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Rations, Meal Halls ect... Merged

Mungo said:
Alright. Thanks a lot for clarifying that point, DAA. Much appreciated.

My guess........this is most likely the result of recent changes to regulations associated with budget management/expenses.  All costs associated with TD, the provision of Accommodations (Qtrs) and Food Svcs (Rations) are now limited to a % of the overall Unit budget allocation.

So whilst you and all the others might see this as your CoC putting the screws to you, in essence, they might not have much of a choice in the matter.
I would hypothesize that your unit was being overly generous before.  Referring back to CFAO 36-14, the only realy excuse for providing rations at public expense (i.e. feeding you for free) is if you are not given a break and allowed to leave the unit for lunch or your are prohibited from bringing your own packed lunch (this is how ships are allowed to provide lunch for the ship's company while alongside in home port).
Is there a policy or entitlement for members having meals when on course and working out of area?

For example you're  a student on a comms course held out of your unit and when you show up for work you're told by course staff you'll be training out of the local area for the day.  No box lunches are provided and you won't be provided a meal claim so you're basically on your own.  Is that allowable?
You'll probably need to provide more detail. Is your course covered by a claim for the who period? Are you outside your normal geographical area? If not, were you informed beforehand? Did you have access to areas to purchase a meal, or to store a meal brought from home? 

CFTDI seems pretty clear that if you are on ration strength, you either get a box lunch or meal claim (CFTDI 5.18.2.e). And if you are not on ration strength, and if there is an appropriate lunch room, you bring a meal from home (CFTDI 5.18.2.c.ii).

It's certainly arguable that if you are training offsite, that there is no appropriate lunch room (fridge, microwave) to have your brown-bag lunch -- and therefore the member would get a meal claim.

Jarnhamar said:
Is there a policy or entitlement for members having meals when on course and working out of area?

For example you're  a student on a comms course held out of your unit and when you show up for work you're told by course staff you'll be training out of the local area for the day.  No box lunches are provided and you won't be provided a meal claim so you're basically on your own.  Is that allowable?

Would a MTech (Spelling?) cover that?  Keep your receipts and make a claim at your OR; or is this no longer done?
I think you mean MTEC (Minor Travel Expense Claim) which I believe doesn't exist any more. We're doing all of ours on a CF 52 General Allowance Claim. Receipts are required (credit card slips are not sufficient, it needs to be the itemized receipt).

Your substantiation in this instance is:

CFTDI 5.01.b and CFTDI 5.18.2.f

My spouse confirmed MTEC remain a valid claim, with clerks in your SHO / OR. The MTEC is done through ClaimsX.
MTECs do exist and are still often used.

CFTDTI 5 would not apply in the case presented as stated "out of local area".  6 would be more of an area to look at.  If this applies then receipts would not be required. I suspect though that it was actually a case of alternative site within the local area which 5.a then would cover under 5.18 if all the conditions are met.

Of course the approving auth should be considering what is different between you having lunch at the regular site as opposed to the alternative site.  If you brought lunch with you anyway why couldn't you take it to the new location? Available meal facility is not absolute as a lunch room, that is provided as an example.  It could also be the classroom itself if you are allowed to eat there and considered suitable by the approving authority.  Some people also like to say because no microwave was available or they were not allowed to go for lunch until 1330h they should be allowed to claim even though their lunch is sandwich and salad brought from home. 

remember it is reasonable meal expenses. 

daftandbarmy said:
And.... parade everyone at 0630hrs and go for a 30 minute run every day, with the ICs at the front and the 2ICs at the back... with the Rottweilers  :)

And.... Put everyone on a diet of one small croissant and a cup of coffee, Légion Étrangère style.

Humphrey Bogart said:
And.... Put everyone on a diet of one small croissant and a cup of coffee, Légion Étrangère style.
Now THAT's only fair if they get rough red wine with supper as well  ;D
We subsidize messes and CANEX.  It's a choice to support unhealthy living.

If we're going to subsidize lifestyle choices, let's support healthy ones, not alcohol, caffeine and nicotine.
dapaterson said:
We subsidize messes and CANEX.  It's a choice to support unhealthy living.

If we're going to subsidize lifestyle choices, let's support healthy ones, not alcohol, caffeine and nicotine.

I'm with you on the nicotine, but only because smoking affects more than just the smoker and I see nothing beneficial in it - certainly nothing that outweighs the harm.  The same is not true with alcohol, caffeine or even fatty foods.  In moderation there is some benefit to those things and nothing especially harmful.

dapaterson said:
stores selling smokes and energy drinks
dapaterson said:
let's support healthy ones, not alcohol, caffeine and nicotine.

I for one am hugely dissatisfied by the level of opinion often sold as fact in the Forces WRT health and fitness. The above comments are a perfectly example of this, condemning a hugely useful stimulant (which professional athletes regularly rely on) as a hindrance, put on the same level as alcohol and tobacco no less. It's time we let professionals take over, and I don't mean the ex-PERI who thinks sit-ups till you vomit is an effective tool for anything but back problems.
In moderation, useful.  Chugging four Monster because you have a terrible sleep cycle, bad.

Lots of negatives with abuse of any stimulant; CANEX employees should not be a source for drugs.
dapaterson said:
In moderation, useful.  Chugging four Monster because you have a terrible sleep cycle, bad.

How about the CAF tries something truly revolutionary, like educating members on making healthy choices as adults?
I feel like this would be a more effective solution than trying to implement an ineffectual ban on energy drinks, soda, and cigarettes.
Senior leadership often reaches for the closest virtue-signalling stick they can find, and completely miss the mark.

dapaterson said:
Lots of negatives with abuse of any stimulant; CANEX employees should not be a source for drugs.

Agreed. Which is why we should EDUCATE members on health impacts with abuse of a stimulants. (and abuse of food, gambling, non-exercise)

Let's also not reach for the closest blame-stick we can find either.
CANEX employees are not a source for drugs, just as they are not a source for TVs, computers, or cadpat shaving kits.
The CAF can choose to not subsidize unhealthy choices, choose not to profit from it.  But we've gone the other way.

CANEX and messes have outlived their usefulness and reinforce negatives; it's time for change.
dapaterson said:
The CAF can choose to not subsidize unhealthy choices, choose not to profit from it.  But we've gone the other way.

CANEX and messes have outlived their usefulness and reinforce negatives; it's time for change.

Yup.  PMQs and subsidised Day Care as well.
dapaterson said:
The CAF can choose to not subsidize unhealthy choices, choose not to profit from it.  But we've gone the other way.

CANEX and messes have outlived their usefulness and reinforce negatives; it's time for change.

As a professional Chef, i always shake my head at messes in the CAF, some are great and seem to put effort into actual cooking of healthy meals, hell I've seen fresh baked bread in Wainwright before, kudo's to them. I've more often then not though seen what amounts to deep fried, or slop prison food which is not nutritionally balanced. Healthy choices starts with institutional change in how we feed our troops, why should we expect our troops to be healthy if we do not even make the healthiest choices for them?

Why do we do it though? convenience, it might take 3 hours to cut and blanch potatoes to feed everyone for a few days, or i can order this frozen bag ready to go. Wan health troops, we need our cooks to actually cook. Back it up with seminars on Nutrition for the troops among other items mentioned above and I am sure we would start seeing a turn around.