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Question of the Hour

Train Wreck, Canadian National troop train collided with the Eastbound Continental CN No. 2 passenger train near Canoe  River B. C. on  November 21, 1950.  The unit was 2 RCHA, who lost 17 members.

Yeah, that rings a bell, Melady discusses it in his history.  Gotta love them tricky questions. 

Okay, here's another Korean War question - what type of AFV was the first squadron of LdSH (RC) in Korea equipped with initially after arrival in Korea?
Ok I'm going on gut instinct here with my answer Micheal

Was it the WW2 vintage Kangaroo?
Whoops silly me, the Kangaroo was and Infantry carrier not an AFV, I withdraw my answer
redleafjumper said:
I thought they had Sherman M4 "easy 8s".

You are both wrong.  It was not the Kangaroo (neither Ram nor defrocked Priest) and it was not any kind of Sherman (you are thinking of the M4A2E8).
I believe the squadron first had tank destroyers, that is an open-toppped, lightly armoured, self-propelled anti-tank guns.
Old Sweat said:
I believe the squadron first had tank destroyers, that is an open-toppped, lightly armoured, self-propelled anti-tank guns.

M10, you are correct sir.  There is a photo here:

Would it be the "anglicised" version of the M-10 Wolverine, aka "Achilles" in the commonwealth?  I think it was the M10A1, armed with a 75mm gun.
vonGarvin said:
Would it be the "anglicised" version of the M-10 Wolverine, aka "Achilles" in the commonwealth?  I think it was the M10A1, armed with a 75mm gun.

Good questio.....hey...wait a minute.....are you sneaking a follow up question in on us???  :rage:

Not sure what the designation was by 1951 - I know the M10 (or Achilles) in WW II had either a high velocity 76mm gun (in US and CW service) or possibly a 17-pounder?  Did they switch to 75mm's after the war?
I totally forgot that the CW had either 76mm or the more effective 17 pounder.  I only imagine that they were 17 pounders ("left overs" from WWII)
vonGarvin said:
I totally forgot that the CW had either 76mm or the more effective 17 pounder.  I only imagine that they were 17 pounders ("left overs" from WWII)

Yes, but....US armor was used by the Canadians in Korea - jeeps and trucks, too.  I don't think we shipped our own stuff over there but rather borrowed from the Yanks.  IIRC the M4A2E8s the Strathcona's eventually wound up with were from US war stocks.
Interesting.  I suppose that the "model" of M10 would make an excellent "question of the hour" ;-)
I have seen a photo of a Canadian M10 in Korea.  It was armed with a US-style 76mm gun, so it was not a Wolverine (17 lb'er).  The Shermans that replaced the M10s issued to the LdSH, due to concerns about the open top, were in my understanding, M4A3 Shermans, not M4A2 (diesels).  Apparently, Canada did buy some ex-USMC diesel M4A2s after the war which were used for training in Canada and ultimately ended up with various militia units.  I seem to recall one outside of the BCR Drill Hall on Beatty Street in Vancouver.

Does anyone have any more infomation?

(edited to fix typo)