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RCMP cameras with crime photos found in trees

Classy thread.

I'll have to keep this in mind when Im defending military folks dumb actions to my fellow cops. Apparently we are clueless "buggers".

I wonder if I should start a new thread where I post all my dirty laundry about stupid service members of all ranks and element?

Of course they aren't covert cameras....and they were on public property but dont let that stop a good bash. It is stupid that they didnt wipe the cards however. But even I know how to recover images from wiped cards.....so even that may be a stretch.

Carry on though-  :facepalm:


Heres another article. Of course it says that he was concerned about "rippers" which is drug talk for folks who raid grows while the owner is away. He's not facing charges....right now. Also this article says that his headlight reflected off the cameras making it appear like deer eyes which means they weren't "flashing".

Of course dapaterson cant even speak about the RCMP without demonstrating his own personal ridiculous bias:

dapaterson said:
Well, at least he wasn't doing something dangerous.  You know, like handling a stapler around an RCMP officer.

One hopes the new commissioner will institute a "must have a clue" policy for all new hires in the RCMP...

Just don't try any funny stuff with a stapler...

Ever see a burning barn?  If not, just ask the RCMP to demonstrate for you - they'll blame the FLQ and everyone will be happy.  Unless you happen to own the barn in question, of course.

See above re: burning barns.  You may wish to review the history of the FLQ and the RCMP infiltrators and instigators.  The RCMP has never cleaned house willingly; it has always required significant external pressure to make even the slightest change.  Don't believe me?  Go visit an airport and wave a stapler in a threatening manner.

The RCMP didnt do anything between the FLQ incident and the YVR incident right? I mean its not like there are 17000 members- and that of course demonstrates that the RCMP has never cleaned house willingly- just as the Somalia Affair said the same about the forces. I of course know thats stupid- but for a guy who likes to point out reason has no place in internet debate he likes to leave his at the door.
Well, if the Mods deem it necessary to delete this thread, go ahead.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Container, thank you.

Whereas I thought it was another  " :'(  you guys are all bullies."    :boring:

While it's not in Radio Chatter (although the OP said that's where it could have gone), it's situated in the Mess for a reason.
Well, then... glad someone keeps copies of all my posts...

For the record:  the RCMP officers I've met have all been professional.  But there have been a significant number of incidents involving the RCMP that suggest that some internal reflection and correction is in order (primarily in BC).

The RCMP, much like the CF, enters a defensive little bubble any time any bad news comes out.  "We're not all like that!"  True enough.  But there are problems that need to be addressed - a far better approach is to say "We're not all like that - but we're working to improve."

The RCMP does do good work, every day, by the overwhelming majority of its members.  It's still considered "news" when the an RCMP member does something wrong - that is, it's something out-of-the ordinary and unexpected.

It took two minutes on anything in the national security forums to find that stuff.

I was a little aggressive and I apologize- just consider that I work for the most demoralized uniformed service in Canada and spend the majority of my day telling junior guys that they are messing up and need to do better. They then go and see how the everyday folks and other folks that they figure should understand (like the CF) view them. I'd be useless if I didnt stick up for the ones doing their jobs while I push them to do better.

The ones doing their jobs so far out number the ones that dont that its not even funny. But you are correct when you suggest that there are areas and members that just wont change. They build little kingdoms and as far as I can see dont really answer to anyone- they need to get their asses handed to them- youre right. I dont pass fault when I see it and I try and instill it in the new guys- but they need me to stick up for them too.

You'll die a slow death waiting for the day that some boob member doesnt do some stupid move. This could be sloppy police work or a sloppy application of normal police work. Its probably the latter. But it doesnt speak for the guys I supervise. And Im not alone. Like when I assist the military police outside of our mandate- or when I assisted the Canadian Forces when I was in the arctic where it wasnt required- I truly believe that we're all doing what we're doing for the same reasons. I dont let junior guys talk smoke about the forces and I guess I dont expect the forces to paint with a broad brush either.

Journeyman said:
Whereas I thought it was another  " :'(  you guys are all bullies."    :boring:

While it's not in Radio Chatter (although the OP said that's where it could have gone), it's situated in the Mess for a reason.

Youre the bully!

PMedMoe said:
Well, if the Mods deem it necessary to delete this thread, go ahead.

The first post was fair dinkum. This needs to be looked at with a critical eye- its the way the criticism was shaped. Basically as an attack on the institution rather than what is probably a stupid move by one cop. I would suggest that they spring for new cards when they arent in actual control of the camera.
Container said:
The ones doing their jobs so far out number the ones that dont that its not even funny.

I worked with Metro Police at 9-1-1 scenes throughout my career. What you say is what I saw. 
I believe the RCMP remains one of - if not the - most respected police forces in the world.
Container said:
The first post was fair dinkum. This needs to be looked at with a critical eye- its the way the criticism was shaped. Basically as an attack on the institution rather than what is probably a stupid move by one cop. I would suggest that they spring for new cards when they arent in actual control of the camera.

Yup. Hate the game, not the player. Don't sweat what you can't control.
At the end of the day, I think the RCMP is an important national instituion - so I hold them to a high standard.  Which means I want them to be flawless, and will criticize when they fail to reach that standard.  Perhaps I need to add a more qualifiers when I bitch about them - that I think they're better than that.

On an unrelated note  :P here's a youtube link.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQkql4dHniE