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I applied to join the Canadian Forces one month ago, I was told I would do my test in Feb, or March. However now I learn that there is a open test running in less two weeks (if you did not apply yet). I spoke with my recruiter today who advised me that I cannot write my test until someone calls me. Plus I may not even be accepted to write my test I may just go into another pile saying not approved at this time. Can someone please help I tried to apply last summer and missed the cut off date I just want to start my carrier, I know once I write my test I would be accepted however just getting to that point is killing me.  If anyone has any helpful hints on how to speed up the process or make sure I don't go into the not at this time pile that would be great.

Thank you
Sorry I should have been more specific, I am applying for Navy Reg force, I applied for 3 "in demand" jobs however explained I would accept another position if need be. I do have high school but that was 6 years ago and have been working full time since.  Just want to know if there is anymore I can do other than sit on my butt and wait. I alsounderstand that patience is something I need to work on.
I do know they are mainly doing some medicals and interviews for people looking to apply for the RMC, my own medical was postponed until March, but got in in January only because of a cancellation. I'd wait another few weeks, then call back and ask for an update. Patience is definitely a virtue when applying. Some of us have had applications in for over a year
The poll makes absolutely no sense. If you are asking what makes the recruiting process long? Either the testing (CFAT, Medical, etc.) or the administration (security check, references, etc.), then I would probably say the administration.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Poll is gone.
And here I was just about to make some witty remark about it being some bizarre Recruiting equivalent of the Heisenberg Principle (you can know how fast an atom is moving or its exact location, but never both at the same time)

So Werner Heisenberg is speeding down the street and he gets pulled over by a cop. The cop says, "do you know how fast you were going?" And Heisenberg says, "No, but I know exactly where I am!"

I think we all agree that it's best if I try to avoid the Recruiting threads    ;D

Sorry everyone this is the first time I used this site to ask a question, and thank you everyone for the help
My guess is that the test you are able to write in 2 weeks is what they call a "Test no file" where you can write the CFAT without having an active application into the forces. My application was closed in September and  I was told to reply last month, but between September and January I wrote the CFAT without having an active application. My advice to you is if you feel prepared go write the test in 2 weeks.
hmmm... Is it fast that I had my CFAT booked after one week of my application being in? then after my CFAT the interview booked a week later?
I think it depends a lot on the schedule and availability of your CFRC and what you applied for. I had my CFAT in the morning and the interview that afternoon...both of which were about 2-3 weeks after my application and supporting documents were turned in. I think your process (and mine) was indeed fairly fast compared to many others I've heard of...I wish a job offer was coming as quickly!  ;D