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Question regarding CT/OT offer


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I received an offer for a CT from Res to Reg along with a OT from Infantry officer to Armoured O. I am totally confused by one component of my offer. I have been granted TIR of 1 year and 43 days. I'm supposed to relinquish my rank to Officer Cadet until I am done BOTC. I have been given IAP bypass (I will likely bypass BOTC and CAP as well because I have them both). I am then to be re-promoted to 2Lt retro to the date I start. 1 year later if I have all my courses, I will be promoted to Lt.

Now looking into this a bit further. That's the standard promotion timing to Lt.

My question is....What is the point of the TIR granted?

My recruiter said he isn't really sure, but it will effect my EPZ date somehow. This is not really reflected in my offer. It does not seem to correlate to my pay either, which is detailed elsewhere on my offer.

Any help would be appreciated...
First off you will have to pass BOTC.  If you don't then it is TFB for you and a kiss as the door swings behind you.  If you pass, then you are automatically a 2Lt and paid as such.  If you make the 1 year timeline for your courses you will be promoted Lt and recieve backpay to the day you joined.

Your one year and 43 days, will put you that far in advance towards your next Pay Incentive and will probably play the same towards your EPZ, when applied against others who join on the same day as you.  So you should not be starting as a Lt, Incentive 1, when you finally reach that point, but Incentive 2 with 43 days towards Incentive 3.

That is how I see the meaning/question of your post.  Time for a RMS clerk to pull out the books and dictate the 'law'.
Thanks for your reply George.

I am hoping to bypass BOTC and CAP as I have already done them both. They are just starting a new PLA.

Are you saying that if I pass the courses, I would be promoted to Lt, backdated to my enrollment date?

As for the pay, they are giving me IC 2 (on the DEO 2Lt scale) with 150 days towards IC 3. That is why I'm so confused, they are dealt with totally seperately.

Thanks again for your help
Sorry, I guess that should be backpay for 2Lt going back to the date you joined.  The 1 year (365days) and 43 days are how far into your Incentive Pay you will be initially, instead of day zero, for your first pay rate.  Once you get promoted to the next rank you'll be back to the first Incentive Level for that rank.  Those days do have an affect on your EPZ which may help you and may not, depending on your merit board rankings later in life.

Not being a RMS Clerk, all this is speculation and it would be wise to take a copy of your offer with you should you find a RMS Clerk, for them to explain it for you. 
Alright, brought it to my Chief Clerk. She hadn't a clue. I will try to bring it further up the chain and see if I can get some resolution. Has anyone else had this situation or know anything about this?