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Real Classy Dude

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Frank in Vancouver said:
It's "Parlez-en en bien, parlez-en en mal, mais parlez-en!!"   maybe you'll be better than me to translate..   I don't have my dictionnary with me!   ::)

You had it pretty close as far as I can tell. Speak in good, speak in evil, but speak. I take it that it means it doesn't matter if you are saying good things or bad things as long as your saying something. But then again my french is pretty bad :P.
Granted I don't know for sure, but maybe it just has something to do with being heard...speaking up.

Was the website in question taken down I tried connecting to it last night with no luck.

I also tried to get to it about five minutes ago and couldn't. Mabey it was taken down... I can only hope
After a bit of detective work:

Chris Scrimes
PO Box 631
Fort Langley, BC H3R 4X7

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet "Toobis"
Ahhh Che has the power of the WHOIS query. Nicely done. :salute:

Soooo anyone gonna call this chowder head?
I found that on google actually,
it's amazing what you can do with that thing when you use quotation marks.

I mean yes...I used a whois query.....beware the wrath of El Che :D
"Somebody needs to find this jerkoff and have a chat with him."

Muskrat89? I like your thinking but somehow I don't think that just chatting with this guy is going to work.
so you guys don't agree with what this guy is posting.  he has his right to be ignorant and post whatever he likes.  just the same you all have the right not to read what he is posting.  many of the posts on this thread attacking the guy are far less intelligent than what this guy is writing weekly upon his website.  he is using a forum to express his personal opinion and is not forcing you to believe any of it, or even goto his website to read the pieces.  i will even go as so far that some of his pieces are very well articulated arguments on certain issues that make a great deal of sense in the proper context. 

many people fought and died to give the freedom that allows this guy to write what he chooses and by any of threatening him makes you no better than the people who our forefathers had to deafeat to ensure the freedom we now live under.  fine if you choose to email and voice your displeasure that is your right, but posting his name, address, and phone number is asking for trouble and i would implore the mods to delete this info to retain the privacy of this toobis guy.  i want to think that the community on this message board has far more dignity than what has been displayed so far in this thread.  as been posted before the best thing you can do if you do not agree is to simply ignore him.  it probably gives him nothing but joy to see people so riled and respond like a bunch a fools to something, this otherwise insignificant kid, has written.  besides after reading most of his columns it is quite clear life has already dealt this guy a punishment worse than any of you could really give him. 

now i feel i must put a disclaimer in now so no one believes that i think his opinion about veterans and on the military reflects my own, as it does not nor would ever.  i am sure i will still get flamed by the ignorant here that deem me as unpatriotic or uncanadian.  that is fine, but first ask yourself what freedom means to you.
  just the same you all have the right not to read what he is posting.  many of the posts on this thread attacking the guy are far less intelligent than what this guy is writing weekly upon his website.
Agreed. Case and point.
If all you  two have come here to do is post messages of love and support for Toobis,
I suggest you start up your own thread and post them there. Please don't use this one because you'll
only get the same kind of hatemail messages as what he's been getting, which, in my opinion, he deserves. OK?
whitefang2004 said:
If all you   two have come here to do is post messages of love and support for Toobis,
I suggest you start up your own thread and post them there. Please don't use this one because you'll
only get the same kind of hatemail messages as what he's been getting, which, in my opinion, he deserves. OK?

i am just wondering is you even read my post, or should i say understood my post. 
If all you  two have come here to do is post messages of love and support for Toobis,
I suggest you start up your own thread and post them there. Please don't use this one because you'll
only get the same kind of hatemail messages as what he's been getting, which, in my opinion, he deserves. OK?
Two points.
1) By posting your remarks about Toobis and his lovely sight, you are simply playing into his game and making yourself look foolish. Clearly this guy is simply talking out of his butt to get attention. You are giving it to him.
2) The internet is one of the last refuges on this earth where true, and I mean TRUE freedom of expression is still allowed. Toobis's sight may be stupid, but it should never be tampered with or censored as you have suggested just because it says something you do not agree with. SO, no I am not defending his sight, but I am defending his right to be an idiot! Understand?

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