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RCR in Pet

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I was just wondering after i complete the SQ and MOC, if i were to talk to a CO. or a Sgt. and tell them i would rather goto the 3rd RCR because i think that would be the best place for me. Do you think it would give me a better chance to get to the 3rd. I am from ontario, 6 hrs from pet. I do want to be in the same province as my family/girlfriend. I know that they will place me where they want, and i know they will ask my prefference (not that i will get it). the thing is i think the best place for me would be in the third. I believe I could serve better in the 3rd because i could still have a family life. So any input from you guys would be great.
kommando17 said:
if i were to talk to a CO. or a Sgt. and tell them i would rather goto the 3rd RCR because i think that would be the best place for me.

There's a hell of a difference in pull between a Commanding Officer and a Sgt....But in a nutshell, no. You start trying to back-alley your way as a straight outa battleschool private, you'll be sorted out right quick.

kommando17 said:
the thing is i think the best place for me would be in the third. I believe I could serve better in the 3rd because i could still have a family life.

Why not 1 RCR, just out of curiosity? They're also in Petawawa. Your best bet is to wait until you get asked your preference, and specify Pet. That's about all you get. You said it best yourself. They will put you where they need people.

As a side-note, have you tried looking at threads about posting preferences in this forum?
As Des Pointed out 1 RCR is also in Pet. Only 2 RCR is not in Ontario they are in New Brunswick. Where you ask to go when you are finished Battle School may have a bearing but it is a manning issue and as such you will get whatever Bn is in need of men. The Job of an Infantryman is the same no matter what, just the delivery method to the objective varies.

EDIT: In future Kommando try to use proper grammar, such as the capitalization of the letter i when using it to reffer to yourself such as "I" think...etc etc. Also spell check will help to sort some of that out.
kommando17 said:
i would rather goto the 3rd RCR

And just to save you some trouble in the future, and before any Royals start jumping on you (they can be kind of anal  ;D ),

You refer to 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, or just 3 RCR. There aren't three of them, just the one  ;)
I can't believe I missed that......  am I slipping? or just really tired. I am thinking tired.
Sig_Des said:
And just to save you some trouble in the future, and before any Royal Canadians start jumping on you (they can be kind of anal  ;D ),

You refer to 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, or just 3RCR. There aren't three of them, just the one  ;)

Anal?  Nope, not us.

Ok thanks Michael that made my night right there!
HitorMiss said:
I can't believe I missed that......  am I slipping? or just really tired. I am thinking tired.

Never (well, almost never) pass a fault!  ;)

Well I just want to be stationed in Petawawa. I know this sounds stupid, but my family life is important too, but if I'm in Gagetown I won't be able to see them. I talked to my recruiter, and he said the only thing I can do is switch to the PPCLI, but that doesnt help. If I goto Gagetown can I change battalions to the 1st or 3rd RCR? And it has come to my attention that the RCR never goes to Afghanistan, its allways PPCLI. A guy I talked to is telling me he has been in the 3rd RCR for five years and he has never even been on tour, and reasons for this?
Don't think I am comlaining. Ill be happy either way, its just Petawawa would be easier on the family they are allready pissed off im going in the army, and they will be mega pissed if im in Gagetown. Either way im doing it for my country. I will be happy to go anywhere, its just I want Light Infantry because of the insertion methods. I also hear the RCR has alot of hard-asses in it. IS this true. Well harder then other Regiments.
Ok...light heartedness aside, whomever you speak to is Right the frig (I didn't say frig) out of 'er.

kommando17 said:
I talked to my recruiter, and he said the only thing I can do is switch to the PPCLI, but that doesnt help.

So that means Edmonton, or Winnipeg. Not much travel difference.

kommando17 said:
And it has come to my attention that the RCR never goes to Afghanistan, its allways PPCLI.

Who the HELL said that? You should research this before you make such statements. You're probably going to get some heat making this statement.

kommando17 said:
A guy I talked to is telling me he has been in the 3rd RCR for five years and he has never even been on tour, and reasons for this?

Has been in 3RCR for 5 years...not 3rd RCR. And there are many reasons why they may not have gone on tour.
Well as he is from my hometown, and we talk on msn and I asked him if he has toured. he said no, and hes been in 5 years. So i dont know how i could recieve heat from that if its coming from inside the Regiment

Maybe this character should stop talking to people and worry about his training instead of making a fool of himself here
kommando17 said:
So i dont know how i could recieve heat from that if its coming from inside the Regiment

This guy told you his Regiment had never deployed? And if you think this is heat, wait til you meet some of your "Hard-asses" in the Regiment.

riggermade said:

Maybe this character should stop talking to people and worry about his training instead of making a fool of himself here

Sounds about right to me Rigger. I'm out of this one. I tried to be nice and friendly, and give some advice, but now I'll just leave it to some of the Royal Canadians on this site to pick up the pieces.
kommando17 said:
Well I just want to be stationed in Petawawa. I know this sounds stupid, but my family life is important too, but if I'm in Gagetown I won't be able to see them. I talked to my recruiter, and he said the only thing I can do is switch to the PPCLI, but that doesnt help. If I goto Gagetown can I change battalions to the 1st or 3rd RCR? And it has come to my attention that the RCR never goes to Afghanistan, its allways PPCLI. A guy I talked to is telling me he has been in the 3rd RCR for five years and he has never even been on tour, and reasons for this?

WTF!?! 2RCR just recently returned from Afghanistan, all tours to are being spilt between PPCLI, RCR's and the Royal 22nd.

Well your friend must be some sh$%pump if in his 5 years with the battalion he never deployed.

Ok. Im sorry for asking questions for a job I will be committed too for three years. I am trying to get input. I want to SERVE my country. Why would i go in not knowing anything, I appreciate your input. I'm asking questions because i thought you guys would know. Here's another question, do the mech inf do amphibious assaults, or is that light too, and what about airmobile
Hey guys I know you are trying to help thanks. Just alot of word of mouth stuff I here. But honestly guys thanks for your input. This forum helps me out alot. I cant wait just to find out for myself, I'm just so excited. lol. I can;t stop talking about it.

There's lots of information on this site about the Regiments.  And when you have milked this forum for info on The RCR, start reading here - http://thercr.ca/index.htm. You may find this section of particular interest, especially the more recent experiences of Young Soldiers and on operations - http://thercr.ca/history/20questions.htm.

You have lots of time to get ready for each stage of your career, and most of your focus right now should be on getting ready for basic training.
Nfld Sapper said:
Well your friend must be some sh$%pump if in his 5 years with the battalion he never deployed.

Hey Nfld Sapper you might want to check your sources as 3 RCR has in fact not been on tour in 5+ years for various reasons I won't go into here. It has nothing to do with the ability of the troops and is a factor outside their control.

And maybe chill out on the guy and remember what it was like to be a FNG.
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