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RCMP Seeks "Tactical Armoured Vehicles"

The Bread Guy

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Directing Staff
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From MERX - .pdf attached if link doesn't work.

"The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) requires Level 1 Tactical ARMOURED Vehicles (TAV-I) for their Emergency Response Team (ERT) Program. The TAV-Is will be used in varying environments in response to threatening situations were the safety and security of RCMP members, and/or, the public is at risk ....  Canada is interested in procuring an approximate quantity of twenty-six (26) TAV-Is to go into service over two (2) fiscal years, with an option for eight ( 8 ) additional TAV-Is over four (4) subsequent fiscal years. The TAV-Is shall be manufactured according to RCMP specifications.  The base vehicle will consist of a North American medium duty commercial/military truck chassis designed and built to operate year-round in the extreme climatic conditions found in Canada.  The TAV-Is, with respect to their base chassis', must be fully supportable at Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) truck service centres across Canada. The exterior of the TAV-Is are to be fully ARMOURED retaining none of its original sheet metal body panels and glass. No cosmetic panels are required to enhance the vehicle's aesthetic appearance ...."

- Edited to add .pdf att -

I wonder if RCMP have considered looking into the AVGP as a possible vehicle?  Maybe even the American Cadillac Gage series of vehicles would be something to look at. Just my opinion
Kevin Moran said:
I wonder if RCMP have considered looking into the AVGP as a possible vehicle? 
The RCMP do have AVGP all painted grey with heavy steel plates bolted over the turret rings.  They also have old M113 painted grey and with rubber tracks.
Doesn't the Edmonton Police Force have an old cougar sans the turret?
Considering the police need a means to enter buildings, perhaps the RG-12 might be more in order. The City of London Police use one with a MARS (Mobile Adjustable Ramp System) to facilitate entry into the upper floors of buildings.

Your Wikipedia link implies that the RCMP and Calgary already have these.  Is that confirmed?
Did they get one of those upgraded Grizzlies from a few years back or one of the non updated ones?
i wonder why their specifications do not state being capable of being transported by C-130? Iif this is for tactical response purposes then isn't  hitching a ride on C-130 the best way to cover all of Canada? Instead of making such a purchase, the more effective solution would be to make agreements and cross-train with the military....
JackD said:
i wonder why their specifications do not state being capable of being transported by C-130? Iif this is for tactical response purposes then isn't  hitching a ride on C-130 the best way to cover all of Canada? Instead of making such a purchase, the more effective solution would be to make agreements and cross-train with the military....

And when the military needs their vehicles for whatever reason?
Is everything used all the time? It is not as if police requirements for armoured vehicles are an everyday occurrence. American cities are more prone to violence - do they use armoured vehicles all the time? If the need comes up, the go-ahead no doubt will be given - my memory is hazy, but I believe that has happened before. As a sole owned asset, most of the time they'd be parked - unless of course part of this fleet would be used in police activities as part of UN duties - but then unless it is a vehicle common to Canadian armed Forces vehicles, it is still an orphan fleet