So is it actual abuse, or do we have a generation that is starting to get to the age where SOF is now an available option for them…and ‘damn those instructors can be mean!’
(I legitimately don’t know)
We all know that abuse can happen anywhere, but I’m thinking a course like BUD/S isn’t where it’s happening.
The instructors are extremely professional from what little I’ve seen.
But there is also medical staff present, senior officers who pop in to check the course serials, and a very well padded ‘complaint chain/process with confidentiality clauses, redresses, appeals, etc etc’ that could hang over a member’s head for a long time.
The US military as a whole has made it a priority for this stuff to be stomped out as publically as possible, especially with their current recruiting woes.
If a complaint is taken seriously, that SEAL could be subject to removal as an instructor, possibly non-deplorable while the investigation does it’s thing, etc - plus it just degrades someone’s reputation
I don’t know if a currently serving SEAL would want the claim to fame just because he got to make life extra difficult for an applicant undergoing BUD/S for 6 days…
But again, who knows
At least their teamwork points should be checked off if other candidates had to carry the coursemate to the bell to ring it