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well, thank you for your opinion aeosp, and i so happen to know what the roles of combat engineers are owing to the fact that some of my best friends are in the 043 field, but i still stand by the fact that anyone who has been rejected from the army for reasons similar to mine are being unjustly rejected, and i think that owing to my backround of construction working and personal fitness level AND owing to the fact i have NEVER had an asthma attack, which u so aptly like to use in your examples...most of my friends in the army didnt even know i had it until i told them i was rejected becasue of it...but i knoww thats not the pointt, and i really wouldnt like to risk one of my fellow soldiers life in a in war or exercise, i at least think it would be fair of me to be accepted and try basic training and see how it goes...but anyways, i have made an appointment to go for asthma testing, since it does seem like a reasonable option...and for all you of chastized me in this thread have done nothing but determine me more to get in the army and prove you all wrong no matter what it takes...tahnks to you who gave me the idea to get the testing done though, and good luck to you all who are in the same boat as im in....and to all of you who are allready members of the cf have no idea what the feeling is and should at least try to be a little understanding of our situation bye for now  :salute:
A_B_31cer said:
.but anyways, i have made an appointment to go for asthma testing, since it does seem like a reasonable option

As your life progresses and indeed your possible future career as a combat engineer progresses, you'll learn that the above part of you tirade was the only part that needed to be said. Good on you, leave the extra curricular stuff out and just go do it. It's what soldiers do man, they just do it.
OMG it was pretty ruff stuff you dropped on him but the reply i liked the most is Paladin's, man that was and ADVICE not a slap in the face.
My advice to you A_B_31cer  is use your intelligence and i am sure you have a lot, without lying ;) you know what to do now. Its my dream since i was a kid to go in the army and now i wait the call for BMQ , i don't want to imagine what feels to be rejected by the thing you want the most. But A_B_31cer be wise and strong and remember WHO DARES WINS...." I like this quote "...and i am not telling him to lie by this quote, A_B_31cer you know what i mean.

Cheers to all of you even if you were ruff on him, but i guess its your way of giving advices.

Wolf  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
Dude, I have the same problem, I got rejected because I used a puffer for a month! A MONTH!!! and thats all, just to get some breathing problems out of the way. I know how you feel, the army is what Iv always wanted to do as well but I'm not going to lie in my application. I have the same problem...actually its worse and I'm dealing with it fairly, its taking time but like I said, the army is what I want to do with my life and I'm not going to stop trying to get into it. Its been a year now but things are finally going smooth again, I got a letter from my doctor saying Iv been asymptomatic for a year and no longer need a puffer, the recruiters say that will suffice. I only have my PT test left to do and I know I will pass so then its just time to sit back nd wait for a call. I'm just saying that there is truth in what these people are saying but I hear you, they say this because they are in the army or have no problems getting in so its easy for them to say "oh! suck it up u female dog(b**ch)." I know how you feel but you can get around it, it will take some time but if like you said you really wanted to join you should be more then willing to give that time.
Well, it seems the past few months alot of people in this situation have come onto here and sought help. But really guys its a waist of bandwidth sometimes. The search tool is a beautiful thing. I bet you any amount of money in the world if you type in asthma in the search bar just about any question about asthma or people who have been in the situation and succeeded or failed have posted. I know I'm in at least 70% of those threads (lol...not really).

- If this helps a bit. FACT: As of last year out of the 5 people on these forums who were rejected due to asthma which they did not have, 3 have succeeded, 1 has given up (i think) and 1 is still in the wait. That means theres a 60% success rate a 20% failure rate and 20% well I'm still waiting on a surgery :P.

- Never give up.
- Usman  :salute: