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Ranger Course

  • Thread starter Thread starter typhoon85
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I'd love to go.....I've got a recently Ranger qualified Pl Comd right now and he uses allot of the stuff he learned on course in the operation of the Pl.  I especially like the way they do orders.  They delgate certain ppl to write certain parts of the orders...IE: the WO does Service Support, the Pl Signaller does Comd and Sigs, someone else would write the Situation etc etc.
Lots of Canadian soldiers have taken the Ranger course (and the SF course) and a number of them have topped it. As a rule, Canadians do very well on US courses, or on operations or exercise with US forces. US types are often amazed at the high quality of our people, especially our junior NCOs. Ask anybody who was with 3PP in Afghanistan what the US Army thought about the Patricias' during OP APOLLO. Cheers.
pbi said:
Ask anybody who was with 3PP in Afghanistan what the US Army thought about the Patricias' during OP APOLLO.

Well, not anybody.   Andrew Exum seemed to think the Canadians were a bunch of older (joining up after spending many years in hard labour jobs), high school dropouts tending toward a little crazy with less than impressive field skills (not his words exactly, but basically what he said in his book).

Sorry, don't mean to hi-jack the thread.
I'm sorry that I've never heard of this Exum fellow, nor read his book. I'm relying more on the opinions expressed by people like the Commander of TF "Rakkasan" and other US leaders who observed our troops. Just for a start, Exunm's description of our troops makes no sense and appears to be completely at odds with the nature and skill level of our troops, especially the folks in 3PP which is a light battalion, and had undergone a rigorous training regime to prepare itself for the mission. By contrast, everything I have heard indicates that the US forces found the PPCLI soldiers to be at least as good if not far better than their own, and in some cases equal to their own Rangers. This doesn't really surprise me, based on what I have seen of both armies over the years. This would seem to be a fairly common US reaction, if only because they are surprised to see that Canada can actually produce good soldiers.

But, perhaps this Mr Exum saw and heard different things: I guess he has the right of free speech. Cheers.
I agree with you.  Was just pointing out that not everyone has a stellar impression.  It's always subjective and I think Exum just dropped a few tidbits he thought would be interesting--the way the comments came across to the readers were probably not the intended impression.  At least, I prefer to give Exum the benefit of the doubt rather than condemn him about a few short passages.
Casing said:
...... Was just pointing out that not everyone has a stellar impression. It's always subjective and I think Exum just dropped a few tidbits he thought would be interesting--the way the comments came across to the readers were probably not the intended impression. At least, I prefer to give Exum the benefit of the doubt rather than condemn him about a few short passages.

Well reading page two of your SOCNET link I am under the impression that Exum found the Cdn troops quite proficient, but failed to mention that in his book and also took liberties to write second and third hand accounts as fact when dealing with 3VP.   He may have unjustly raised a 'S***" -Storm this side of the border.

Yes, Exum did provide his stellar opinion in his second response on page two.  Even though he makes "it very clear" there, he didn't in his book. 

Anyway, this is clearly off topic.  Sorry for creating a tangent.
So what kind of things should you do to get a chance of going to the ranger course, just wondering because I am currently in the process of joining the Canadian Army (Infantry reg force) and probably would be interested to go if I had the chance.
So what kind of things should you do to get a chance of going to the ranger course

1) Join the Army
2) Pass your Basic Training (BMQ/SQ)
3) Pass your Infantry Qualification (BIQ)

Anything beyond that and you're taking your eye off the ball jarko.
MJP said:
I've got a recently Ranger qualified Pl Comd right now and he uses allot of the stuff he learned on course in the operation of the Pl. I especially like the way they do orders. They delegate certain ppl to write certain parts of the orders...IE: the WO does Service Support, the Pl Signaller does Comd and Sigs, someone else would write the Situation etc etc.

Thats an outstanding idea. Use your resources to their ability. Maybe its a trait all leaders should follow.
jarko said:
So what kind of things should you do to get a chance of going to the ranger course, just wondering because I am currently in the process of joining the Canadian Army (Infantry reg force) and probably would be interested to go if I had the chance.

Of the now 6 slots a year that are offered, consider this 60,000 soldiers ind CF - you could have a 1 in 10,000 shot each year in any branch other than the Army. If you join the Army you'd have a 1 in 3333 chance and finally if you join the infantry you'd reduce those chances to 1 in 1000.  So do you feel lucky? well do ya?
what do you have to do to get nominated to the ranger course...
As stated - enroll, pass basic & basic trade course
become the best soldier that you can be and again try to get better.
When the Battalion is offered an opening, they won`t be sending the lowliest/ sad excuse / least capable soldier of the unit.... they`re gonna send their "king".... so you`ve gotta be "da king"

Good luck

Put the "Exum" bullshit to rest.  Read the threads below, and then please carry on.  In short form, the guy was a "know-nothing" Platoon-level boob who quickly retracted his baseless allegations when confronted by reality.  Hardly the stuff of unimpeachable knowledge.....

I offer the following:


And for a direct link to my refutation and Exum's back-pedalling you can go here (note that you may need to register on the Lightfighter.com forum to obtain the truth):


He completely pooched his war-based "fictional account", and admitted as much when I challenged him in an open forum on Socnet.  Exum is/was a bull-shit artist of the highest order, and I shut him down in public.  End of story.

Mark C
I wasn't sure if I should've made a new thread or reply here, so my apologies if I chose the wrong decision.

About Canadians attending US Ranger school, do these Canadians have U.S. citizenship, or is Ranger School an exception?
Mdrinka said:
I wasn't sure if I should've made a new thread or reply here, so my apologies if I chose the wrong decision.

About Canadians attending US Ranger school, do these Canadians have U.S. citizenship, or is Ranger School an exception?

Citizenship is not an issue.  The US Army offers vacancies to other allied nations.  CF soldiers can fill those vacancies and remain serving members of the CF and retain Canadian citizenship.
Besides the full blown Ranger course which if memory serves me correct Canadians have been coming in first and second as long as they have been inviting us to partake in. There was also the RIP(Ranger INDOC Program) which some of us in the dinosaur days got. To avoid a pissing contest look in the "Patrician" issues 1980/1981/1982. My smiling face is on one of the pages.
Keep in mind that members of the 75thRR going on Ranger courses have been in the unit typically 6 months to a year

We send M/Cpl's, Sgt's, Lt's and Capt's  -- the concept that a more experienced soldier doing better is not unusual.
  The other US pers on the course will likley be from straight leg units and not have the LightFighter skills either.

Not to damper the enthusiasm for the Ranger course (there is a certain look cool factor associated with it) but you can look at lot closer to home for a similar course.  The former Parachute Centre (now the CF Land Advanced Warfare Centre) has the Patrol Pathfinders Course in which they do some pretty significant stuff.  This year the course worked with the Canadian Navy and did some submarine insertions, did some training with the US Marines/SCTF once the course was completed.  Its' in the process of being revamped and there is always a push to get people on it.  Have a look - you're chances might be better to get on this course then the US Ranger course passing it of course is another issue...
Then again the CF had something like 19 positions on US Army Ranger from Sep 06 to Nov 07.  I have heard but cannot confirm that only four people passed PPF last year…..

You might be better off going on the ranger course and using your skills within the Army – one of the Infantry Battalions or an Engr Regt.  Or you could take PPF so you could be part of the Maritime Amphibious Unit – waiting for the SCF to actually become IOC…buy boats ….get deployed…or maybe you just want to get posted to Halifax.

Third option:
You could try for selection to CSOR and do all that stuff and more (shameless recruiting plug)
