Pardon me I ment to say BMQ/SQ. As for the SQ troops, they were told they'd be part of their units up until they arrived. I know several officers from my unit who fought to get the troops back so don't say it was the units that didn't want them. And they are fully qualified to go into the field. They are trained soldiers and qualified to do everything save for live fire, that was what has been said for as long as I can remember. As for the whining, it doesn't have a whole lot to do with me, I was just saying I find it hard that they wonder why they trouble keeping young troops in when they're lied to about all the 'cool' stuff they'll be doing, and then having their weapons taken away and working GD under the svc btns. I wasn't bashing the svc either. Simply train as you fight correct? So why would someone need to pull trained soldiers out of their units for GD? I'm told it had nothing to do with the svc now, apparently somone in the middle in brigade made the call? Regardless, there were a lot of bitter and upset soldier qual troops, some of which had taken vacation off of work so they could participate in this 'rare opportunity ex', and instead did GD for a week. I mean, it is the Army after all, but I can understand their dissapointment. Cheers.