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Questions about joining the Reserves

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wiebea said:
Question regarding the environment for university students in the reserves:

I'm a mature student who has recently started going back to university, mid 20s. At the same time when I went back to university I started the process to join the military as I am used to a blue collar environment (worked as a lead hand in a steel factory out of high school until the plant was shut down) and generally perform well under pressure; the military may be greatly beneficial in helping me achieve my goals.

My largest concern is that am trying to compete for medical college. The studying required to get the GPA required is a large time commitment and I already have no personal time. I have already found that in the past, when I was working part time and commuting I was unable to get the grades I would need.  I recognise that joining the reserves is a commitment, time wise, emotionally and mentally. Does the reserves recognise the needs of university students in this way? I would hate to join and find that my mental energy is being drained to the point of hurting my GPA by mental conditioning.

I have other concerns which really are my own at the end of the day (age upon starting university to the end of residency, could be studying in the summer rather than training with the reserves so I'm not in my mid 30s when I'm done university) (toll on personal life with so much in my schedule already) (possible conflicting within an authoritarian environment) but am mostly wondering if being in the reserves can benefit studies or hurt.

I'm trying to join as a medical assistant and might be interested in the MOTP.

You may find these discussions of interest,

9 pages.

University Student Interested in Joining Reserves (Med A/T)? 

Reserves and University ( A )

Reserves and University. ( B )

Joining the reserves during university  ( A )

Joining the Reserves in University  (B )

Joining Reserves while being a fulltime University Student

Med Tech in the Reserves 

Medical Assistant 


Medical Assistant in Ontario 

Medical Technician versus Medical Assistant 

Curious About Joining Reserves 
OP: "I've been debating about joining the reserves as a Medical Technician."

Medical Officer Training Plan (MOTP) [MERGED]


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Bottom line, a large majority of reservists are university students or were university students when they joined. Once you are qualified, I challenge you to find a more accommodating employer. The commitment that the reserves are going to want is a mere 1 night a week (fixed day, roughly 7pm - 10pm) and 1 weekend a month (no control over which).  The world won't end if you need a miss a training night or a weekend, but if this  sounds like too much of a commitment, do not bother joining. Technically you only need to show up 1 day every 30 days, but if you are showing up so little why bother staying in?

Personally at times the reserves has both aided and hindered my studies.

During my first year of University, I was put on a weekend basic course. It was a weekend course so I missed 11 weeks of studying/drinking. This meant that I had to use my limited free time to study, so I needed to make the most of my free time. All in all it wasn't too difficult to balance, but the worst was during my 2 second my semester. I had to work the first three weekends, then we had a 1 week break and after that it was our graduation. I had two midterms before my graduation weekend, and two the day the after. It was a miserable 5 weeks of university, but my marks were never higher.

I found that the more that I got involved, the more that I enjoyed the reserves. During 3rd and 4th year my marks slipped slightly. This can be attributed to me working more than 50% of my weekends with the army and working 15 hours a week at a job in my field of studies. I could/should of done less work, but I don't really regret doing what I did as still graduated with honours. Some of my peers have had difficulties juggling the army, social life and academics. It can be done, this just means that sometimes you are studying for Linear Algebra in -25c in a tent.  ;D

Regarding courses you only really "need" to do your BMQ, BMQ-L and your DP1. Some trades this can all be accomplished in one summer, and others require two. If you don't want to progress your career any further you don't have to, but there may be some pressure from your COC to advance it further. I've turned down PLQ twice and then they still loaded me on the DL :rofl:.

All in all, it was a blast and I'm glad that I joined.
Hello, I recently contacted my local recruiter from a reserve unit and started the application process for a part time infantry soldier, I met for an interview and everything seemed to have went well, I was told I would need photo id, high school transcripts and a birth certificate, I was also told where the physical test would take place. I was just wondering, am I supposed to receive any forms to fill out? because I have not received any and I have not received any response from the recruiter. Does this mean I am no longer being considered for the position? because I assumed that I would have been told so and they wouldn't have asked me to gather these documents and where the physical test was.

Thank you for your time.
The best thing for you to do is contact the point person during your recruitment process. Get used to using the Chain of Command for inquiries like this. Only from an official source can you gain accurate information. Any other information you gather from other sources will be unofficial.

The individual who you deal with as a potential recruit is there to help you along the way. Use them as such.

capitalkid said:
Hello, I recently contacted my local recruiter from a reserve unit and started the application process for a part time infantry soldier, I met for an interview and everything seemed to have went well, I was told I would need photo id, high school transcripts and a birth certificate, I was also told where the physical test would take place. I was just wondering, am I supposed to receive any forms to fill out? because I have not received any and I have not received any response from the recruiter. Does this mean I am no longer being considered for the position? because I assumed that I would have been told so and they wouldn't have asked me to gather these documents and where the physical test was.

Thank you for your time.
Army Reserve units are in charge of their own recruiting, while the CFRC's do give assistance (in regards to the CFAT, medical, etc); it's the Reserve Unit that chooses their own applicants.  My advice is to go into the reserve unit and try to speak with the recruiter you originally did or ask to speak with if they're currently on tasking.

Note that most reserve units go to minimum manning as of the beginning of June and go away on summer training and don't operate at full capacity again until September.  This could very well be why you're not hearing back from the recruiter.
Hey guys,

I'm drawing a complete blank from the info session I attended  for the Reserves. The physical test we have to pass is now just the FORCE test? Not the old push up/sit up/run standard? A friend of mine is helping me with getting in shape and would like the specifics so we know how far I have to go. Thanks!
milkduds85 said:
The physical test we have to pass is now just the FORCE test?


Reserves FORCE test

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

I have email inquiries in to recruiting for various questions but I was hoping for a quicker answer.
milkduds85 said:

I have email inquiries in to recruiting for various questions but I was hoping for a quicker answer.
See the link. All good info.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
RocketRichard said:
See the link. All good info.


More good info,

Fitness for Operational Requirements of CF Employment (FORCE)
35 pages.
Hey guys i want to join the army reserves how would i do so? Im 16 btw

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk
Hi i want to join the reserves as an infantry soldier, im 16 and i live in ontario what should i do to join?

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk

You will need to speak with a Recruiter at a Local Unit.
asekhon010 said:
Hey guys i want to join the army reserves how would i do so? Im 16 btw

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk

Welcome to Army.ca. A couple of things to note; please refrain from posting the same thing more than once, either in multiple threads or in the same thread. As well, when waiting for a reply, it's important to be patient. A reply might not appear immediately for various reasons. In the mean time, while a poster is waiting for an answer to their question, it gives them time to research the site and there's a good chance they'll find the answers they're seeking in the interim.
Hi there. Can anyone describe to me a typical week doing PT1 in Meaford ON, with the Reserves (GGFG's OTTAWA)? I'm signing up and would like some kind of heads-up, if possible. Thanks!
I have been looking into joining up with the reserves locally in Calgary and like the part time aspect of BMQ, I am finding however that most of the trades require a full-time training requirement in Borden for the months of July and August, which isn't really doable for me.
I wondered if there are any trades that complete ALL training part time in Calgary?

1984UKlife said:
I have been looking into joining up with the reserves locally in Calgary and like the part time aspect of BMQ, I am finding however that most of the trades require a full-time training requirement in Borden for the months of July and August, which isn't really doable for me.
I wondered if there are any trades that complete ALL training part time in Calgary?



Highly unlikely.  If you are interested in the Army Reserve call 403 310 ARMY.
ncolt said:
Hi there. Can anyone describe to me a typical week doing PT1 in Meaford ON, with the Reserves (GGFG's OTTAWA)? I'm signing up and would like some kind of heads-up, if possible.
Your best bet is to speak with the recruiter at GGFG or ask to speak with someone who has recently done the training.  Last time I worked as a Recruiter for a Reserve Unit I welcomed new applicants to come in and speak with individuals who recently did the training.  Reason for this is that even though I was a recruiter I did my Basic Course in the 90's and things have definitely changed.

1984UKlife said:
I have been looking into joining up with the reserves locally in Calgary and like the part time aspect of BMQ, I am finding however that most of the trades require a full-time training requirement in Borden for the months of July and August, which isn't really doable for me.
I wondered if there are any trades that complete ALL training part time in Calgary?

I can't think of any occupation that allows the occupation training to be done part-time.  If you were to join an occupation that you are fully qualified in on the civilian side, then possibly a PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment) could be completed to allow you to bypass occupation training.  But eventually you'd need to do other courses in your career that require full time attendance.
Hello folks. I applied to the army around 3 years ago, did the testing and qualified for every non officer job. Around 2 years ago I was offered a full time position as a resource management support clerk, but I declined at the last second right before the ceremony. I've regretted it ever since, sometimes even almost to the point of depression. I thought I could enjoy life without the military doing a routine job and earning 60-70k year, and that money could make me happy, I was wrong. I came to find out my life has zero excitement or purpose without the military, and that I don't mind the discipline. I reapplied shortly after rejecting the offer but haven't heard back. I am currently 28 years old and I'm looking to join the military in almost any way. My ultimate goal is full time work in the military, probably something like Resource management clerk... maybe even an officer down the road if I finish my degree. I heard it's easier to get full time if you go through reserves first, so that's what I'm currently looking into... the reserves. Any advice on what I should apply for?

Thanks in advance.
If you want a full time job, join the RegF. The reserves is not an easier nor faster way in.