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RCHA Reunion Thread 1970's- 1980's-Come One, Come All

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Hey Paul good to hear you finally agreed 35 Charlie was the BEST, STRIKE RE-COIL & STRIKE AGIAN was are motto. Anyone  know of the were abouts of Wayne Bragton. I read some were that Mike MacDonald was in the service. Onion has email a few times i will have to let him know of the plans. Anyways thanks agian Paul LOL
Arghghg, I can't believe I said 35C...See how the memory goes first..

I meant...........
wait for it..........


Wayne Bragdon? Man, having thought about him in a while. I'd be curious too.

Wow it looks like C Bty is well represented here. I never served with the mighty C Bty but I have managed to have a few beers with most if not all that have replyed to Shewfelt's inquiry.

Barry Bartelt here, I doubt anyone on here will remember me, but It sure is nice seeing some of the old names that where well known in the Regt. at that time.

I have been speaking to Joe Claus ( more friggin' C Bty ;D)  and he would, as would I , love to meet up with you fine gentleman, drink some beers and tell some lies ;)  Name the time and place.

There is a name that keeps creeping up, Bob Goodmurphy, does anybody know if he's still kicking?

Shot out.
Hey Barry I ran into Bob about 19 years ago in Surrey BC he was a bouncer in the Flaningo Hotel. We saw a few times after that he worked in another bar in Surrey. After that he disappeared we had heard that he was seen in Prince George for a while. But lost contact after that.
Danny Hiscock
Hi guys.

a few of us are working on a quasi reunion of sorts.  One idea is for the reunion to happen in late July in Arnprior Ontario. 

The names so far are - Barry Bartelt, George Shewfelt, Brent Mills, Lane Lambert, Randy Ackert, Turtle, Onion, Sammy Sams, Brian Ried, possibly Wawa and anyone else from the Lahr era of 77 to 82.

I  got an e-mail from Turtle Lancaster a few days ago, and he has suggested that the Mile High Parachute Club, Arnprior Ontario, (for which he was part owner and still works there) has camping facilities with access to some amenities including "refreshments".  He also offered up (for those who are interested) a "Tandem" jump during the day of the reunion.  So, for all you wannabee jumpers, here is a chance for your first "night and water" jump (eyes closed and pee your pants)  LOL.

We are proposing the reunion for the end of July and/or the beginning of Aug.

Come on and spread the word.
You couldn't think of Arnprior before I got posted out west from Petawawa? LOL 

I would really like to attend something like this.  It is a great excuse to hop on the Gold Wing and rack up some miles.  I might suggest Shilo for a reunion site.  Only because it is central.  Of course, if most folks are in Ontario, then Arnprior makes good sense.

What ever is decided, I'll make a good effort to attend. I have so many good memories of many of you and quite frankly, some of the friendships I made within 1 and 3 RCHA are still rock solid.  Hoisting a few would be wunderbar!

I don't recall meeting Turtle Lancaster, but we did call Joe Churchill, Turtle as well.  He even had a Turtle tattoed on a shoulder.

Hey Guys same goes for me i will try but Shilo would have been more centeral.
Hi Danny.

Good to hear from you.  How's Geraldine?  I am assuming the "European" Geraldine is long gone??

You guys are right, Shilo is definitely central, however, so far, the bulk (80%) of those interested are from South to Eastern Ontario (6 hours drive for the furthest person).

Plus, we have a chance at a great venue at the Mile High Parachute Club and Hangar with some added activities such as a "tandem" parachute drop on the Saturday or Sunday and White Water Rafting in Cobden (30 minutes away) .  If all works out, we are leaning towards the August Long weekend (not in stone yet).

I was talking to Onion and Randy Ackert recently and Ackert will be in Ontario at the end of July first of Aug and Onion is also thinking of a road trip.

I will keep you guys updated.
Wow, look at all the names popping up. Joseph Claus!
Good to see you're still in the land of the living.

Anyone ever hear from Dave Gale?

I knew he was from the Pemroke area. Sure would like to re-connect with the big galute.

Not sure I can make it(I can't plan that far ahead)
But it's on my radar to be sure....

Although I live in central Ontario I would have loved to meet in Shilo. That's my home base. It's where the love of cordite began for me.
Kinda like going home.

But the venue you have planned for it sounds great.

Ok, I'll keep my eye on this thread, take care.

Paul Gillman.
Hey Paul.

How is the world treating you buddy?

I also wondered what happened to big Dave.  He certainly was a stand-up guy. 

Hopefully, he will surface soon.

As for the the reunion, things are still in the planning stage.
Its going ok Joe, how about you?

I've been married 23 years, 3 kids. Jonathan 22, Jillian 20, Ethan 18.

Still wonder how I made it out of Germany alive... :o

Same here Paul.

Married 22 years (2nd wife).  My daughter (from 1st wife) turns 30 this Feb.  She made me a grandfather twice and my son is 16 this May.

We are tucked away here in sunny Windsor where I am a Security Manager for the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp (OLG).  I have been with the Casino's here in Ontario since  retiring.  Shelly is also with the OLG as a Slot Supervisor - toys toys toys.
Doing lots of golfing since retiring.  Perhaps if there is interest, some of us can squeeze an 18 hole in the day before or after the reunion?  Just a thought.

As you mentioned about Germany, I also don't know how we made it out of there alive.  What a weekend!!!
Hey guys - I found Dave Gale.

He is living in Pembroke and works at Chalk River Nuke Plant.

I gave him a call last night and all is well with Mr. Gale. 

I told him about the possible reunion and he is interested.

I will be sending him this web site and he will be sending some posts very soon.
Joe Claus said:
Hey guys - I found Dave Gale.

He is living in Pembroke and works at Chalk River Nuke Plant.

I gave him a call last night and all is well with Mr. Gale. 

I told him about the possible reunion and he is interested.

I will be sending him this web site and he will be sending some posts very soon.

Nice work Joe. You're in the right profession...

I bet Dave still glows in the dark...Especially after working in a Nuke Plant.. ::)
Indeed Paul.

I am sure he has an even more "radiant" personality!!!    LOL  LOL

Later guys - gotta get to work.
Is this get together just for Gunners or can a lowly Herbie Helper drop in. I served with C Bty from 78-81 as an ELM tech fixing whatever you guys broke. I remember a lot of the names and faces from my formative years with the Guns. I'm still in and working in recruiting in Hamilton.

Bob Thomas 
I would think that you are more then qualified Bob. I can't believe that you put up with the BS for five years and now your asking for more ;D Your the man Bob :salute:

So what say the rest of the gun crew?

Would you happen to know a Sgt. Levert K. that I think is down your way?
