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Quickest way in

Retired CC said:
I understand your disappointment at being refused your initial choice - but I've got to wonder - why would you let something like a driver's license stop you?   If that's all it takes to stop you in your tracks, then any future enemy you may face is going to have an easy time of it.

Get to a driver's academy, take the damned course, pass the bloody exam, and get the license!

Get to it - let us know how you make out.

No, there was more to it than that. First I'd have to get my G2, which I can get anytime and then I'd have to wait something like 8 months or a year before I can take the test for the full G license which is the one I needed.
P-Free said:
No, there was more to it than that. First I'd have to get my G2, which I can get anytime and then I'd have to wait something like 8 months or a year before I can take the test for the full G license which is the one I needed.

I'm sorry - I'm in Alberta - what's a "G2"??
Sorry to jump in with some ignorance, but I'm guessing it's a leaners permit (Graduated lisencing)
Ontario drivers license goes as follows..

G1 - Restricted to only able to drive a vehicle with a passenger present with full license (common learners permit)

G2 - next step up, no real restrictions other than no alcohol whatsoever

G - Common license across canada
Sh0rtbUs said:
Ontario drivers license goes as follows..

G1 - Restricted to only able to drive a vehicle with a passenger present with full license (common learners permit)

G2 - next step up, no real restrictions other than no alcohol whatsoever

G - Common license across canada

ShOrtbUs:  Thanks for the info.

P-Free:  Now that I understand, it STILL doesn't look like an insurmountable obstacle to me.  Check the recruiting threads - people are waiting a year and longer to get in - during that time, couldn't you acquire your license??  To be honest, never having served in Recruitin, I'm not sure if they'll continue processing your application if you're only "in process" of acquiring the qualification - perhaps a quick call to the Recruiting Centre may be in order?

Whatever -  you're giving up too easily.  Based on the PMs we've exchanged, as well as the majority of your postings on various threads, I'm convinced you have the drive and determination to be a considerable asset to the CF - don't let some little bump in the road get in your way.

Adapt and overcome - you'll hear that phrase often in your career - but ONLY if you apply it NOW.
As was stated a few times early in the post, do the research, find a job that you think will keep you happy not just for today, but 10-20 years down the road, if you hate going to work, you will not give it your all, and in a team environment, you will be letting yourself and others down( makes going to work even worse).... Get your DL, not really a huge problem.  Listen to those who have" been there done that".

good luck on the DL and on getting in.
P Free

You have received a lot of good advice. Take the time to make a well informed decision.

If you want in and "will take any occupation". it doesn't really say much in terms of motivation...just desperation. Odds are you won't like the occupation that you select blindly.

If you don't feel like taking the advice of others, may I ask, "Do you like camping?!"

Yup, got the memo.

Ok, after thinking about it for a few days am going to keep with my first (well..second..) choice, Combat Engineer. Just hoping to be selected on the 5th of September.