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Questions about Gagetown -- Need the Straight Goods


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So I got my kit list heck even got plane tickets. Now if I could just get a straight answer, that would be great. I‘ve tried the proper channels and got whole lot of I don‘t know or I‘m not too sure.

A. When you show up at the base (Gagetown), do you have to be in uniform, I‘m getting conflicting info at my unit?

B. What should I expect for PT?

c. Anyone here been on course in Gagetown, what was it like?
Hi Devlin,

Generally, you don‘t have to be in uniform when you check in, though there may be specific instructions for your course.

PT varies greatly from course to course, and even between serials of the same course. It really depends on the course staff and the current "climate" at the school. If you‘re prepared for an hour of exercise every morning, you‘ll be all set either way... (Generally it‘s one or more of running, circuit training, obstacle course, ruck march, callisthenics and log PT.)

Thanks Mike

I‘ve been doing work-up training for the PT side of the house. The course is a leadership course for junior officers, which is generally done at the tail end of a BMQ course. I‘ve had the BMQ just missing this leadership portion.

By the way, what is LOG PT? :confused: I‘m a LOG officer, does this involve dead wood :)
I know the course you are taking about.

Right now, the PT is at 05.30 to 06.10 and it ranges from 5 km runs, to circuit training to push-ups/sit-ups and marching. Most of the guys are getting up at 04.50 and doing inspection prep, etc. Forming up is about 05.20.

Bring PT gear: 1 pair shoes, grey shorts, grey shirt. You‘ll also be doing some PT in combats. It the type of PT and what you do it in changes every day. The mosquitos are horrendous. Make sure you bring a sweatshirt and insect repellent.

You‘ll likely have to do the CF Express test on the first day there.

Chances are you‘ll have to report to H23 -- the shacks are just past the MP station and before the Fitness Centre.

Just go to the guard house, give him the info, and you will receive directions. A taxi from Fredericton Airport to CFB Gage is about $13. Make sure you keep the receipt as your unit will pay you back.

Don‘t worry about showing up in uniform. Plus, you are not supposed to be flying on a civ plane in uniform.

Consider yourself lucky. You‘ve only got 5 days of the course. Are you doing the CAP-R afterwards?
In Gagetown, you must report for course in uniform. But since you will be flying in, civies will be OK. I‘m an instructor in Gagetown.
:evil: :tank:
Oh oh Devlin.
The little devil,s gonna get ya. ;)
Your a$$ is grass & he,s the mower.

good luck on your course,ace the bitch.

humint, Recce41, Windwolf:

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it very much. Nice too get it straight from the source. From what I have heard a lot of this leadership course is classroom work, lectures and death by powerpoint. At least that is what the guys who did it last year said, not that I‘m taking it too lightly if anything just the opposite. Been driving the wife nuts going over kit and trying to get out for runs etc...

I‘m sure I will get my share of cock on the course, just like everyone else though. Got some good advice from the Snr NCO‘s at my unit. Some are even Airborne (your never really ex-airborne from what I am told). I must say I have a great deal of respect for them.

As for the little devil gettin me, if I hear, see or even suspect Recce41 is in the area I‘ll be sure to cut him a wide path.


Unforutnately or fortunately (depends how you look at it) I will not be able to do CAP afterward. Can‘t get the time off from work to do even mod 1 of CAP. Couple of guys from my unit already got RTU‘d from the previous CAP course in Gagetown this summer. From what I understand the CAP course is quite difficult.

Although an MWO who is with the Algonquin regiment told me it‘s not nearly as bad as it used too be. His advice was to not come off as a know it all and you should be OK. Other than that he said keep your mouth shut and your heels together.

Thanks again.
Your know me, if you see me on runs or riding the bike in to J7. I most of the time wear a Blk/Gold Airborne Armour Recce shirt. But I‘m instructing Phase 4 Recce and the Adv Armour Recce Survaillance Specialist Course.

:evil: :tank:

I‘ll be the guy running in the other direction :p .

I bet the students can run faster scared :eek: than the staff can mad :evil: .

Anybody here have any more info on this Leadership course, is it all classroom work or is there a field portion as well? Just trying to get a handle on what to expect. I‘m asuming we will be pretty busy considering they only have 8 days to go through the whole course for this leadership portions.
The BOTP-R leadership portion should be both class room work and a field ex, likely about 3 days. Now, I don‘t know for sure, but that‘s what I‘ve been told.

Your only in Gage for a week. Imagine the guys who signed up fro BOTP-R and CAP-R -- they will be there until Aug 31. The poor *******s!

But, don‘t worry about it. You‘ll just be getting your feet wet when the whole thing will be over.

Recce41 -- I‘m sure I won‘t run into you for a while, but at some point we should go for a pint and discuss shop. As for instructors, do you MCpl Kendal 2RCR? That guy is f@uckin‘ brilliant -- one of the best, and down to earth, guys out there.
Devlin, I just finished my CAP(R) course in
Gagetown this past May. Let me know if you
have any questions that I can help you with.
Looks like I may get a tasking with Inf. School so I have a few questions.

1. Does each room in the shacks have TV and internet connection available? Or does it depend on which shack? If yes, is the internet connection cable or modem only?

2. Just how big is Gagetown?

3. Can I request when I want some leave (I want to be back with my unit for remembrance day) or do I take leave when everyone else does?

Thank ye.
I have wrapped up my CT and have a COS date of 7 July and am avoiding much pt now so I do not injure myself before my transfer goes through so the CT is not deplayed.  I will be on Pretc when i get to gagetown I will be informed of when my course is going to be starting.  When I get there I can start running more as I am just using the eliptical so I don't do high impact on my body.  How much time do people get to go to the gym on pretc?  My express test is good until next feb as per my mprr but when i start my dp1 will i have to do a express test?  I know i have a trough road ahead of myself but I have the heart to do what it takes to pass the course.  What are the shacks like for people on pretc and for dp1?  How many people are to a room?  What do you do for entertainment while not doing course stuff or while on pretc? 

Thanks for anything anyone can contribute.  :camo: