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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

geo said:
huh?... thea army saving the people up north?
would say that it's more like SAR techs & rangers... but are part of someone's active imagination

It was SAR Techs who made the initial jump in, and then Rangers came in on snowmobiles
Ayup... no army types there (xcept for SAR techs who are remustered from other trades)

I'm sure the poster was using "army" in the bigger sense of the term.
Does the CF do any online advertising? If so, I haven't seen any. Then again, I'm hardly in the target demographic so if they're using pop ups on gaming sites etc, I wouldn't see it.

Behavioural targeting

Not necessarily a bad idea
Jun 5th 2008
From The Economist print edition

A new way to target online advertisements could do a lot of good. But only if it is handled sensitively

IF YOU are reading this, it is a fair guess that you are interested in advertising, online commerce, internet regulation or online privacy. So it may make sense to display advertisements for computer hardware, software or services alongside the online version of this article. It may be, however, that you are reading this online after scanning a comparative review of flat-panel televisions on a technology blog, or visiting websites for villa rentals in Tuscany—in which case it might make more sense to show advertisements for televisions or villas. Targeting online advertisements at a web user, in short, should work better than targeting them at a web page. That, at least, is the idea behind “behavioural targeting”.

I can vaguely remember an ad showing up on Amazon, I was surprised to say the least, I should've taken a screenshot.
I know for a fact that the Canadian Forces are doing an online advertising campaign.

I work for the company that does ad serving for Radio-Canada.ca (Only the french website, not CBC.ca), and we currently have a small campaign for the Department of National Defence. It ends this week, but a bigger campaign will start next monday.
Kyu said:
I know for a fact that the Canadian Forces are doing an online advertising campaign.

I work for the company that does ad serving for Radio-Canada.ca (Only the french website, not CBC.ca), and we currently have a small campaign for the Department of National Defence. It ends this week, but a bigger campaign will start next monday.

Cool. Any chance of pointing me to it? I've never seen any CF online advertising..

And there's another opportunity we may be missing - advertising to our own members. If the CF could make these things available to all ranks online, then we could share it with our own networks. By the way, where's the CF Facebook page? Other big companies - with far more than 50,000 members, have them  ???
Cool. Any chance of pointing me to it? I've never seen any CF online advertising.

Unfortunately, I can't link directly to a page with one of these ads. The way the systems works, ads appear on the site (in this case radio-canada.ca) depending on several factors :

  • Each add have objectives. If an add is close to it's objective, it will show less often.
  • The ad priority. If there is an ad with higher priority, the higher priority ad will show more often.
  • The location of the user. We can target the ad to a specific region. Let's say, if we limit the ad to Canada, somebody in the US will see another ad or an empty ad.
  • If the ad is scheduled to appear on certain hours, it won't appear outside these hours.
  • If the ad is limited to certain pages, (like the sports section) you won't be able to see them.

And I can't link to the CF ad directly since the file itself is on another server that also collect stats. If our stats aren't the same as those on that server, I could be in trouble.

If I see the ad, I'll try to save elsewhere and post it. But I don't think it'll happen, the campaign is almost finished and we don't have the files for the new one yet...  ;)

The only thing I can see now is the [insert swear word here] Bell beavers!  :blotto:
daftandbarmy said:
By the way, where's the CF Facebook page? Other big companies - with far more than 50,000 members, have them  ???

Ask and ye shall receive. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204677328

Although, it is filled with people with outrageously frustrating questions without the wherewithall to even find this site or the CF recruiting site. There's also much more specific ones (CF Pilots, CF ROTP, lots of others I'm sure)

benny88 said:
Although, it is filled with people with outrageously frustrating questions without the wherewithall .........

Now where have i seen that before ?.......humm.......can't quite put my finger on it
CDN Aviator said:
Now where have i seen that before ?.......humm.......can't quite put my finger on it

  Haha agreed, but if you can believe it, this is worse. Imagine army.ca with NO search function!!  :o
benny88 said:
  Haha agreed, but if you can believe it, this is worse. Imagine army.ca with NO search function!!  :o

Or tall blonde mods with black leather biker chaps  ;D
daftandbarmy said:
Or tall blonde mods with black leather biker chaps  ;D


Do we have any of those??

Bruce, the tall blond, doesn't own any chaps that I'm aware of.  ;)

Mind you -- I think he should own some & I also think this thread is useless without pics.
Ok, the "Fight with the Canadian Forces" pair of ads weren't too bad - definitely was better than before.  But we still got a ways to go before we get to this level:





These adds kick ass.  We need something like these that really send out the message that "Hell yeah, I wanna be a part of this team".
I love the Royal Marines one....as buddy wanders off into the bush, secure that he has demonstrated his manhood to everyone, a platoon of heavily armed soldiers follows him back with almost professional nonchalance.....if that doesn't send the message, what does?
Well, they certainly look great to us - guys who are already in a military organization. The problem they have in the UK is making them palatable to the potential recruit - who is decidedly non-military. I didn't see too many 'non-white' guys in there, for example. And the reality in the British infantry is quite different from that in many regiments (except the Guards, of course!)
Agreed.  I personally think that the "fight with the Canadian Forces" ads we have right now cater appropriately to our Canadian population.  Though these British ads are 'cool' (especially the last one with the Royal Marines), I think that if they were shown in Canada as CF commercials, they may serve to drive potential recruits away if not scare their families into not wanting them to join.  I think the current CF commericals give the Canadian audience more of a sense of purpose for joining rather than the 'hoo-ray let's get em!" attitude which only lasts so long.
Don't know if I agree with that.  People join the military for different reasons, and an add campaign needs to target those reasons.  For young people who want adventure and to belong to a tight-knit team, I don't think you'd get a more effective advert then the ones posted above.  I don't think the "Fight with the CF" ads have gotten to that level.

Others look for benefits or the like - nothing wrong with that.  For those, you're better off with snazzy brochures at highschools and universities highlighting the competitive pay and benefits.

I would also venture that the Navy, the Air Force and the Army all have slightly different angles to take for ads.  They should all be given their own ads.
Infanteer said:
Don't know if I agree with that.  People join the military for different reasons, and an add campaign needs to target those reasons.  For young people who want adventure and to belong to a tight-knit team, I don't think you'd get a more effective advert then the ones posted above.  I don't think the "Fight with the CF" ads have gotten to that level.
Considering so many Nintendo generation kids are joining the CF, the question is do we want to attract people with the type of mentality we want 'ie, we are in a war' or people who are in it for 'a job'? We'd definitely get less numbers going with option 1, but I wonder what the retention rate will be?
Don't know if I agree with that.  People join the military for different reasons, and an add campaign needs to target those reasons.  For young people who want adventure and to belong to a tight-knit team, I don't think you'd get a more effective advert then the ones posted above.  I don't think the "Fight with the CF" ads have gotten to that level.

A big +1.

At least in my own office space, the general consensus is that "CF recruiting adds make us look like a bunch of fucking pussies. Why can't we have bad ass recruiting adds like the Brits?"

Anyone remember the Royal Marine magazine add with the closeup photo of some poor recruit in the pushup position puking his guts out? The caption read "Royal Marines: 99% need not apply." THAT is the kind of hard ass unit 18 year olds want to be a part of. The "Strong and Proud CF" slogan looks like a flaccid penis next to that.