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Re: Falling throught the cracks as an Anti-Monarchist ?

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I received my commission by the grace of God and Her Majesty, Elizabeth II not too long ago

What the @*%$# ??? What is wrong with people on this forum? I will be enrolling shortly and am looking forward to a long and productive career with the Canadian Forces. But I definately am not willing to pledge alegiance to the so-called queen (note small letters). I love Canada with all my heart and am willing to lay down my life protecting my country. I could go on and on about how patriotic I am and not recognizing the queen as the head of my country doesnt make me less Canadian. But i'll leave my justifications for later.

Are there any anti-monarchists in the Canadian Forces? I sure hope and pray there are. Please let me know because I sure do not want to be amongst a bunch of people who pledge alegiance to a monarch of another country. I am aware there are quite a few Quebecors who will definately share my views. But on the whole I am hoping that there is a majority of english speaking anti-monarchists. I am hoping the numbers are representative of the general Canadian population like 60-40 (60 against monarchy).

But its really annoying when CF members on this forum keep saying things like "god save the queen" and all that BS. There is no need for BS like this in a modern democratic system like we have in Canada. Respect for history is all fine and good and we do that in history classes, what more do monarchists want. Dont push it down our throat because that is what democracy is all about.

I hope the referendum to declare Canada a republic is held soon, coz its killing me.

Show of hands for all anti-monarchists (is republicans the correct term)

:cdn: :salute: :cdn:
As a flaming anti-monarchist, your rant deserves its' own little piece of real estate.  I don't know where you come from or what you were taught growing up, but you are outright rude and crude in your initial presentation to a new crowd.  We have been waiting patiently for your first post.  If you keep up this line of posting, you will be introduced to the Warning System, which you should read before posting, and perhaps every mention of your existence will be removed.  You definitely are not off to a good start, but we shall see how this develops.  Perhaps there is room for some creative and civil discusion on your emotional rant.
truth_be_told said:
I am hoping the numbers are representative of the general Canadian population like 60-40 (60 against monarchy).


And God Save the Queen to you as well.
I definately am not willing to pledge alegiance to the so-called queen

Then you won't be joining, will you?

But its really annoying when CF members on this forum keep saying things like "god save the queen" and all that BS. There is no need for BS like this in a modern democratic system like we have in Canada. Respect for history is all fine and good and we do that in history classes, what more do monarchists want. Dont push it down our throat because that is what democracy is all about.

You really seem to have an axe to grind, don't you?  An opinion is one thing, being offensive is another...  You'll have a fine time in a military with plenty of royal connections, where the crown is actually used as a rank badge and which legally works directly for the Crown... Whatever one thinks of the Monarchy, it is part of our system of government and will be for the foreseeable future.

Best of luck.. ::)
truth_be_told said:

Are there any anti-monarchists in the Canadian Forces?


Not honest ones.

The oath you'll take will be to "Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her lawful heirs and successors".  If you can't take that oath seriously then I suggest you look elsewhere for employment/excitement/self-gratification, or whatever it is you are looking for in joining HER MAJESTY'S Canadian Forces!!

If you DO take the oath and serve, then you are someone who cannot be taken at his oath - hardly a credit to ANY organization to which you may aspire - you will be discovered as a liar and dishonest individual by your men and superiors, and whatever dreams of leadership you may have will be dashed.

If you CAN'T take the oath - then don't.

I have no problem with your point of view (although I disagree with it)  - I simply disagree with anyone who can swear an oath to something and then disregard that oath.  Hopefully, I have not described you.

Good day, Sir.

Edit:  God Save The Queen.
And God Save the Queen to you as well.

That is the first time I can recall seeing that statement made on this site.

Go away troll.
There are those who dont like the queen in the military but they are quiet about it. RESPECT.Is the word I believe they use.Thay know that even if they arent fond of the queen they understand that many are- and the whole institution is built around the crown.
I just toasted her Majesty with a glass of  :-[Irish Cream......hmmm, is that ok?
I took the Queens shilling. I am now a commonwealth soldier.

Dei Gratia Regina , stop using all Canadian coins as well weiner :crybaby:
Respect for history is all fine and good and we do that in history classes, what more do monarchists want. Dont push it down our throat because that is what democracy is all about.

Ahhhhh ..... in the event that you succeed in the military, you will discover that respect for history, heritage, and tradition is very important.

Methinks you have a bit of growing up to do in the meantime.

It's not so much what you are saying, it's how you are saying it.
God save The Queen.

The entire CF is built around the Monarchy. The Royal Canadian Regiment. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Two units I've belonged to, alone. Do some actual reading on Canada, Great Britain, their political systems, and the Royal family. All you've managed to do is display your complete and utter ignorance, as well as your total lack of manners. I am actually embarrassed for you. (More so for your parents, mind you.)
I will have to take the oath and pledge alegaince to the queen FOR NOW. even though I dont mean it. This is my country as well and my countries army. I just have to wait till the moanrchy is abolished is all.

Ok i exaggerated the numbers but its not that far off: almost 50/50(read below from source)

Got this from a relaible site.


"Their efforts on public opinion so far have been, at best, divided.  An Ipsos-Reid poll commissioned by CTV and the Globe and Mail on Oct.4, 2002, split Canadians right down the centre on the future of the monarchy with 51 per cent opting to keep a royal presence in Canada after the Queen's reign ends, and 48 per cent saying good riddance to royal rubbish."

truth_be_told said:
I will have to take the oath and pledge alegaince to the queen FOR NOW. even though I dont mean it.
so you intend to lie? Under oath? Congratulations. You are making yourself eligible for punishment. You intend to commit the gravest sin any soldier can: he's going to lie to his comrades. Don't bother. We don't want you.

Liars and thieves need not apply.

Perhaps the following paragraphs helps with context:

Their efforts on public opinion so far have been, at best, divided.  An Ipsos-Reid poll commissioned by CTV and the Globe and Mail on Oct.4, 2002, split Canadians right down the centre on the future of the monarchy with 51 per cent opting to keep a royal presence in Canada after the Queen's reign ends, and 48 per cent saying good riddance to royal rubbish.

It could be considered ironic that it takes the split of the Canadian population on an issue to bring the leaders of the two diametrically opposed groups together. But both Freda and Aimers insist you can't put too much faith in public polling, because the questions are vague and Canadians don't understand the core issues involved"Canadians are profoundly ignorant," says Aimers in attempting to explain the poll numbers.  "Not just of the monarchy, but of the political system in general."  Freda agrees, saying, "it gives you insight into just how little people know."

I am giving you exactly 30 minutes from the time my post is made to PM me with an explanation as to why you have two accounts here. I am baffled by your behavior. In your one account you ask questions and receive good advice that will most likely help in your application. In the other account you seem to be off your meds. What's the matter? Not brave enough to tell people how you really feel before asking for advice? Or were you just using the people who took the time to answer you?

Take paracowboy's advice, do not bother - we do not want you.

Time is ticking, troll.

Army.ca Staff
truth_be_told said:
I will have to take the oath and pledge alegaince to the queen FOR NOW. even though I dont mean it

Read what I said again - if you CAN'T take the oath, then DON'T.

You disgust me, and you will no doubt disgust your peers, subordinates, and superiors with your cavalier attitude to swearing an oath.  You cannot be trusted to live by your word - and my friend, that's ALL you've got to live by.

Please emigrate somewhere - if there's any place on earth duplicitous enough to accept you.
Long live the Queen! God save the Queen!

But for the grace of God and the Queen my family is what it is today.
Scott said:

I am giving you exactly 30 minutes from the time my post is made to PM me with an explanation as to why you have two accounts here.


Time is ticking, troll.

Army.ca Staff

Tick ...  Tick ... Tick ... Tick ...
Rule Brittannia,

We mean it man....



Death to trolls . . . Death to trolls . . . Death to trolls . . . Death to trolls . . . nananah  na nananah  hey yeh good bye.....

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