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RCMP Info, discussion

I have a buddy about mid-way through depot right now, he finds it much easier than infantry officer phase training... probably because he was in very good shape before he got there...
Mike_R23A said:
I have a buddy about mid-way through depot right now, he finds it much easier than infantry officer phase training... probably because he was in very good shape before he got there...

Hah!  I'm betting there is a lot of things easier than Infantry Officer Phase training.  When I was in the Center of Excellence for my two delightful summers with the Armored Phase, no matter how bad it seemed for us, the Infantry always had it worse.  Buffet portions of **rooster** chased down with big bowls of **rooster** soup.  Probably didn't help that we almost wiped out a section of them on a trace.  We were in the advance, and they were doing a stalking ex along a small dimple in the terrain. We only saw them after we went past, and the next bound would have gone right through them.  Only time I ever got to call a "No Duff".  [/warstory]
It's people like you that would drive through our defensive position and drag our wire halfway down the Lawfield Corridoor... all the while being chased by a screaming DS Sgt waving his fist in the air...  >:(
[/thread hijack]
Mike_R23A said:
It's people like you that would drive through our defensive position and drag our wire halfway down the Lawfield Corridoor... all the while being chased by a screaming DS Sgt waving his fist in the air...  >:(
[/thread hijack]

Ooohhhhh....that's what he was going on about!  I figured he was just hoping to get some ice from our coolers before we dumped them (half melted ice in coolers is SO annoying to listen to in a turret, all that rattling and sloshing). 
Not my fault you guys can't liaise and have a burning need to TRAIN INFANTRY TACTICS IN ARMOURED AREAS.  FYI, if there are deep track/tire marks in the ground, chances are feet didn't create them.  ;)
Just a quick update: I received my application package today.  :salute:

Oh and how did you guys go about getting the certificate for the typing?
I went to a local college and asked could I have it done. They do them for free for the RCMP. I did the test (hardest typing test I had ever taken, mind you) and only pulled out about 87wpm. I was so rotted, but you only have to be able to type at like 20 wpm or something (I don't really remember the figure. It wasn't even a certificate really, just a signed letter.
I got the Bde Chief Clerk to test me and he just wrote it up on CF letterhead. I managed a wopping 21 WPM.

I hope all you applicants from out East like the LMD and the rain, cuz we're really short on members.
Passed the poly.  I have my final PARE scheduled for May 12!

As far as the typing, I went to the local high school and had a teacher test me.  He wrote a quick letter saying how many wpm and that was all.
I had a problem with the 1st aid and cpr.  Being a paramedic did not help any, they want everybody to have the same certificate even if you have more training than what they are asking for.
Hey Countryski,
I have my final pare scheduled for May 12 as well.
Which division are you coming from?
Safeman said:
Hey Countryski,
I have my final pare scheduled for May 12 as well.
Which division are you coming from?

Safeman, I am in 'D'.  Which are you in?
WOW! So am I.
What time do you run the pare at?
Mine is at 7:30 AM

Email me your number at apoapst@shaw.ca
Sorry to hear you are a Habs fan! ;) ;D ;) ;D :D

You could email me as well if you like.
How far along the process are you???
It would be nice to talk to a few other people in the process.
quick question.... what is the " Pacific Region Training Centre " in Chilliwack BC for? A couple people have asked me if I would be trained there if ( when ) I get into the RCMP but I'm pretty sure everyone gets trained at Depot. I went on the PRTC website and it states "Pacific Region Training is responsible for the delivery of training to all employees within the Pacific Region" does that mean they train members who are already in the Force like a refresher course or something? Thanks guys
It is odd you asked that, I just flew back from the PRTC today. I spent a week there, a very nice facility, I had a mountain view from my room. ;D
The training there is in-service or career courses. No recruit training. The courses that were being run for the past week were; the Sexual Assault Investigators course, Scene Collision, PRIME and various other programs from other departments like CBSA, Fisheries, VPD and DPD drugs had seminars. Overall a very busy place.
As WR stated the PRTC is for Regional in Service training. However that being said there has been numerous rumours over the past few years that E-Div bound new mbrs may end up doing their "Depot" there. I don't think that will happen as the recent budget has allocated millions of dollars for Depot refurbishmnet. I have heard from my recruit that Depot is extremely crowded these days, when he left there was plans to put bunks in some of the dorms.

The PRTC gets used by all manner of local Law Enforcement Agencies, as well as other Federal Government Departments including DND, 39 CBG runs recruit courses there every summer. In addition all manditory recertifications such as pistol qual, first aid, OC, Carotid (VSN) and bi annual medicals will soon be conducted there. So it's going to get even busier.
WR said:
It is odd you asked that, I just flew back from the PRTC today. I spent a week there, a very nice facility, I had a mountain view from my room. ;D
The training there is in-service or career courses. No recruit training. The courses that were being run for the past week were; the Sexual Assault Investigators course, Scene Collision, PRIME and various other programs from other departments like CBSA, Fisheries, VPD and DPD drugs had seminars. Overall a very busy place.

Sounds great, except for the odd tool that chimes off in the mess....
wrote the RPAT in D division on Friday.  Could anyone explain how it could take 6-8 weeks to correct the test?  I know...hurry up and wait, I just found it hard to believe that it took that long to get them looked at.  What is the usual time line for further testing after the marks are returned.  For example if the results are back in 6 weeks, how much longer will it be to get scheduled for PARE?
The tests are likely marked on a computer (is it a fill in the bubble sheet type?) and are marked in about 10 seconds.  However, after you have a score, then you have to rank everyone, then compare it against the resumes and qualifications of all parties.  I don't know the RCMP process, but if you have already done your interviews, then that is another thing they have to weigh in ranking.  This whole process you are in is a competition, and they are skimming the wheat from the chaff.  If you haven't gotten your thin FOAD letter, then just be happy with that.  As well, often people will get their testing and then sit in some pool, until a budget somewhere gets the green light to take on X number of new candidates. 
I would concentrate on the hurry-up-and-wait factor.  In the mean time, keep running and get even more fit as possible. 
Good luck.