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Quick Question


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Hey im posting this in the off toppic section so i dont make the regular posters of this site mad at me for posting garbage on the specific categories so here we go:

Some reservists came to our school today and showed a video in the hall way and tryed to get kids to join(me being one of the people who is going to join the reserve) On this video it displayed our canadian boys in some sort of training village firing what seemed like live rounds but on closer viewing i saw that each soldier had a paintball mask and helmet on. this puzzled me. can anyone please explain this new type of paintball to me???!?!?! :cdn:
Uhhhh, were they also selling stereo equipment out of a white van? If this was an authorized CF Recruiting effort, you would know. They likely would not be showing you a video 'in the hall', if I caught you right. There would be NCOs, Officers and probably troops in uniform, likely making a presentation to your whole school, not some band of weirdos showing home movies of their 'last ex'.

And the soldiers in any video would be clearly NOT wearing anything to do with paintball......unless you paintball with 5.56
What you saw was simunitions.


Um, they were probably showing a video of FIBUA training, using simunition, which is sort of like a military version of paintball, for which you DO wear a protective face mask.

It's not a "new type of paintball" as such, but it's a training tool used by military and police forces around the world... http://www.simunition.com/
Combat camera has a few photos... here's one... http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/scripts/PortWeb.dll?quickfind=IS2003-0056D.JPG&catalog=combat&template=cc_showdetail_e
Caesar said:
Uhhhh, were they also selling stereo equipment out of a white van? If this was an authorized CF Recruiting effort, you would know. They likely would not be showing you a video 'in the hall', if I caught you right. There would be NCOs, Officers and probably troops in uniform, likely making a presentation to your whole school, not some band of weirdos showing home movies of their 'last ex'.

And the soldiers in any video would be clearly NOT wearing anything to do with paintball......unless you paintball with 5.56
Well actually yeah There were about five soldiers standing at a spot with a little booth and a tv in out hallway showing kids videos and equipment and taking down fone numbers for interested youth
Woah I didnt know they recruited at schools. Do they have recruitment sort of sessions in the Toronto District School Board? I'd love to attend one.
In the GTA different regiments will recruit at different schools.  Usualy we (my regiment at least) try to recruit at schools in which we already have members so we can get them to try and recruit their friends.
Caesar said:
Uhhhh, were they also selling stereo equipment out of a white van? If this was an authorized CF Recruiting effort, you would know. They likely would not be showing you a video 'in the hall', if I caught you right. There would be NCOs, Officers and probably troops in uniform, likely making a presentation to your whole school, not some band of weirdos showing home movies of their 'last ex'.

And the soldiers in any video would be clearly NOT wearing anything to do with paintball......unless you paintball with 5.56

I don't know where you're getting that from - CF recruitment drives at my HS in Toronto had videos in the main hallway, a LAV outside, and assorted other things that were presented to whoever stopped at the displays. I don't think any school would hold an assembly to let CF recruiters address the entire student body at once. I could be mistaken but I think any school participation in CF recruitment outside of allowing the recruiters on the property would likely be construed as a conflict of interests.
Well I guess things are different now-a-days. We had an assembly in my day.

The way the original post was worded brought ("Some reservists came to our school today and showed a video in the hall way and tryed to get kids to join") brought images to mind of keen but misguided recruits showing fellow high school kids their handi-cam footage of their last 'ex'. Every HS recruiting dog-and-pony I've seen involved displays, photos, and maybe a flashy video with CFRC all over it, with lots of pamphlets and maybe an AFV in the parking lot. This sounded different.

Well i guess that it worked by just standing in the hall with their little booth because i think a good number of kids are interested. I wish that they had brought some more equipment to show people. Oh well, Actually when they visited i became really relally motivated to join (even though i had been planing on joining since some time ago). They Called me up and asked if i was going to the Armory the day that they were trainging and they kinda were really like vultures and tried their hardest to work out any way that might impeed my going. But i guess that its their job. At least theyre not like the American Marines. My oncle told me that they have Troopers patroling around going from person to person recruiting them on the streets and parking lots.
A question on simunation is it controlled? can I buy a convo pack and play paintball with a colt 1911? I would probably think not right?