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Recognition Challenge Mk I


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
As some of you may or may not know, one of my interests is vehicle recognition. I‘ve got too many pictures of different military vehicles on my HDD, so I thought I‘d put up some of the more interesting pictures for everyone to try to identify. Some are rather easy, some are harder.

There are 12 images in the first batch, and I have to appologize in advance for the large size of some of these pictures, as I lost all of my image editing software recently. It will take a while to load under dial-up..

Vehicle Pictures

See if you can recognize any of them, and then name off their role, armament, etc..
1. T62
5. T54/55
6. BRDM?
9. BRDM 1
11. C1 howitzer (not a vehicle)
12. Shitter on wheels

Man I suck.
1. Slovakian T-72M1 Moderna with ERA and two 20 mm Oerlikon KAA-001 cannons.
2. Israeli Achzarit APC based on captured T-55/54 chassis.
3. "Roughed-up" T-72 (can‘t specify exact model, probably T-72M1 - most common).
4. Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle (CHARRV).
5. T-54 tanks (not T-55)
6. BMP-1 with Delco-25 turret armed with 25 mm M242 Bushmaster cannon and 7,62 mm M240C MG.
7. Kroton - Polish mechanized mine layer, based on the chassis of an improved MT-LB.
8. Russian MT-LBR6 light armored multipurpose rapid-reaction corps transporter armed with 30 mm 2A72 auto. cannon and PKTM 7,62 mm MG.
9. BTR-70 APC, with 14,5 mm KPWT and 7,62 mm MG‘s.
10. Looks like a prototype of the BMP-T IFV.
11. Not sure, 105-155 mm howitzer?
12. hmmm... adjectives fail me. lol
You‘re good, you got most of them.

7) You got it, but there‘s also an acronym for it: ISM / ISMN

8) correct vehicle, wrong country.. AFAIK, it‘s Ukranian.

9) Close, but it‘s not a 70.

10) No, sorry.. This one is pretty tough, I can‘t find too many references to it on the internet.

11) It‘s less than 155mm, but more than 105mm ;)
Nope.. Here are a couple of hints..

10) It‘s a self propelled mortar

11) It‘s the same gun that‘s used on a relativley new russian self propelled gun.
9. BTR-60
10. Still not sure, Wasilok mortar on BMP-2 chassis?
11. 152,4 mm 2A65 howitzer, towed version of the 2A64 used in 2S19 MSTA-S SPH.
Nope, #9 isn‘t a 60 either..
You nailed #11,

as for #10, you pretty much got it. It‘s a 2B9M/BMP-1, a self propelled mortar from Hungary.
#9 must be a BTR-80 or some kind of specialized version of it, because I can‘t see the turret. Maybe its the RChM-4-01 vehicle used for detecting NBC threats, or BREM-K recovery vehicle.
Well, it‘s a BTR-80, though I don‘t think it‘s a specialized version. I‘m pretty sure I can see the turret.. One guy is blocking most of it, and I beleive the 3rd guy from the bottom right has his arm on it. You can also barely see the 14.5mm sticking out by the top of one of the hatches.

I think it‘s a good example, though, of why you don‘t want anyone toking up the Mary Jane before painting the camo pattern on.. :)

I‘ve got another set of pictures lined up, I‘ll try and get them online shortly.
Alright, here‘s the next set.
I‘ll have to be honest, though, I haven‘t a clue on what #2 is. I‘m pretty sure the file I have is incorrectly named, but I‘ll throw it up anyways, to see if anyone can ID it.

3 Is not an ADATS, beleive it or not.

6 I too will vote for T-62, as I‘m pretty sure that‘s a fume extractor you can just make out 1/3rd of the way from the end of the barrel.

12 Is based on a T-72, but I want to see if anyone can catch onto the specific variant.