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Re: Falling throught the cracks as an Anti-Monarchist ?

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Your trolling ROB, and your time here is quickly drawing to a close.
"Do you honestly believe that elite military units and government agencies do not routinely and knowingly issue and carry out illegal orders?"

You've asked this three times now, and I believe that paracowboys answer as to what he believes is quite self evident in his replies, wouldn't you?
ROB wont be answering for 7 more days at least......just reading.
Rob has certainly gone much further than many towards C & P.  I found his comment about Promethean government to be most revealing, besides merely dismissive.  It is not so easy to just "blow off" the Criminal Code and the Constitution.  This is an instance where reality collides with abstract theory.  There is also a site devoted to the Promethean philosophy argument that may be of interest (or not):


It is most surprising to me that someone who professes to hold such views would vote conservative and consider himself to be a libertarian.  I think that "anarchist" might be a more accurate, if incomplete, label.

edited to add the last sentence and to fix a typo.
Interesting to note that these alleged illegal order incidents ROB refers to were committed by US forces.  Waaait a sec, isn't the US a republic?  I'm just saying..... >:D
I'll start out by admitting flatly that I'm not a member of the Armed Forces - however, this thread was drawn to my attention, and after reading through all six pages I can say that my heart was gladdened to see that so many in Her Majesty's Canadian Forces have such profound respect for the Canadian Crown.  It worries me that so many Canadians remain unaware of our constitutional structure, and how, because it vests the Crown with all executive authority in this land, it makes the Crown the embodiment of the Canadian State, with the Sovereign who wears that crown the physical, living representation of Canada.

This makes the bitterness of republicans all the more sad - they're so angry and slobber so much over perceived injustices and offences against Canadian "values" (as though their values mattered more, or were morally superior to all others), but the ignorance it's all based on makes their rantings so completely hollow.  They become the cries of petulant children, as someone here so aptly put it.

If they'd at least acknowledge that, whether they like it or not, the Crown is the source of all authority in Canada, apart from and above the political machinations of government, and that allegiance is given to the Queen as the person who exercises that power under a reciprocal oath taken during her coronation, not as a wealthy individual, as well as being to her as the legally distinct Queen of Canada, not as Queen of the UK (as though Canada were still some kind of colony instead of a sovereign kingdom), then their criticisms might actually hold some weight.  But instead they'd rather imagine problems that don't exist, and then tell us all how we should solve them!

It might also give more credibility to their position on taking the oath required to enter into the Services - they'd at least recognise what is legally true, and promise to obey the authority of the Crown in a legal manner, whether they personally agreed with the constitutional system, which we have democratically achieved, or not.

None-the-less, you all certainly took those various trolls' bulls**t and rubbed it right back in their faces!

I should also forewarn that there may be other republicans here soon - this thread came to my attention because someone from here appealed for help on the Citizens for a Canadian Republic message board (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ccr_ccrc/), stating: "A bunch of monarchists in the military are hounding a few anti-
monarchist soldiers at this forum. I am suggesting a show of support," signed "Soldier."  So, just a heads-up.

Keep up the good work all, and thanks for serving Her Canadian Majesty so well.

God Save the Queen/Dieu garde la Reine!

Perhaps it is time to shut this thread down.  Certainly the basic arguments are noted at the web sites provided for those who are interested in exploring the issue further.

Since ROB is the only one who will be returning to argue more I have to agree with redleaf. I'll shut this one for now and if ROB returns from his stint on read only he can PM the Staff and have this opened - IF he has something meaningful to add.


Former291er said:
II myself was uncomfortable pledging to the queen when I signed up and in fact so were 2 others at my swearing in, and we swore the oath to Canada and not the queen. Unlike the thread starter I don't think swearing an oath to the queen should be abolished, it is good to have the choice.
Just a simple mans opinion though.

There are not two oaths.  You do NOT get the choice of pledging to the Queen or to Canada.  Just wanted to clear that up.
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