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RCR in Pet

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kommando17 said:
Well as he is from my hometown, and we talk on msn and I asked him if he has toured. he said no, and hes been in 5 years. So i dont know how i could recieve heat from that if its coming from inside the Regiment


Although 3 RCR has not done a tour as a unit recently there have been pers on tours.  There can be any number of reasons somebody doesn't dp a tour...courses, lack of qualifications or maybe they just don't cut it

Don't take the word of one guy from your hometown

Barek said:
Hey Nfld Sapper you might want to check your sources as 3 RCR has in fact not been on tour in 5+ years for various reasons I won't go into here. It has nothing to do with the ability of the troops and is a factor outside their control.

And maybe chill out on the guy and remember what it was like to be a FNG.

So not one soldier from 3 RCR has gone on tour in the past 5 years?

You're right out of 'er.            ::)

ok maybe i misread what he said. sorry for the confusion guys. thanks for the links Mike :salute:

I assure you that 3RCR guys have been over there ... I have affinity for things maroon. And I recognize an RCR capbadge when I see it. So those that I saw over there ... must simply have come from 3RCR ... because they certainly weren't the boys I know out of CPC.

You were misinformed. It wouldn't be the first time that's ever happened. It won't be the last either I'm sure. Never take anything you hear as gospel, especially what you read in the papers; always go after the whole story (or second side to the story), you'll just learn so much more and wll be the better person, and better informed, for it.

I knew I should have deleted his first post as soon as I saw it this afternoon.  Look where it has taken us. 
ArmyVern said:

I assure you that 3RCR guys have been over there ... I have affinity for things maroon. And I recognize an RCR capbadge when I see it. So those that I saw over there ... must simply have come from 3RCR ... because they certainly weren't the boys I know out of CPC.


I am in the same boat here in Pet and I talk to the guys quite a bit
kommando17 said:
I can;t stop talking about it.

I'll be the one to say it :

I wish you would stop posting about it...or at least make it somewhat intelligible

This thread is about as exciting as painting rocks white.

More to follow I guess.

Sniff sniff Frank that you?


Barek said:
And maybe chill out on the guy and remember what it was like to be a FNG.

Well said.  I don't know what it is but some members on this forum just seem to wait for some one to jump on.
Northern Ranger said:
Well said.  I don't know what it is but some members on this forum just seem to wait for some one to jump on.

Gee that's funny.  Others bide their time waiting for opportunities to criticize the way the board is run but without actually trying to help those newer members themselves.

Hey guys/gals

I amw aiting to get sworn in on sept 6, and i have no clue what to bring to basic. I know i will get issued somethings, but does anyone have a link for joining instructions for CFB Borden. Thanks alot

You will be givin info about what to bring, etc at the CFRC just wait out
Hello Kommando17,

I want you to be candid, you did not type in the words "Joining instructions" and did a search, did you?

Here are some great links;



And once again, another episode of "Where do I..."

Next week our resident super heroes try to help out with the question "If my boots need polished, what do I do?"


Topic says it all.  I was just wondering what other people think. As for me No clue. Seems like a great weopon.
LOCKED....usual caveat applies.              ::)

The Milnet.ca Staff
Hi, ther. I have been looking for some info on single quaters, but cant find anything, even on the housing agency sight. I was wondering what the average single quaters is like. How big? Can you decorate it with photos? can you have a mini fridge? blah blah? Sorry guys cant find any info so any input would be nice thx
The quality of single quarters tends vary wildly from base to base and depending on your rank. It's really hard to generalise an average single quarters as they can be anything from hotel-like rooms to a creaking, old building with 4 people stuffed in a room and a common washroom for the entire floor.
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