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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Futuretrooper said:
That would be great, I always thought that drivers courses and SQ should be taught once posted to a unit. I love this idea as I would get the most out of what its like to be a signaller. It beats the hell out of waiting at PRETC, and simply becoming more bitter about it. As well I've been told that units will often teach soldiers different techniques then what is taught at the standard courses.

As well if 2/3 quit then the CF has to ask itself why so many are quitting despite the pay raises and other benefits and find ways to make it a better career for any member. At this stage of the game I don't see myself staying for more then a BE after seeing alot of the BS that goes along with it, but that could change in time.

And the wheel turns....this is what we did prior to Unification...the Army Regiments taught their own folks...took them in at Depot (RCMP still calls it Depot) and then trained them to their standard. The three branches have been arguing this since unification but the green machine has persevered with a common basic training. When we get them in the Navy we have to start all over again and likewise at the Battle Schools.....we need to address the whole recruiting and training system...it is broken. These ads convince people that we do fast paced action oriented stuff all day and every day....it is not a true picture of our job.
Futuretrooper said:
At this stage of the game I don't see myself staying for more then a BE after seeing alot of the BS that goes along with it, but that could change in time.

Considering that you have only finished the first of what? 6 stages of trg to get you MOC qualified?  and you are fed up already.... don't get too down in the mouth yet!

The first stages of military trg always suck the most, in terms of maxing out the BS - o - meter, but this levels off once you reach a unit.
Well, there is a big push to replace all the old recruiting video's of all trades that recruiting depots have across the Country.  I myself was selected to do the recruiting video for the Armoured Recce soldier.  We started filming it last November and I just did the last portion of it on this past Thursday.  I saw the final product on Friday.  It was a good product, and much more modern and updated compared to the video that is on the DND recruiting site now.  The current video is of an 8CH guy in olive drab and you get to see equipment we don't use anymore on it.  All the new video's are expected to be up on the DND site by mid to late April.
Well they can advertise all they want but once you get in they have no training courses for you.  I was just sworn in and was told that I would be doing my BMQ in April and then off to Gage town for 11 weeks. It seems that they do not have any training staff to run these courses.  So all you people waiting to join you might be in for a big surprise.  It seem that the military has not changed very much over the years, at least in some area's.
bcampbell said:
So all you people waiting to join you might be in for a big surprise.  It seem that the military has not changed very much over the years, at least in some area's.

And you're basing this on what? Your years of experience im hoping?
bcampbell said:
Well they can advertise all they want but once you get in they have no training courses for you. 


Everyone drop everything and run a militia MP officer course - this young man has been dissapointed!! The horror!!

Here's a tip - the CF has operations running around the world, where people are being killed and injured, and millions of dollars are being spent - daily.

While there is a requirement for your chosen trade, there are other, far more pressing priorities, which take precidence. This may come as a surprise to you, but current operations will always trump training.

Part of being in the army is patience - try it.
bcampbell said:
Well they can advertise all they want but once you get in they have no training courses for you.  I was just sworn in and was told that I would be doing my BMQ in April and then off to Gage town for 11 weeks. It seems that they do not have any training staff to run these courses.  So all you people waiting to join you might be in for a big surprise.  It seem that the military has not changed very much over the years, at least in some area's.

I'll agree with GO!!! on this one. Time to get over the 'ME first' attitude and get into the 'Us' mode. You won't last long if you don't. It's all pensionable. Enjoy the downtime, your not likely to be getting much more.
I'm a militia MP.  Did my BMQ/SQ summer of 05, and QL3 summer of 06.  I don't see the problem in that.  The QL3 is 8 weeks, I would much wait the 10 months and do it straight through then to a half assed version over the weekends and stuff.  I'm a green hat and it doesn't bother me.  If anything makes me more anxious to work for my red one. 

But back to recruiting videos.  I think some new ones would be good, some that show a bit more action, or something.  Most of the younger people (16-21) don't really know what our Forces are all about, and think we have a crappy kit/vehicles, and that we can't do anything.  They're just not informed about how good our forces are.  And no, I'm not saying we have everything we need.

Educate the people on what we do/can do, and how "cool" our forces actually are.
Mack674 said:
I thought that about the different ads per service too, but that would undermine the militaries whole tri-service thing
But it would help the population to make the difference between the "land army", the "sea army" and the "air army"... if you see what I mean.  ;)
Link said:
The new recruitment campaign has boosted the number of commercials on TV for sure, as well those commercials now have more images, some more action, and sounds to go along with the images.  I haven't heard any on the radio, but have seen them in newspapers and on billboards.


Yeah, I've seen the ads on TV quite a lot lately too.  I also heard one on the radio today (94.9FM French radio from Gatineau/Ottawa).
I just saw a new ad posted in one of the mens' washrooms at Ryerson University (Toronto). They seem to be everywhere lately. Along with the radio, television and billboards I have seen in Toronto.

Quite the advertising budget.
Britney Spears said:
As an aside, this is exactly how the Israelis train soldiers. Entire companies rotate through training and deployment cycles together, with the NCOs and officers training the troops they eventually lead at the front. Guys basically work with the same company from basic to leadership and all the way through their careers.

Of course Israel is one of those places where "civvies" are really just troops with 11 month of leave/year, so the culture's a little different.

The German Army did this as well during the Second World War.  You trained at a Training and Replacement Battalion, then got formed in a March Company with which you travelled to your unit on deployment. There, your March Company did advanced training at a Field Training Battalion, perhaps went on minor operations such as "partisan hunts", and then you went to your field unit as a replacement.  Each military district (Wehrkreis) had their own divisions, divided into brigades (they called them regiments) and so it was similar to our Regimental system where you had units composed of guys from the same regions.  It seemed to work well for them.  However, unlike what you just described, I believe that assignment to a combat unit was done individually rather than with subunits.  But the same Training and Replacement  Battalions fed the same line units, so you probably saw personnel shifted back and forth between them, for courses (I presume leadership training was done back in a soldier's home district, where he was on paper transferred back to the same Training and Replacement unit he started in), for convalescence (instructors tended to be in this category), etc.
And we all see how well that worked for them LOL
Actually, in all seriousnes, it worked quite well for the Wehrmacht.  One thing I like about the Bundeswehr is that they have two Infantry trades: Jäger ("light" infantry) and Panzergrenadier

Hey guys,

While at work a couple of days ago, I couldn't help but notice two helicopters buzzing around town all day. One of them looking the green cam mo army style. After work, I went to the local park for my daily run and was stopped by a man saying that there was filming in progress for a CF recruiting commercial. I went back home, grabbed my binoculars and headed back to the other side of the lake. I looked across the lake and saw a school bus half submerged in the water. I also saw several people in army gear running into the bus. This looks like a great commercial and I can't wait until it comes out. Feel free to comment! 
safeboy43 said:
Hey guys,

While at work a couple of days ago, I couldn't help but notice two helicopters buzzing around town all day. One of them looking the green cam mo army style. After work, I went to the local park for my daily run and was stopped by a man saying that there was filming in progress for a CF recruiting commercial. I went back home, grabbed my binoculars and headed back to the other side of the lake. I looked across the lake and saw a school bus half submerged in the water. I also saw several people in army gear running into the bus. This looks like a great commercial and I can't wait until it comes out. Feel free to comment! 

Yes, thas great.  Another ***** comercial where Canadian soldiers/sailors/airman do nothing but  peaceful rescues.  I just participated to the filming of a comercial where one of our CPFs was rescuing the crew of a fishing vesel on fire.  When are we going to see CF recruitng comercials that show the military doing what a military does ?  Christ, they didnt even want us to open the bomb bay doors....wasnt the image they wewre looking for...WTF
Yes, thas great.  Another ***** comercial where Canadian soldiers/sailors/airman do nothing but  peaceful rescues.  I just participated to the filming of a comercial where one of our CPFs was rescuing the crew of a fishing vesel on fire.  When are we going to see CF recruitng comercials that show the military doing what a military does ?  Christ, they didnt even want us to open the bomb bay doors....wasnt the image they wewre looking for...WTF

We don't dare show anything aggressive, like weapons, in the commercials as it might scare the "UN is great, we are peacekeepers" crowd! ::)

Well at least were getting new commercials i mean like i was sick and tired of seeing the same one over and over again....But yeah you're definitely right we need a commercial that shows what the Military actually does like we don't just rescue kitties from tall trees.
Well, we don`t know what exactly will be in the commercial. For all we know, they`re filming a shootout somewear else. ;)
After all the talk about how the Canadian public are going to be shown that our military is more than a peacekeeping force, starting with afghanistan, I'd say there's gonna be more to it than that
You all have obviously not heard of the new Amphibious Secret School Bus Assault Group yet... oh crap OPSEC...