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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Joonrooj said:
Do I detect a note of sarcasm? :)

Not at all......i was being serious when i said thanks...........

You wanna make something of it  ;D

Mud Recce Man said:
What don't you like about them? 

Well for my part there was still, IMHO, too much "touchy feely" stuff in them......more footage depicting Afghanistan, more footage of training in Wainwright....the part where HMCS Calgary and the CP-140 were depicted was a "at sea rescue" scenario....why not have made it a sub hunt.......they refused when we asked if they wanted us to open the bomb bay.......why not have us drop a torpedo ?  How about footage of snipers or battle runs in gageton ? why no footage of artillery guns being loaded and fired ?
After watching the actual videos, I think they're a step in the right direction but they still have that "clean" feel to them.  I would have liked something a bit more ballsy on the army portion of the ad.  I still get a bit of the "running through the puddle" feel from the last long running ad.  Truth Duty Valour is still doing a better job then DND at accurately portraying the CF to the Cdn public.
Garett said:
As the Course Officer for an upcoming Reg Force BMQ course I haven't really heard anything about actually dropping the entrance standards for physical fitness but because of other information I have heard it is possible that that may happen.  Based on the information I've heard, within certain limits it probably won't be an issue in my opinion.  Society is changing, the recruits walking through the door aren't at the same fitness level as in past years.  The key is will not ability, we teach ability and from what I've seen it just takes a bit longer now since civilian values have shifted further away from military values.  If someone wants to join the CF and they're motivated I have no problem putting in the extra time and effort to help them get up to the standard.  From what I've seen of the BMQ course I believe I have the proper instructors and policies to ensure that all my graduates meet the standard.

I try lately to keep my Physical rants to a minimum.But my question would be

How can they lower the standard any lower?
Also Im in the boonies with dial up here can someone please tell me if this lower standards is part of the viedo or not? pm me.
After watching these videos, I would have to say that they are definately moving in the right direction. I especially like at the end how they have the fight for the Canadian Forces slogan, instead of the old one. I think it is much more effective. It made me want to join...mind you I am in the process already so maybe I'm just biased.
I didn't think it was that great.It could have been better its needs spice :boring:
I think they ads where crap.  I felt depressed, unpatriotic,  It made me want to cancel my application.  The old ones where much better.  They made you  feel something they made you think holy shit that's awesome.  These ones didn't do that at all.  I think we need to go back, or look to our friendly neighbours to the south for inspiration.
I don't think they are all that bad to be honest. Though, they could actually use some more sound - far too quiet (some music maybe?). The best thing I've seen DND put together was the Navy's domestic security piece... I actually thought it was well done

Cronicbny said:
I don't think they are all that bad to be honest. Though, they could actually use some more sound - far too quiet (some music maybe?). The best thing I've seen DND put together was the Navy's domestic security piece... I actually thought it was well done

I agree they need some music to liven the ads up. I think some heavy metal would go nicely but that's just me. Overall the ads would be better than the old ones if they just had some music. 

And the navies domestic security piece is by far the best. Was it ever aired on television?
I suspect (and it's only a guess) that we were watching the "movie theatre" ads.  These seemed far too long for routine use on TV. 

IMHO, they're a considerable improvement over the "happy fun 'job'" ads we've seen for years.  However, they seem to lack pace and excitement...a point for improvement...

However, they seem to lack pace and excitement...a point for improvement...

Don't forget that applies to you. To a young civilian looking at these ads, they hold potential. That's all the ads point out...potential..."this could be you". To anyone who has trained and especially to those who have deployed...they are weak, for you.

The silence is deafening. Music would ruin it and make it just another music video.
Cabose said:
I think they ads where crap.  I felt depressed, unpatriotic,  It made me want to cancel my application.  The old ones where much better.   They made you  feel something they made you think holy crap that's awesome.  These ones didn't do that at all.  I think we need to go back, or look to our friendly neighbours to the south for inspiration.

Oh goody  ;D You tube proves itself useful once again:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOjn9_iAN-c   USMC video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tEPBZlSl7I  CZECK video (love those helicopters)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkxUEFBPEbY JAPAN video (Y'ar they stole me music says I. But who cares it's friggn adrenaline moving)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlWEdYazoIE PHILIPPINE MARINE CORPS video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlWEdYazoIE SPAIN video (join the army and chase tail on the beach at the same time)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwaX1-Pn_c4 IRISH video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELQybhwsGV0 FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION

For humour's sake
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtw5rPwgiqE&mode=related&search= FRENCH
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkU9RGzWX6I&mode=related&search= FRENCH
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ukt309HFoc JUST FOR KICKS (ohh he's evil)
Cronicbny said:
I don't think they are all that bad to be honest. Though, they could actually use some more sound - far too quiet (some music maybe?). The best thing I've seen DND put together was the Navy's domestic security piece... I actually thought it was well done

Personally I thought this one was great, made me consider the navy for a second before I realized that I live in Saskatchewan.
The Navy one on youtube is great!  I remember seeing it on DPAC.  The story we were told was something about the funds to distribute it never came through.  A bummer really, 'cause it really rocks!
warspite said:
I agree they need some music to liven the ads up. I think some heavy metal would go nicely but that's just me. Overall the ads would be better than the old ones if they just had some music. 

And the navies domestic security piece is by far the best. Was it ever aired on television?

I don't think so... at least, I never saw it anywhere except the DIN. I was surprised to see it on youtube actually so perhaps it did get some airtime somewhere...
Seems to be focusing on domestic ops and aid to civil power,from the two I've seen so far.I personally don't like them at all.Compared to other videos from different countries they appear as a peacekeeper/peace corp videos.Aid to civil power is great but bullets firing sells to who we want in our army.

It appears to me the government isn't using these for recruitment and more to show the PUBLIC what our touchy feely army can do for them at home.And what loving caring stuff we do over there.

All in all it still has the following three in both videos I seen today.

The white woman
The immigrant
The slung c-7.

classic.Only thing its missing is again as I said before is the 80's mustache.

Thumbs down for me.
Want to see a funny video?  Look at the hull tech one.  Hair cuts optional, enormous mustaches not.  It's like a navy mullet.

Anybody remember the old POL tech recruiting video? That was a gooder.
That sort of scared me a bit when I first joined, all the videos had mustach men
Mud Recce Man said:
What don't you like about them?  Never come to the table with just the problem, bring a solution along too.   ;D

I think they could add some music to the videos as a first .. we as military man and woman (for most of us) like them because we know what it represents .. but don't forget this is meant to attract people from the civil life into the military way of life. I know we are still in the beginning of our progress so I don't expect to be as good as the USMC's ad but is it normal that I find the Czech army recruiting video better than ours?
They updated the recruiting homepage too.....    http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/Default.aspx?bhcp=1