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MedTech said:
Like I said it is RUDE, and I consider it derogatory, it's almost like calling a Sergeant "sarge" Now, I'm not slanting our Southern Neighbours, but I have yet to meet a Sergeant in the CF who liked that term, or like to be addressed as such.

Calling an NCO "sarge" is not acceptable in the US Army and I don't ever recall hearing a Soldier call me that. He he had, I would've made an on the spot correction.
MY buddy when asked what he does always replies  "I am a Toronto Cop"  He refers to his buddies as cops. What's the big freakin deal.

Me thinks you have too much time on your hands at the present moment to be letting this bother you.
Not really, just expressing my own personal pet peeve. Like I said, There are those that don't mind being called COPS, but there are members who don't like it at all.
Never said I was, and I am definitely not here to police anyone. Just expressing something that is irking me and some other people. You're entitled to your opinion. :p

Radio chatter or not, let's make sure everyone is civil.


Army.ca Staff
This is too much....

I have never thought of the term COP as a bad one, and letting people know that its a pet peeve just opens the door for more rib poking.

I doubt there are Police Officers that go home to their families and complain that someone called them a COP...  Come on man, is this a serious topic or what?

I certainly hope not, but if it is, maybe we can this into the SHARP training.  That's all from this Vanilla face.

And locked...

It'll disappear later
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