each. I spoke to my file manager the other day, and although the forms have not been updated to reflect the change, the new and current policy is that your references have to have known you for a **combined** five years.

Hope this helps anyone.
Can anyone confirm this?

At the looks from what he posted, he is not clear on the matter and has probably misinterpreted what he was told.  It would be advisable to confirm with your CFRC what is in fact correct. 

I would interpret this as each of your References should have known you for five years, but not necessarily the last five years.  As I had moved to a new city and none of my acquaintances there knew me for more than a few months, I had to use references from my former residence who knew me for over five years. 

Five people who knew me for one year each, and totalling five years amongst all of them, being acceptable as filling the requirement for references does not make sense.
George Wallace said:
Can anyone confirm this?

At the looks from what he posted, he is not clear on the matter and has probably misinterpreted what he was told.  It would be advisable to confirm with your CFRC what is in fact correct. 

I would interpret this as each of your References should have known you for five years, but not necessarily the last five years.  As I had moved to a new city and none of my acquaintances there knew me for more than a few months, I had to use references from my former residence who knew me for over five years. 

Five people who knew me for one year each, and totalling five years amongst all of them, being acceptable as filling the requirement for references does not make sense.

I definitely didn't misinterpret it. I confirmed this with 3 different people at the CFRC-Edmonton. Two file managers and one recruiter all said the same thing. They all suggested that you use people that have known you for different lengths of time (eg one who knew you 1 year, one who knew you 2 years, etc...), and that the minimum summed total is 5 years. Taking it to the extreme end of the minimum requirements would be 3 people who knew you for 1 year and 1 who knew you for 2 years (since they only ask for four references now). But who ever got anywhere in life by barely exceeding the minimum requirements? It's tailored to accommodate students a little better now, since they have intermittent work histories and you generally don't get to know your professors well in a large university. Don't take my word for it, call your CFRC and confirm if you like.
For me I just put two people down for five years, and had a couple three-four year that were supervisors. I did end up putting a couple one-two year ones because they related most to the work I'm trying to get in to. When I spoke to my RC about it before I submitted he sounded adamant that it every be known for five years. But quite honestly -_- the best references you get come from post secondary and after.

I have a references from a doctor, two nurses, and both my EMS partners. Unfortunately they were under one year so I couldn't add them.. so I handed them on from a seperate piece of paper but I doubt they'll use it.
I included four references in my application.

In my case being a military wife, we move fairly frequently. Being out of the workforce for the previous five years (raising a family) I didn't have current work references, although I have experience in my field. I did receive a phone call from Garda asking me who each of my references were but they processed it all smoothly. My references called me the day of my interview to let me know they had been contacted.

I used a former landlord, two currently serving members in senior positions, and an  immediate neighbour.

I did this all back before Christmas last year. Garda did say the younger applicants were struggling with finding suitable people, so I knew my situation was not unique.
carefree said:
I included four references in my application.

In my case being a military wife, we move fairly frequently. Being out of the workforce for the previous five years (raising a family) I didn't have current work references, although I have experience in my field.
I did this all back before Christmas last year. Garda did say the younger applicants were struggling with finding suitable people, so I knew my situation was not unique.

Once again......Where does it say anywhere in the instructions about your "references" that they have to be current?  If you held a job for five years, six years ago, there is nothing stopping you from using your former employer, manager, or coworkers as references.

The same can be said for any of your other references.  If you had a neighbour, when you were growing up, who knew you for five or more years, but you have since moved away, there is nothing stopping you from using them as a reference.  If you had a teacher who coached you on your school sports team and/or taught you for several years, they are just as eligible, as would be a minister of the Church/Synagog/Mosque; or a Scout/Girl Guide leader, etc. 

Why do some of you have to over complicate a simple request?

I filled it out exactly as described, because I am quite capable of reading. That said when Garda called they wanted current references, and ONLY for work ones.  I explained mine were obsolete (healthcare has a high turnover in management retiring)I played telephone tag for two days between them and the recruiting office to confirm my references were indeed fine. I did my part, but if they can't make up their mind on policy, we can hardly be faulted for complicating issues when our t's are crossed correctly.

Recruiters said Personal refs were fine. Garda said they weren't acceptable. Two heads weren't matching up.
The reference section of my application was as straight forward as any request for references has been i.e. jobs in the past and even college. look at the bottom of your resume..(if you have one) and im sure that atleast one of your references there would work.
its very simple, you're applying for  a job, a very good job!, they need to verify your loyalty and ability to follow orders. i am sure that everyone can come up with several people who have known you for an extended period of time.
i put down three names that have known me for 5 years each, and one that had known me for just under 3 years.

good luck, and read everything over carefully you are given with the CF. its as much a test as it is important to fill out.
Hi there,
    I've been pulling out my hair trying to find my references and almost have the four asked for on the sheet. I'm rather worried however that due to timezones and availability there may be issues in connecting. I really don't have any other options than the people I have so far and it's proving difficult to even find the fourth as I moved between 5 different middle/highschools. (I'm 20 now) As well as this in the past 2 years I've moved 4 times each to a new town/city... Anyways enough of that explanation as to why I have no other choices in my references...

I had a look through the forum already and I didn't see an answer to my question.
How do CRFC work with Timezones?
One of my references (Coach) Now resides in the UK and they are 8 hours ahead.
As well as this another one of my references (Once again a sports coach) Cannot be reached until it is 10:00 PM EDT due to his job.

With reference requirements getting stricter and stricter my chance of getting in seems slimmer and slimmer...