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Red Friday Rally Kingston 13 Oct

Jack Neilson

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At noon today a rally was held in Confederation Park, Kingston Ontario.  The rally was sponsored by a local radio station but was organized n a hurry and did not get much prior publicity.  Despite this and a very blustery day by the waterfront a few hundred people showed up and the rally itself was very successful.  Among the dignitaries who spoke were  Karen Boire and Lisa Miller from Petawawa, Kingston's mayor, the D/Comd of CFB Kingston, and representatives of the Military Family Resource Centre.  A representative of CFJSR was also present but did not speak.  Music was performed by the C & E Garrison Military Band.  A highlight was when a member of the audience asked to speak and gave a most moving tribute to the Forces.  Mrs. Marianne Thompson was born in Holland during the war and spoke at some length concerning how people remember the liberation and how their respect for Canadians is passed on to their children.  She is married to a Canadian and spoke about her son in law, presently posted in Pet and of his 7 tours including Afghanistan.  The applause was deafening and extended.  Kingston hopes to make a Red Friday Rally an annual event (but in better weather and with more notice and publicity).
I, very briefly, met Karen and Lisa at CFJSR yesterday on my way back from a PD session as they were being shown around The Regiment.  I wish I had more time to talk with them.  They should be very proud of what they have accomplished, getting the people of Canada to show their support of the CF when we need it the most.

I was at a wedding a couple of weeks ago in Wasaga Beach for a cousin of mine, and many of my relatives told me about their participating in the Wear Red on Fridays.  I was impressed by the support my family was showing for our troops at home and overseas, and I have Karen and Lisa to thank for coming up with the idea of wearing red to unify and identify them all.

Karen and Lisa, THANKS!
Hello ... I am Lisa  ;)
figured I should sign up on Army.ca and say hello

you briefly met me?
I met a lot of people that day
Had a blast in Kingston

I cant take all the credit for Red Fridays ... I've had help along the way (lots of help)
and to be honest ... if the media and Canadians didn't accept the concept of Red Fridays it would have gone nowhere

But it is a pleasure for me to spread the word and to encourage people to SHOW their support
Our Troops are listening (seeing it)
I was introduced to you outside where all the construction is going on.  You were being shown around by  the air force MCpl...His name escapes me....  I must apologize, as I was really rushed, and in a hurry to get back to the office.  We had just come out of a briefing on how to reduce stress, and I was stressing out because I had many things I could have been getting done instead of being in that briefing....Irony or what!

Anyhow,  You say you had lots of help, but THANKS for doing your part.  Your involvement is what got the media and many Canadians involved from coast to coast!

I thank you for that.

I hope we can meet again, and I can actually talk with you.

Take care and keep up the good work!
JSR OP said:
I was introduced to you outside where all the construction is going on.  You were being shown around by  the air force MCpl...His name escapes me.... 

That was super cook! Known him for 17 years. No names here but he was the one who tried to become a DJ with K-Rock a couple of years ago when they had their DJ search.

Hello Lisa, I also met you that day upstairs in our new building and heard you on K-Rock just before you showed up. It was a pleasure meeting you both and I hope you and Karen keep up the good work you've been doing.
We enjoyed meeting everyone
Always fun to see places you dont normally see ... a change from Pet!!! lol

Karen and I are still spreading the word ... there are a couple rally's coming up soon ... in Ontario .... one is Barrie (Novemeber 10th) and one in London(on the 11th ... yeah yeah i know that's remembrance day ... but they are making it about veterans past, present,future)  ... trying to get a few more started in other areas

I've been trying to get a hold of our 'tour guide'  through email but I've yet to hear back from him ... maybe I got the email addy wrong  ???
