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Rum, Spiced, White or Dark


A glass. Any kind. Canteen cups are acceptable

Dr Pepper.

Whatever ratio you use is good to go.

Hi folks;

I heard someone on the food network once say "one of the reasons people like to eat out is because they don't have deep frier's at home" (so i went and got one  >:D )

Here's one of my faves:

Deep Fried Pickles:

Olive oil
Bread crumbs

Quarter the pickles and dredge them in the flour.  beat the egg in a bowl with about a tbsp of olive oil, and dip the pickle wedges one at a time in the egg.  Shake off the excess and toss them in the bread crumbs to coat (tip; use on hand two dip in the egg and the other hand to coat with the bread crumbs so you don't get clumps of breading on the end of your fingers).  Place in deep fryer (or hot oil in a deep pot/pan, about 375 degrees), and fry until the bread coating gets to be about 2-3 shades darker than when they went in. 

This also works really well for zuchinni, cheese, shrimp, or anything else that might taste good breaded and deep fried (really, what wouldn't?  ;) )
Crock Pot Pulled Pork Barbecue

A pulled pork recipe made with pork roast and barbecue sauce, along with onions and other seasonings.


    * 4 lb pork roast
    * 2 large onions, thinly sliced and divided into 2 portions
    * 1 onion, chopped
    * 5 or 6 whole cloves
    * 2 + cups hot water
    * 16 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
    * salt and fresh ground pepper
    * 1 tsp liquid hickory smoke(optional)


Step 1 (8 – 12 hours)

Place one sliced onion at the bottom of Crock Pot.
Stud pork roast with cloves and season with salt and pepper.
Place roast in slow cooker on top of the sliced onion.
Cover with the second sliced onion and add enough hot water to fill crockpot
two thirds of the way to top rim.
Cover and cook on HIGH 8 to 12 hours.(Less time for more tender roasts)

Step 2 (1-3 hours)

Remove roast.
Remove and discard cloves, bone and fat as well as any water, onions and grease remaining in pot.
When pork roast is cool enough to handle, use a fork or your fingers to pull it apart until the entire roast is shredded.
Return the pulled pork to the crockpot.
Mix in the chopped onion and BBQ sauce and cover.
(If BBQ sauce is very thick, add 2 ounces of hot water)
Heat on HIGH for 1-3 hours or until the onions are soft

Serve on large, crusty buns with a mustard based Carolina-style BBQ sauce.
(honey-mustard base is good)

Garnish with dill pickle spears, thinly sliced raw onion and pickled pepperoncini (Italian banana peppers).

Serve with crisp, homemade cole slaw.

Not for Thanksgiving, but I am making a variation of this on the weekend.  I am going to have pork involved, and have seen a bacoturducken on the net. 
I made a version....it Has a turpey breast wrapped in bacon, in a chicken, in a duck with layers of stuffing.  Very Tasty.
In the oven right now...

Frito Pie


3 C Fritos corn chips
¾ C Onion, chopped
1 C Cheddar cheese, grated
2-½ C Chili (homemade, canned, leftover, whatever)

Preheat oven to 350°F.  Spread 2 cups of Fritos in a baking dish. Sprinkle half the onion and half the cheese over the Fritos. Pour the chili over the onion and cheese. Sprinkle the remaining Fritos, onion and cheese over the chili.  Bake for 15 or 20 minutes and cheese is bubbly. Serve hot, with a tall glass Coke.
sprl said:
In the oven right now...

Frito Pie[/b

Bake for 15 or 20 minutes and cheese is bubbly. Serve hot, with a tall glass Coke.

And wait for the volatile chemical reaction!!  ;-) 
Big Silverback said:
Rum, Spiced, White or Dark


A glass. Any kind. Canteen cups are acceptable

Dr Pepper.

Whatever ratio you use is good to go.


I do the same with Wild Turkey instead of rum. Dr. Pepper for colour, bit of ice, and you're set.


1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Crown Royal

Sample the Crown Royal to check quality.
Take a large bowl, check the Crown Royal again, to be sure it is of
the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large
fluffy bowl.

Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again.

At this point it's best to make sure the Crown Royal is still OK, try
another cup... Just in case.

Turn off the mixer thingy.

Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried

Pick the frigging fruit off floor...

Mix on the turner.

If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose
with a dewscriver.

Sample the Crown Royal to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.... who giveshz a sheet.

Check the Crown Royal.

Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one table.

Add a spoon of ar, or somefink.... whatever you can find.

Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.

Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window.

Finish the bottle of Crown Royal.

- Make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.


My new favourite stupidly easy ohmigod-gonna-be-late-for-class/work/scrapbooking night recipe:

Pasta of whatever type
Salsa (whatever you like)
pinch of salt (optional)

1. Heat a pot of water to boiling on the stove. Add optional pinch of salt at the beginning of this. To the water.

2. When the pot is boiling (or specifically, the water in it), add as much pasta as you wish to eat and let it boil for 8 minutes.

3. When the pasta is done to your liking, drain it in a strainer.

4. Dish out the pasta into bowls, and top with as much salsa as you like.

Additional: Also tastes nice if you sprinkle with grated cheese.

I'm sad to say I just discovered this, but it's saved my butt a few times before evening class.
TN2IC said:
JagerMeister drinks...  ;D

Surfer on Acid (shot)

1 part Jager
1 part Malibu
3/4 part pineapple juice

Shake with ice and strain into large shot glasses
Seeing that the rhubarb is ready to cut: Rhubarb Pie

1 Egg
1 Cup of Sugar
2 Cups of Rhubarb cut into cubes
1 tablespoon of "minute" tapioca

beat egg, mix in sugar, add the rhubarb and tapioca.
empty into uncooked pie crust ( 8 or 9 inch)
cover with another crust (make sure you pierce some holes with fork ;D)
Cook in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes
1 dry gin martini:

- 1 shaker w/ strainer, preferably stainless steel

- 1 martini glass chilled (anything that holds liquid is suitable, depending on your environment)

- 2-3 ice cubes, preferably cracked (I use a Bell hammer or wrench, just look in your tool bag for something suitable)

- 1/4-1/3 jigger/oz of dry vermouth

- 2 jigger/oz of Bombay Sapphire Distilled London Dry Gin

- 3 large pitted olives (as big as your head if you can find them)

-Place ice in shaker, pour in vermouth and swirl the shaker 10-12 times, combining the two ingredients.
-Pour off the vermouth and add the gin to the ice, shake 6-8 times, not too vigorously.
-Strain liquid into glass or reasonable facsimile, add 3 olives, jut out your lower jaw and enjoy while speaking of your latest adventure to any who will listen.
-Eat the olives at your leisure.
-Repeat as required.
Love BBQ's when the weather is good here in Northern Ireland, however in most cases we stick to the old Ulster Fry..


2 thick slices Irish bacon
2 sausages
1 soda bread farl, sliced in half horizontally
2 potato bread farls
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, or as needed
2 slices black pudding
1 tomato, halved
2 eggs


Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
In a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, cook the bacon and sausages, until they are browned. Reserving the fat in the pan, transfer to a heat resistant dish. Keep warm in the oven.
Fry both sides of the potato and soda farls in the reserved fat for a few minutes, or until they are golden and crispy. Meanwhile, heat oil in smaller skillet over medium heat and cook black pudding slices and tomato halves. Transfer everything to the dish in the oven to keep warm.
Crack eggs into the pan with any residual bacon grease, adding more oil to the skillet if necessary. Fry until egg whites are set but yolks are still runny, or to your liking. Divide everything onto 2 separate plates and serve immediately.

Lovely nosebag.. :P
I will not even go into the sterotypes and the traditional Brit Fried Breakfast.  >:D

Next time my bod is craving calories - I will whip me up some of the below!!  ;D
Pan Seared Steak with Wine Sauce

Remove steaks from fridge 1 hour prior to cooking and first rub with canola oil, then with this:
-1 tbsp ground black pepper
-1 tbsp dried parsley
-1 tbsp kosker salt
-1 tbsp paprika
-1 tbsp garlic powder
-1 tsp thyme
-1/4 tsp cayenne
-1/4 tsp crushed red pepper

After the rub allow steaks to warm to room temperature.

Pre heat skillet to med/high heat. Drop steaks in at 3-4 minutes per side to attain medium done-ness. Adjust according to how much/little you like your meat nuked.

Set aside and cover with foil to allow a stand of 5 minutes at least.

Do not drain pan. Add 1 cup of red wine, 1 tbsp butter, 1 tsp ground pepper, 2 tbsp minced onion or shallots. Reduce over medium/high heat for 2-3 minutes. Drizzle lightly over steak and side of choice (I like roasted baby reds with just some sea salt on them)


Best served with a Malbec, IMHO.
My peppercorn roast with accompanying sauce...

1 can of green peppercorns in brine (found in specialty stores)
Prime rib roast, any size (time will be adjusted according to size, make sure to get a 'cap-off' roast!)
Garlic, lots of it.

1-3 packs of Demi glace (found in the packaged gravy section, use powdered gravy if not available) Judge according to roast size and crowd.
REAL butter, about a half cup to a cup, eyeball it.
remainder of peppercorns.
Cream, any kind
RED wine, decent quality (what you put in the sauce will most likely be the best kind to go with it, so you can drink that  :D )
More garlic.

Slice garlic into thin slices. Slice strategic cuts in the meat, then stuff the garlic in the cuts. Next, puree the peppercorns until crushed. One good push of the puree or pulse button should do it. rub the peppercorns all over the roast, saving a good amount (a third of the can, depending on the amount of sauce to be made) for the sauce later on. Put in oven at 450C for forty-five mins, then turn down to 375. Cook until it reaches safe temp (please look this up, I just eyeball it but don't want to be responsible for food poisoning!

Start the demi glace according to package in a pot, just a few minutes from pulling out the roast. Once done to package instructions, pull out roast to rest. Place butter in pot, allow to melt (keep it at a simmer). Once butter has melted, place in crushed garlic (eyeball), peppercorns :+1:, and wine (ditto x2, the more the better) Allow to simmer for a few mins as the roast rests. Just before serving, add cream (again, eyeball) and stir well.

Serve with mashed tatters and streamed carrots.

I know I used a lot of eyeballs, but when it comes to this, it's hard to go wrong (I've actually tried!)
Atomic Buffalo Turds (Stuffed Jalapenos)

Not trying to drive traffic to my site, just too lazy to re-post everything here. Recipe and assembly instructions at the link.
