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Re: Canadian Forces : The US Perspective


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I think the media's portrayal has a lot to do on the public's opinion, which stems from how the Gov't/Higher ups run the show.

I hate to admit it, but compared to say, USA, we're in a Care Bear army.  Politically correct and afraid to admit and show to the public what our grass roots role is - lethal, armed response.  What does that mean?  The public has little or no pride for their armed forces.

I just spent a week on exercise in the USA- they're on the opposite end of the spectrum.  They say what they say, and do what they do, and the public knows about it, because they aren't hiding their grass roots.  There's a HUGE sign at the main gate that says - "Pardon the noise, its the Sound of Freedom".  Flying down a beach, EVERYONE is waving....EVERYONE.

What do we get when we fly too close to a chicken farm or a cottage, or a fisherman on a lake IN THE TRAINING AREA?  A noise complaint, a middle finger, and a claim to the crown.

Walking downtown in a US city after having landed there, trying to find a place for supper, no less than 4 strangers came up to us and shook our hands.  One customer at the restaurant bought us all a round of beers.  Sitting in the taxi cab going back to the airport, no less than 4-5 vehicles honking their horns, giving us thumbs up.  You think you'd ever get that in Canada?
Did they know you were in the Canadian army?

I talked to a few people while I was on ex down in the US, and all I got was "Canadian army, easiest job in the country huh?"  or..  "You guys suck"
Or my personal favorite, "our national guard can kick the entire canadian army's a$$"
Lost Warrior,

Don't even try to stir up shit. You've just become a blip on the radar screen.

Many, many of us here have been down there for Ex and other reasons, so many more times than you, it's uncountable. I am over there on a constant basis, and have never once, in all those years ever heard Joe Average American speak disrespectful of Canada and especially our Forces. So knock off the crap. You've been warned.
I wasn't trying to stir anything up.  Stop trying to find something where there's nothing.  I have simply stated my experience.  If you don't like it, just click that little "x" at the top right of your browser...
Your "experience" is so far fetched as to be unbelievable. I can't disprove it, but it would be easier than you trying to prove it. Anyway, you've stated your unsubstantiated experience, and I call Bullshit. If you don't like it, click the little X up there in the corner.
Well, you have the right to call bull$hit.  This is after all...a free country.

But allow me to give some background to my comments.

During a week long reserve exercise, Kodiak Strike down at Camp Blanding Florida, we had a day off at the end, where me and some buddies went down to Daytona Beach.

While I was in a little souvenir shop buying something for my girlfriend, one of the clerks looks at me and my friends and says "you guys in the military?" (I guess my "Canadian Army" shirt and my buddies nuke bag gave it away) so I say yea, we're with the Canadian army.  That's where he says "Canadian army, easiest job in the country huh?"  ...to which I replied, "not exactly"    I paid for my things and left.

Later that day, we went down to the beach along Atlantic ave, and saw another guy talking with some Americans.  One of the Americans happened to be with the New York National Guard.  The guy was a nice guy.  He knew his stuff.  He was familiar with the Canadian army and it's size.  He said USNG is better equipped and bigger than the entire Canadian army and could probably kick our a$$.    I wasn't looking for a confrontation so I pretty much left it at that.

The 3rd and final remark came at the bar called Froggies.  Me and some buddies were there kicking back a few, and were talking with some biker guy.  He asked if we were really in the Canadian army.  My friend said yes, to which he laughed and said "you guys suck, why aren't you in Iraq?"  To which my buddy replied, "because we're in Afghanistan instead"

You can call it whatever you want.  The next time I come here I'll be sure to have some "happy fuzzy lovey dovey" stories for you...  ::)

Lost_Warrior said:
Did they know you were in the Canadian army?

I talked to a few people while I was on ex down in the US, and all I got was "Canadian army, easiest job in the country huh?"   or..   "You guys suck"

Lost Warrior: my experiences with US forces (over a fair stretch of time) are completely different. On various courses or exercises (in both Canada and the US), I have found that attitudes of US military towards us vary from benign ignorance to out and out respect. I served in Afghanistan from Aug 04 to Feb 05 as a liaison officer in a major US joint operational HQ, working daily side-by-side with US personnel from MGen down, from all Armed Forces and various civil agencies such as DIA, etc. Because of our non-involvement in Iraq, I went with some apprehension, expecting a hard relationship. The total opposite was true, almost without exception. Most outstandingly, the DComd of the force, an Army BGen, told me that they felt a huge respect for Gen Hillier when he was Comd ISAF V, and that "...when Gen Hillier and the Canadians were running ISAF, at least we knew it had a backbone..."

So, I can 't share your assessment of the US attitude.I guess it depends on who you talk to.  Nor do I share your universally bad assessment of Canadian attitudes towards us. I have had the opportunity to observe the Canadian public's (and the media's...) reaction to us first hand since 1974 when I joined, and we are so far ahead now compared to then that it is like a different country. I could never, never imagine a CDS speaking as freely as Gen Hillier regularly does, in the years past. It just didn't happen. The last guy like that was Gen Dextraze, who had WWII infantry combat experience.

But allow me to give some background to my comments.

Three people, at least one of whom is a fairly marginal example? (Biker?) Not much of a statistical basis for such a sweeping condemnation, is it? You might just as well have asked the biker (or any of the others...) why THEY weren't in Iraq. The US Army is having serious recruiting problems: IIRC its total strength now represents considerably less than one percent of the population. It seems that some Americans enjoy talking tough, but aren't actually too keen on picking up a rifle and doing anything about it.

When I attended the USMC Command and Staff College (97-98), one of the biggest complaints from the US officers was a lack of understanding and support from their own people. I laughed, but they were serious.

Three people, at least one of whom is a fairly marginal example? (Biker?) Not much of a statistical basis for such a sweeping condemnation, is it?

At what point did I give any sort of "sweeping condemnation"?  All I did was give my own experience.  I didn't know that was a bad thing.  I'll keep it to myself until I have some fluffy bunny stories to share..  ::)

Lost Warrior: my experiences with US forces (over a fair stretch of time) are completely different. 

I have no doubt in my mind.  I heard a story on the exercise about 2 field artilery meeting up with some US airborn guys during the Ex and getting along quite well. (theres someone on this board who can confirm that.  He's in the 2FLD regiment and was on the same Ex)    I hear stories of US soldiers and people having respect for Canadian troops all the time.

Never once did I say the situation was any different because of my experience.  I simply said what me and some friends had to deal with.  No big ussie.  Im sure in my career as a soldier I will run into many different people who have many different opinions on me and my country.
When I attended the USMC Command and Staff College (97-98), one of the biggest complaints from the US officers was a lack of understanding and support from their own people. I laughed, but they were serious.

Wow...if only they knew...
I'll keep it to myself until I have some fluffy bunny stories to share.. 

Nobody really wants that, and if that's all we talked about here this site would have folded ages ago. Just take the criticism to heart and present your stuff in a credible way.

I don't know how much more "credible" you want it to be.  It's human nature not to believe everything you read on a message board.  I have no issue with that.  If someone wants to read it and call bull, then be my guest.  I won't lose sleep over it.

Here's another story for you.  Before I joined the army, I was out with some friends at a bar (I live in Montreal) called Peel Pub.  We met some Marines who were on vacation there.  At the time, one of my buddies was in the military (an engineer regiment).  We all had a great night.  Definately a great bunch of guys.
Even with the Guy from NY, who "knew his stuff", your basing your thoughts of the US populations on what 3 people say...

I have worked with 2 contingents of USNG here in Afghanistan (Indiana and Florida), I can safely say they would disagree with those comments.

Even with the Guy from NY, who "knew his stuff", your basing your thoughts of the US populations on what 3 people say...

No im not.  Never once did I regard my experience to the "the entire US population".  Please read my response again.  This time don't skip parts.
Lost_Warrior said:
Did they know you were in the Canadian army?

I talked to a few people while I was on ex down in the US, and all I got was "Canadian army, easiest job in the country huh?"   or..   "You guys suck"

Hmm you stated you talked to a few people and from your posts all you got were slams and criticisms about the CF how else do you expect people to react to your posts?  ::)
I understand the first time when it was assumed I was talking about the whole population.  But after I said over and over, that's not how I think, only to have someone else come here and accuse me of thinking like that again?  How else do you expect me to react. 

Besides, by the looks of it, you guys are just witch hunting.  No matter what I say at this point there will always be the genius who will only read one of my posts and come here saying "durr! how could you base the entire population on a few people! durr!" (even after I clearly said I didn't)

I will take the high ground before it gets out of hand and step out of this debate.
Ahhh muffin.... Maybe next time you will be more careful in what you post and how you post it. Thats all we ask.
Ahhh muffin....

Are you trying to egg me on?  I am honestly not afraid of your "Directing Staff" position.  You would think the moderation would be more mature than that...  ::)