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Re: Editorial: Carolyn Parrish on Afghanistan

  • Thread starter Thread starter jmackenzie_15
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Mark, I read your letter today in the sun, way to represent, dog!
Duuh, because that's what they use in Afghanistan?

Dari, Pashto, Urdu, Tajik, Uzkek and many other Central Asian languages are written using the Arabic alphabet.  :)
Britney Spears said:
Dari, Pashto, Urdu, Tajik, Uzkek and many other Central Asian languages are written using the Arabic alphabet.   :)

Variants of the Arabic script, actually.  But hey, it's all Greek to me.  ;)
Same as the Chinese and Japanese,they can read each others language as one borrowed one form the other,which one I for get and the Korean written language is the same but with their own twist. ;)

Back on subject,her problem is she is not very diplomatic but dogmatic about it and her English language skill's are quite lacking now if she was Churchhill it would be a differant story.
Great write up Mark.....

Perhapse I should write her a personal invite to come over and visit?

It's easy enough to shoot off your mouth from the safety of home...it's a wee different here.

Mark Bossi's Letter to the Sun is a classic. The "Letters" editor of many newspapers in Canada
in particular is the direct link between the public and the print media - you learn over the years
about "Letters Editors" - for instance, the Halifax Chronicle-Herald NS has an Editor who has her
own point of view on most subjects which arrive on her desk - it is rare for instance to read
anything critical of former Private Scott Taylor, who is published weekly in the newspaper. The
Globe and Mail Toronto also has their own slant, which is highly motivated by their support for
the homosexual world, focused on Toronto. The Sun papers, Toronto and Ottawa are normally
pissed off with the Liberal government, and their Letters Editors love to print nasty anti-Liberal
letters - the same can be said for the Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary Sun. The National Post
unfortunately has a Letters editor who must have graduated from ultra left wing Ryerson, Toronto
and is not exactly the media's brighest light. Ironically, the best source for Letters was the Ottawa
Edition of the very articulate and muck ranking "Frank" - the "Hill Times" an excellent source of news
based in Ottawa, has a staff of fine journalists, and attracts very profound and articulate comment.
Do not be discouraged if your letter does not appear - just keep writing - there are voices that must be heard. MacLeod
While people have been ticked off by Parrish's most recent comments, let's take a trip down memory lane and remember what criticism she faced from the media in the US. (maybe a hint why she hates American conservatives so much)


Parrish we  :salute: you.
Britney Spears said:
Duuh, because that's what they use in Afghanistan?

Dari, Pashto, Urdu, Tajik, Uzkek and many other Central Asian languages are written using the Arabic alphabet.   :)

Gack, my mistake - I seen that Mark said "Arabic script"; I was thinking that they were using the Arabic language, which threw me off.

Anyways, sorry for the hijack.
CFL said:
um I don't   :salute: and I would wager many others here don't as well.   Speak for yourself.


Someone should muzzle that mad cow...
RangerRay said:

Someone should muzzle that mad cow...

Oh - I don't know.  Now that she's no longer a member of the governing party, her remarks are not likely to be mistaken as actually representing what the Government means to say.

With that chance of error removed, I find her mildly amusing - kinda' like reading the funny pages while drinking my coffee in the morning.
Oh I don't know.  She is given a greater platform then us mere mortals to spread her crap.  The general public are on a whole a bunch a sheep and if someone says something enough times they will take it for Gospel.
CFL said:
Oh I don't know.  She is given a greater platform then us mere mortals to spread her crap.  The general public are on a whole a bunch a sheep and if someone says something enough times they will take it for Gospel.

You're probably right.  However, only the voters in her riding can remove her from her greater platform.  As I'm not one of them, there's nothing I can do about it (except occasionally publically refute her more outrageous comments from my LESSER platform).

To restate my original sentiment - as she's no longer a member of the governing party, her remarks no longer carry much weight, ESPECIALLY in foreign countries (thank Christ).
"her remarks no longer carry much weight, ESPECIALLY in foreign countries (thank Christ)."

I definitely agree with you on that point.  However if she can still get camera time then she is more dangerous then I.  Like you said though at least she doesn't represent the government and ultimately us abroad.
All her voters have to realize is that she's not getting them anyplace with her verbal trype and thy'll remove her themselves...

Just get the msg across to them!

Slim said:
All her voters have to realize is that she's not getting them anyplace with her verbal trype and thy'll remove her themselves...

Just get the msg across to them!


Saving another flip flop by the Lieberals, her constituents will also realise she's no longer very well connected and can't do much for them. They don't vote on ideals. As with most other voters, it's what are you going to do for me. When you can't, your discarded..............Good riddance.
recceguy said:
Saving another flip flop by the Lieberals, her constituents will also realise she's no longer very well connected and can't do much for them. They don't vote on ideals. As with most other voters, it's what are you going to do for me. When you can't, your discarded..............Good riddance.

I suspect she will continue to have a presence as an "in demand" public speaker, and maybe a collumnist or pundit for the CBC and Toronto Star. "Pink Lloyd" Axeworthy still appears in the media and is reported on as if his pontifications were real news, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for her to fade away.