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RCHA Reunion Thread 1970's- 1980's-Come One, Come All

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Looking for old friends from 1 RCHA.  Anyone know wher Kevin Collins, Gerry Desmoulin, Mark Notte might be.  I was with C Bty.  I have not mentioned the names of many others simply because it is 2 in the morning and I am sleepy.  Replies from old mates welcome. Thanks a bunch.
Yeah, I knew all of the above names. I know Mark is married and living in BC. The others I lost track of.

I was in C BTY from 76-80......Do we know each other?

Paul Gillman
:)Hey Paul how are you doing, it sure has been a long time, since the late 70's and early 80's. It was great to see you on this site, I was just told about it about a 2 months ago. I was in C Bty also in 78 to 82 it was sure some wild times and I really don't know how some of us survived them times but we sure had fun playing Myua at Rosie. I think we had some good investment money in that place, and playing card on the trains after having a coke or Pepsi there before loading the trains ;D I am not in Canada right now, anyways give me a shout here is my e-mail address it will be nice to hear from you. Have a good one. peters_will@hotmail.com
Anyone else you looking for? Its a little before my time but i try to keep in touch with a few people and know a fair amount of guys who were in Germany.
Hello Peters.B.
Great that you remember me. You have me at a disadvantage though. Could you give me a little more as to your identity? :)


"At my command, fire"
Hiya Paul!
Certainlly was a suprise to see so many familar Ole CBty Guys around, names haven't heard nor seen for years but always the close friends and comrads in arms, and *gulp...brothers of the ole beer bucket, dayum still wonder wft some of the bottom of it was..

Friend Always
Gerry Desmoulin (aka des)
Ex 35 "C'huckles Gunner
Gerry 35D
I was C Bty 77-81.
We were on the same gun with Leo then Earl.
I sort of remember some of the tour. I see Bucky Reid weekly.
George Shewfelt
hello i too was in C bty, i was with the crew of 35c or what we called 35 cobra,my name Danny hiscock i remember some of those names. And the beer bucket but not much more.
Hey Des, remember you very well. And of course my old buds Danny. Anyone remember Danny's stereo that he "cramed" into his room in the shack?

I'm amazed he had anywhere to sleep with that huge set-up he had. Made for some interesting "shack" parties though.

"They were the best of times"...At least in hind-sight.... :blotto:
Everything Danny owned was named Geraldine... or was it Jeraldine.  Holy cow.  I made this post in 2001. Look how long you guys took to find it.  ;D

Hope you're all well and I miss you all.  What good times the late 70's were.  I am still in and still enjoying life.

Bruce Gilbert
eurowing at telus.net
Well we finally hooked up again, thnx for info guys!!


p.s. Paul, shot me an email when ya have time. would love to catch up with ya!
Got another one!

Pete Polson!  He is well and also has memories of the Beer Bucket!
Hi there,

Just found this site tonight and am having great fun reading through and remembering.  Although I am fond of saying that I had a black out  for the entire year of 1979.

My name is Denise and I dated Wawah.  You have to remember him...quite the character.  He and I married and divorced but maintain a close friendship to this day.  If anyone wants to talk with him I will pass along any emails. Just send your name and email to mimic@kos.net.

Those were the days alright!!
A few of us have been talking and we would like to see the feasibility of a  Germany/Arty get-together in late 08, maybe St Barbara's Day 4 Dec.
We are looking for a central location so far most of us are Ontario. Contact me with your email address and we will see.
So far ideas are Kitchener for Octoberfest haha, Ottawa for things to do besides you know what (glug glug),  and the GTA, Winnipeg Near Shilo.
George Shewfelt
Great idea would be fun to raise a few and share some stories. Winnipeg sounds great to me maybe its more central then Ont. Danny
Great idea George.  I remember you and I know of a couple guys that are not on here.  Joe Churchill, Pete Polson.

I was in C Bty
G31A and Despatch Rider mostly
I remember  you too and the night you almost ran into the herd of Boers black-out move in Graf or they ran into you.
So far a lot of people contacting located after all these yrs.
Ah, the night I got the "leans".  I couldn't figure out why I felt like I was going sideways until the carrier behind me (possibly you) turned on the lights and I saw all the boars.  Scared the crap out of me.  I also recall that when the lights were turn off again, my relultant loss of vision carried me blissfully into a very deep puddle of icy water.  I bet you owe me a beer for that! ;D

Another couple names, Gerry Desmoulin, Paul Gillman.. they haunt this board on occasion.

Edit for Paul.
Sorry Paul. I must have been thinking of the gall you had to suggest you skunked me in crib! lol
Gaul Gillman? I'll have you know I'm English not German.. :blotto:

Yep, still around and kicking. Anyone ever hear from Dave Gale? Mike McDonald?
I've been talking to Jim Brault and Mark Notte over the years.

Keep me in the loop..

35C............Best Gun........Best Driver.! :salute: