7.10 Meals
(1) A member is entitled to reimbursement for the applicable meal allowance rates as set out in Appendix C of the following Treasury Board website, http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/td-dv_e.asp, for each breakfast, lunch and dinner while on TD. Members shall only claim for those meals that they were not provided. A member is not entitled to reimbursement with respect to a meal that is provided by a third party or other government agency.
(2) A member is entitled to reimbursement provided that:
a) for breakfast, the member must depart from home on duty travel before 0630 hrs;
b) for lunch, the member must be on travel status between 1130 hrs and 1300 hrs; and
c) for dinner, the member must arrive at home after 1800 hrs.
(3) If it is determined that no meals were provided on a flight, a member is entitled to claim the per diem meal rate without receipts. However, where a member considers that a meal was insufficient, receipts are required for the alternate meal consumed. Substantiation must be provided to the approving authority before the meal expense is reimbursed. Snacks, i.e., pretzels, peanuts and chips do not constitute a meal.
(4) If a member declines a meal included in the travel or conference package and seeks reimbursement for an alternate meal, the member must provide written substantiation to the approving authority for refusal.
(5) It is the member’s personal responsibility to provide advance notice to the airlines or other appropriate service providers, to ensure that their religious beliefs or dietary requirements can be accommodated.
(6) For TD travel in the USA, the rate payable shall be in US funds.
(7) In accordance with CFAOs 28-1 and 209-4 http://admfincs.mil.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/028-01_e.asp and http://admfincs.mil.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/209-04_e.asp, rations shall be utilized where available. When a member is in US military quarters without cooking facilities and access to rations the member shall receive full per diem for the first thirty (30) days. Thereafter a member is eligible for seventy-five per cent (75%) of meals and seventy-five per cent (75%) of incidentals. Meals claimed while a member is provided free rations and quarters must be accompanied by a receipt as well as the rationale for not utilizing the rations.
(8 ) If a member has no choice but to reside in commercial accommodations without cooking facilities for the duration of the duty travel, the member is entitled to the full per diem meal rates. However, if the member selects to reside in private vice commercial accommodation, the member is entitled to the full per diem meal rates for the first thirty (30) days and seventy-five percent (75%) thereafter.
(9) If a member occupies US military, corporate, government or school residences, apartment hotels or similar type accommodation with cooking facilities or non-commercial accommodation, the member is entitled to the full per diem meal rate for the initial thirty (30) days. Thereafter, a member is entitled to be paid seventy five percent (75%) of the daily meal allowance for the remainder of the TD period.