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Recruiting Questions


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I am 20 and really want to enlist in the service and do my part for the counrty. My only questions and they arre few. Are a) i have a youth criminal record that is sealed that i got when i was 15 do i have to tell my recruiter about these dark  times in my childhood i have changed immensely since then, and b) i have restitution payments that i am to make over my life they dont have a set time to be completed i have read in another posts that you cannot have ties to the court but this really isnt tie as i said there is no set time limit and its not like a fine it best be compared to child support(haha maybe not quite)  ;would this eliminate me from being recruited ? if i could have your feed back possibly from a recruiter him/herself it would be greatly appreciated. I really wish to join the service and its been a dream since i was a child annd a family tradition. if these past mistakes are to hold me back there is no doubt i would be discouraged. I feel i deserve a second chance like the courts promised i would have after not being in trouble after 3 years of a youth record. I feel i have a right to serve my counrty and if my past mistakes disallow me to i will loose some respect in the system that promises change.
You may find these discussions helpful.

> a) i have a youth criminal record

"Criminal Record (merged)":

> b) i have restitution payments

"The Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics":
thanks alot for the feedback so quick. Although people seem  to have so many different pooints of view its hard to get a straight answer based on my circumstances non the less thanks for the quick reply.  i would personally just go into a recruiter and ask these myself but i wish i could just do it anonymously. I deeply regret the things i have done in my past i had it hard growing up. I wish the service would somehow make an execption and look at the person i am today and not the person i was years ago. I feel the service is a way for me to give back for the things i have done. If there is anymore feedback out there ill be stalkn this forum daily.My main question i want answered is do i have to tell my recruiter that i have a youth record because i know for most jobs i can check "no" to ever being in trouble since my misdeeds were done in my youth and i havnt gotten in anymore trouble in 3 years so technically what the youth criminal justice acts states is  that my record is "terminated". Although im as sure as n e one paper trails are never terminated especially with factions like the militaryy which i  know ttey coould dig up if they wantted to im just not sure if i HAVE to or SHOULD tell them i had a youth record, or if they would even bother dign up what i like to call my "XFILES" haha.

See Part 4. of the CF Employment Application.  In summary...

"Have you ever been found guilty of an offence under the Young Offenders Act or Youth Criminal Justice Act for which a disposition is still in effect?
Please go into a recruiting centre.  It's in your best interest to speak with someone directly and be truthful with all aspects of your life from start to finish if you wish to get meaningful and accurate information regarding your options. There's no way to sort of answer questions in a way that will omit what your circumstances actually are at the moment.  While I understand your want/need for anonymity because you might feel ashamed of your poor judgment in the past, you're going to have to figure out how to get beyond that in order be fully informed, which I'm sure you want to be.  What's the worst that could happen? You may be told, "Sorry, we have nothing for you." OR you may be told, "Not right now." 

I don't believe one should continue to feel shame and/or guilt for what has happened in the past if they're truly sorry; however, negative actions usually incur some form of consequence regardless of how remorseful the individual is. Best of luck.

(Sorry DAA, I was typing this post during your reply)
Actually, BeyondTheNow has me thinking about what was posted.

The OP was 15 when the incident was dealt with and is now 20, so that is 5 years later.  I am NOT a lawyer but the disposition may no longer be in effect but it all depends on just what the sentence was from the courts.


So I think my advice would be to try and determine just what your status and or judicial obligations to the courts may or may not be and then go from there.  No sense beating yourself up over something that is probably an "uncertainty" at this point.
bluediamondbagz said:
I am 20 and really want to enlist in the service and do my part for the counrty. My only questions and they arre few. Are a) i have a youth criminal record that is sealed that i got when i was 15 do i have to tell my recruiter about these dark  times in my childhood i have changed immensely since then

Surprised you didn't clarify this further DAA, it's not like you  ;).  The recruiter/MCC basically everyone in the centre, is basically prohibited from asking about the specifics, and most people will stop you if you try.  All you tell the CF on the application is yes or no you have a criminal record as a youth.  What will happen then (in conjuction with everything else), is

1) A file manager will put your name (like everyone else) into the system for a criminal/credit check.
2) That file manager will get back an adverse report saying you have a Youth Criminal record, and that the information is being reviewed by recruiting HQ (basically a specially appointment individual, is responsible for reviewing files with adverse criminal offences while committed as a youth, in short your record is unsealed, and they are presented the information about your transgressions.  However no one else is privy to this information).
3) Depending on a number of factors (how busy the centre is, how competitive you are as an applicant for you desired trade etc.), your file may or may not be put on hold, until this review is completed.
4) Recruiting HQ will send a message to your centre to either continue or cease processing your application.

And before you ask, basically no one, either here or in a recruiting centre can give a specific answer as to what offences committed as a youth will be grounds for disqualification.  That information is very closely held within the bowels of recruiting HQ.  You just have to role the dice and see what happens.
What Hatchet Man just said is bang on.  I would like to reiterate that no one at reciting can give you an answere.  These are the most delicate of issues (Youth Criminal Convictions) and it really is case by case.

Also, as per your above quote, "I feel I have a right to serve."  No you don't, however, you do have the right to apply.