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RCMP prevent attack - 10 Aug 2016

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Driver's behaviour "a 180-degree turn." ..."

Maybe he was very happy planning on what he got caught at....... :2c:
GAP said:
Maybe he was very happy planning on what he got caught at....... :2c:
Sounds like he had a pretty good alternate message track for everyone ...
More from the Public Safety Canada Info-machine ...
Reflecting on last week’s failed terrorist attack, the first thing to note is that Canada's police and security agencies, working closely with international allies (especially the FBI), foiled the would-be terrorist's plot in a remarkably short span of time.

The FBI received "actionable information" in a video pertaining to Canada.  Consistent with the robust security alliance that we have with the US, the Americans passed that material to the RCMP.  Expert Canadian analysts were able to determine the likely identity and location of the suspect.  Federal, provincial and local police forces were deployed immediately.  The suspect was engaged and killed in a brief altercation.  Public safety was secured.

The loss of any life is tragic, but the effective work of our security and police authorities, in partnership with the FBI, prevented a much more terrible outcome.  On days like August 10th, Canadians unite in admiration for the skill and service of our public safety officers and first responders.

It's important for Canadians to know that our agencies and their global partners are monitoring potential risks and threats all the time – 24-7, 365 days a year.  When credible information is obtained about a possible terrorist situation, robust measures are in place to respond. It is important to say that despite this incident, based on all relevant information at the present time, the current terrorism threat level for Canada remains unchanged at "medium" where it has stood since October of 2014.

Events like last week's and the tragic terrorist murders in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa in 2014 have led to a genuine appetite among Canadians for a serious examination of Canada's current national security framework - what is it, where should it be improved, how can it become more effective in keeping us safe while safeguarding the essential values that make Canada, Canada?

The government is committed to meaningful national security consultations with parliamentarians, subject-matter experts and Canadians generally.  Some of that work has already begun.  It will intensify through this autumn with the publication of an updated report on the global risks and threats that affect Canada and a discussion paper that describes our current framework and asks questions about how Canadians want to reshape it.

As a minimum, the government has pledged to protect democratic rights to protest and advocate, to create a more responsive way to deal with no-fly list appeals and false positives, to apply more precise definitions to such things as "propaganda", to ensure compliance with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and to have anti-terrorism legislation reviewed again in three years.

We have also introduced new legislation to create a statutory committee of parliamentarians with extraordinary access to classified information and a mandate to scrutinize the security and intelligence operations of all departments and agencies of the Government of Canada.  The committee's objectives will be two-fold - to make sure that all those departments and agencies are effective in keeping Canadians safe, and to make sure our values, our rights and freedoms, and the open, inclusive, democratic character of our country are fully respected.  Canadians expect nothing less.

No one would think for one second that what marred Strathroy last Wednesday was at all representative of that peaceful, quintessentially Canadian community, as we heard so eloquently from Mayor Vanderheyden.  But that event does make the point that in this uncertain world, no place is immune to the threat of terrorism.  And the largest concern is about lone wolves who get sucked into perverse and extreme ideologies that promote violence.

Particularly relevant to what happened in Strathroy, we have also budgeted for a new national office and centre of excellence for community outreach and counter-radicalization.  We need to get really good at this - to preserve our diversity and pluralism as unique national strengths.

Some work in this field is already being done in Canada - at various universities and in cities like Montreal and Calgary, for example - but there's little national coherence.  Our goal is to begin fixing that this year.

We need to access the best global research.  We need to develop more of our own.  We need to generate and coordinate talent and expertise.  We need to mobilize and support community-based outreach agencies. We need to know how to identify those who could be vulnerable to insidious influences that draw certain people - especially young people - toward extremism leading to violence.  We need to understand what positive messages can counteract that poison.  We need to know how to intervene with the right tools at the right time in the right way - all to head-off tragedies before they happen, as much as humanly possible.

The consultations just ahead on national security will help inform all these items for government action.  They will also help tell us what other steps and measures Canadians want their government to take - to keep them safe and to safeguard the way they want to live their lives.

You are welcome to participate.  I hope you will ...
I don't find the loss of Drivers life tragic.  He was a danger to society and his fellow citizens.  He's right where I want him to be.
jollyjacktar said:
I don't find the loss of Drivers life tragic.  He was a danger to society and his fellow citizens.  He's right where I want him to be.
I'd have preferred him to rot slowly in prison, or having become a vegetable from his clearly poor bomb making abilities, kept alive in a prison hospital as a paraplegic. He wanted martyrdom, too bad we couldn't deny him that.
No, no second chances to cause havoc and mayhem from the grave.  Too many Dudly Do-rights out there to make me feel comfortable that these kind of turds wouldn't float up and out from prison one day.  If we were like the Yanks where life truly means life, then OK.  Bourque is the only terrorist that has a proper sentence as far as I'm concerned, he's never coming out.
That's true, we'd have bottom feeders like the guy defending Omar Khadr constantly trying to get him out of jail.
Exactly, that's why I like the idea of Driver, Bebo et al where they are right now.  No worry about someone releasing them one day, it's a one way trip and I sleep better with that in mind.
I think it's better this way, don't have to pay for his housing and upkeep.
It's easier to deal with a dead martyr than a live hero.
ModlrMike said:
It's easier to deal with a dead martyr than a live hero.

I am not so sure... now my usualy caveats apply, that I am woefully ignorant but anywho.

This diver fool was a good one, he didnt kill anyone but himself. So he essentially failed in a sense to wreak mass havoc because the situation was isolated. So in this instance im happy with the outcome.

But dead martyrs tend to mean they were successful in hurting innocent people and because of that they can be used as a rallying point. Ie "look at how meaningfull so and so's death was he killed/maimed/injured 'x' amount of oppressive infidels in his glorious martyrdom, you can do that too" etc etc you know the regular brainwashing.

Id prefer Canada brings back the capital punishment and puts them down like the dogs they are and then bury them in an unmarked grave. But alas the only way they get punishment in this life after the fact is if we can extradite them to more... strict countries.

Perhaps, but in today's Canada, the hero would be held up as some sort of "poor me cause celebre". We've seen that before...
ModlrMike said:
Perhaps, but in today's Canada, the hero would be held up as some sort of "poor me cause celebre". We've seen that before...

(cough) Khadr (cough)
jollyjacktar said:
(cough) Khadr (cough)

Exactly, if this guy had surrendered, he would have a high priced lawyer free, a made up child soldier story, free university for life, photo ops with Dallaire, May, and Mousef! Maybe a royal commission into his childhood and how Canada failed the radicals.  But I am jaded......
Aug 18, 2016

Taxi driver says police risked his life in terrorist sympathizer takedown
A taxi driver who was in the car when a terrorist sympathizer was gunned down by officers in southwestern Ontario has slammed police, saying they needlessly put his life in jeopardy.
I'm sure the tactics are going to be picked apart, I was curious as well as to why they let him get in the cab.
mariomike said:
Aug 18, 2016

Taxi driver says police risked his life in terrorist sympathizer takedown
A taxi driver who was in the car when a terrorist sympathizer was gunned down by officers in southwestern Ontario has slammed police, saying they needlessly put his life in jeopardy.

I was wondering when someone would mention this. Gotta admit the taxi driver has a pretty solid point.
Not knowing how, precisely,  everything went down nor what information was available to the individuals on the scene, I am reluctant to jump on anybody's case at this time.
dapaterson said:
Not knowing how, precisely,  everything went down nor what information was available to the individuals on the scene, I am reluctant to jump on anybody's case at this time.

That's a fair point.

police didn’t warn him as he waited in the driveway for five minutes for Aaron Driver before the 24-year-old got into the back of his cab.

He says police swarmed them only after he began reversing the car out of the driveway, which is when he says Driver set off an explosive device.

The driver is saying he was waiting for 5 minutes for Driver to come out.  The police could have arrived on scene just as the taxi was leaving and no chance to intercept him.
