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Quitting Smoking

Here goes again, another program I was running (banner printing software, an 11928x7869 pixel picture) froze my PC while I was trying to post this...  :P

I started smoking when I was 20, in College. I was close 'friends' with 2 attractive and voyeuristic girls who smoked, so it wasn't long before I started.

I did quit for about 6mos once, mainly because at that time (2001) literally no-one around me smoked while I was trying to quit. Not because of me, because they just didn't smoke.

I've tried almost every method except prescription drugs/Laser/Hypnosis. The "quit buying" technique, "only smoke when I drink" method (which actually was even worse, I was drinking as an excuse to smoke), I even tried the patch (with limited success, after a couple weeks I got stressed out about financial-issues and fell back into it).

I'm currently still smoking, 16yrs later. Hope to break the habbit soon. I can only shake my head now when I calculate/estimate how much money I've literally burned...

This was a quote that I definately related to (edited for content). Among many others also...

Che said:
In short it was by far the absolute worst decision I've ever made, and I can connect just about every negative aspect of my life in some way to smoking.
FishOuttaWater said:
I'm currently still smoking, 16yrs later. Hope to break the habbit soon. I can only shake my head now when I calculate/estimate how much money I've literally burned...

I know the feeling. I started smoking when I was 15 (over 8 years ago) because it was just oh-so-cool to be a smoker in high school. I tried to quit many times during university but there was always some kind of stress that had me going back.

Last month was my 24th birthday, and as cheesy as it sounds my gift to myself was to quit smoking. It was a month yesterday since I had my last smoke. It's not easy, I have strong cravings sometimes, but I'm doing it. I feel like it's easier now that I have a solid goal (joining the CF,) than it was in the past, but it's still tough.
If I can get through that few minutes of not being able to do anything but fantasize about a cigarette then I've made it through another round. It's not even a chemical addiction anymore at this point, I just miss the act of smoking... (writing this out right now is making me want to smoke so badly haha) but I know I am better off. It's like one big mindtrick, but it's definitely possible to succeed!
I quit when I was 32.
23 years later and I still miss them.
I've got to give my nod to the Champix. I've been smoking more on than off for over 40 years. Longest I quit for was three years. It used to drive me nuts to sit there and drink beer while others were smoking after I'd quit a few times. Went on the Champix regime and after almost a year I can sit right next to someone lighting up and the smoke doesn't even tweek me. Same as Wonderbread, I tried one after a few weeks and it tasted like total crap. So far the stuff has worked wonders for me.
Although nicotine is an addictive substance, it doesn't get you high. I enjoyed loved the social aspect of smoking. Then it became unsocial, so I quit. Cold Turkey. Haven't touched one since. I saw my father do it, so I figured I could too. Although he switched to pipes and cigars. I considered that, but didn't.
I hope you recovered from your accident, F.O.W.
mariomike said:
Although nicotine is an addictive substance, it doesn't get you high. I enjoyed loved the social aspect of smoking. Then it became unsocial, so I quit. Cold Turkey. Haven't touched one since. I saw my father do it, so I figured I could too. Although he switched to pipes and cigars. I considered that, but didn't.
I hope you recovered from your accident, F.O.W.

It did to me (made me light-headed, kinda out-of-it) for the first 1/2 pack after not smoking for 6 months. And yeah, nicotine is  THE most addictive substance known to man. And my old-man quit cold-turkey too, him and my step-mother. Thats actually where I got my 1st taste of tobacco, I was in grade 3 or 4 now that I think of it. But I remember now, I didn't like it.

I'm starting to cut back, and jogging while the weather is still nice. You ever hear the saying, "idle hands do the Devils work"...?

And thanks, I have recovered. 12" 'exploratory' incision in ma' belley, 30 staples, and 15 months later I'm rock'n'rollin...!

I had been smoking for 35 years. I quit 1 week ago. Bright hopes and the possibility of joining either part-time reserves or cadet instructor cadre caused me to lose addiction to them. Nobody else or nothing else can tempt me into getting back. Even if I end up disappointed. I guess I just find them completely unpalatable. Not even cold turkey..It 's gone ..the addiction is gone..I ran 5 kilometers yesterday..did a few push-ups and sit-ups..took a shower..now I feel good..