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Re-enrollment upon Release

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Wondering if someone has any answers for me. I was in St.Jean in January 2007 for Basic Officer Training. In a nutshell I had a difficult time adjusting to military life and was relesed 5d a week previous to the completion of BOTP. I have a number of what I believe to be valid excuses for my inability to perform to standard on this particular course but nobody is particularily interested in excuses. However, I firmly believe the assessment of me as an individual and my abilities as a potential officer to be off base.  In anycase I am still vehemently interested in joining the CF and feel that I can be a valuable contributor. My question is considering the circumstances surrounding a 5d release is there anyway I will be considered for re-enrollment either reg-force or reserve? 
Go to the recruiting centre.  Nothing is impossible and your circumstances will be discussed with the appropriate people and you will be given direction on what steps you need to take to re-apply.

And be careful with what you are saying here, because yes, people are not particularly interested in excuses. 

Good luck.
habib said:
I have a number of what I believe to be valid excuses for my inability to perform to standard on this particular course

Such as ?
I firmly believe the assessment of me as an individual and my abilities as a potential officer to be off base.

Of course you do as it is never easy to accept criticism of your abilities or your potential but if you are hinting at some sort of conspiracy I think you are barking up the wrong tree and you won't receive any sympathy here, at least not from anyone that knows better.
I have already been informed that no one wants to hear excuses. And I do not believe that I am suggesting a conspiracy. I posted on this sight to see if there may still be options 4 me. Obviously my personal pride makes it hard for me to accept the assessment. I am well aware of my failings on course, however this does not mean I am going to tuck my tale between my legs.
habib said:
I have already been informed that no one wants to hear excuses. And I do not believe that I am suggesting a conspiracy. I posted on this sight ( Like on a rifle? ) to see if there may still be options 4 ( Four of you? ) me. Obviously my personal pride makes it hard for me to accept the assessment. I am well aware of my failings on course, however this does not mean I am going to tuck my tale Is this a long story or short; like the Tale of Two Cities? between my legs.
George......shooting ones-self in foot can be.......a dent in ones pride? lol..... ;D
5d...Not advantageously employable.

"The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour"

You will need to demonstrate that things have changed since your previous enrolment and that you are worth the risk. By all means, re-apply, however, you should be aware that it may not be a guarantee.
Look at it from the civilian perspective:

I hired you, basically entry level, off the street, for an important entry-level managerial job, on the basis of some recommendations and your educational background.
You messed up.  Royally.  I gave you several warnings, you continued to mess up.  You claimed you were having a hard time "fitting in" to the corporate environment.  I explained it was the environment we worked in.  Still more mess ups.  I had to fire you because, hard as we all tried, you were just not the right fit we were looking for. No extenuating circumstances,  no voluntary withdrawal before things got messy.  You were fired.

One year later, and you want me to take another chance on you.

Remember how hard it was to sell yourself the first time? You're going to have to do that again, and overcome all of the reasons that got you your 5d.

I released under category 4 (voluntary), for many considered reasons, including RMC was not the place I wanted to be for another 4 years of my life. We make mistakes. I made sure to man up before one negative thing made it to my pers file.  If I get the chance to re-enroll, I'm fully aware that I'll be expected to explain how I've grown and overcome the obstacles that existed the previous go-round (5+ years ago).  If this is really what you want to do, then I wish you good luck at the CFRC!

I'd try enlist as a NCM, see if the difference makes the difference for you.

Some people are cut out to be officers from the get go and some others have to grow into it. Being able to be critical of yourself and change/evolve is a huge part of being a leader, especially when it comes down to leading people who's lives may someday depend on your flexibility.

I myself am taking the route above, and I've been told I should go officer from current co-workers, old college professors, retired military NCM's, a current officer (major) and a retired officer, I was even offered it in the recruiters office and he asked if I was sure that I didn't want to go officer.

Being a leader isn't something I always was, it's taken me years to realize the potential in myself and be to others what they want to have as a leader. It's still a decision that I'll be waiting to make though, because the real test is when I'm re-enlisted and how I react to the changes in my life.

Whatever you decide, please, take a look into what was said about you and take it from their perspective. If you don't learn to overcome the obstacles in your path you'll never be re-enlisted. I've done this from my time in the reserves several years ago, my attitude, thoughts, etc have all changed.

Just take a deep and realize no matter how unfair you think their views of you are, it's not you that has the last say in if you get to be enlisted or not. Those guys know what their talking about, and if you're putting forth 1 image to them and another to your fellows just guess what they're going to see. With a 5D acting against you I'd create a personal plan to change some things about myself so I could better myself in their eyes.
habib said:

I had a difficult time adjusting to military life

I have a number of what I believe to be valid excuses for my inability to perform to standard on this particular course
However, I firmly believe the assessment of me as an individual and my abilities as a potential officer to be off base.

5d - Not Advantageously Employable. Mate you'll have to prove yourself. The army is the army, full or part time, and with history, you'll be watched like a hawk.

Excuses are like assholes, we all got them. Valid reasons my ass! Want be part of the team? Suck it up and leave the crying towel at home!

I am sure your 'problems' were discussed in depth and at length by the DS, and their decision was not biast, but based on fact. Thats your overall perfornance, attitude to DS and others, and other things which contributed to the outcome.

I will sum up, and say the Army is not for everyone. Second chances? Advantages will be time since you left and maturity, and motivation, but don't think for a second you can fool anyone.

Talk is cheap habib.

Also it seems difficulty with the english language too. Please read army.ca's rules and regs on protocol.
Give yourself 3 years....it's amazing how much the rest of the world, including the CF will have grown up by then.....but maybe not...
Habib, as has been mentioned, the best option is to go to the recruiting centre.

Further input from others can be sent to habib directly via PM. 

The Milnet.ca Staff
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