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Question of the Hour

I have no clue as to the general.

But in the spirit of keeping such a good thread alive with good military-esque trivia...

Who was the only cast member of the TV series M*A*S*H to have served in Korea (albeit not during the war)?
what is the rumoured country  to be stilling using the last Canadian Aircraft carrier?
lost at sea is the official report in transit for ship breaking but who is rumoured to be usin it still as a carrier
That would have to be the HMCS Bonaventure. And if I remember India was the country that contracted to scrap her.
Aircraft Carrier.... India..... the Indian navy received the Bonnie's sister ship from the RN
That one was allegedly in a really sorry shape - so it's always been rumoured that the Bonnie lives and the sister was turned into razor blades...........

Perhaps this one will be more challenging: Who was the future general officer who was taken prisoner by the Germans in WW I, tried to escape several times and was nearly executed for killing a guard in one of his attempts?

Hmmm.... remember reading something about someone becoming such a pain that they threw him onto Colditz.

india has gotten a few Canadian ships over the years, the last one they had to send a team over to destory  key  parts they left on board, till they  relaized they  could be used to refit Indian Navy ships, i remember reading about it in the 90s i think
OK.... continuing along the lines of general officers....

Name a general that managed to get himself accidentally shot by Belgian forces.
Do you mean total real battle honours or are you talking about the number of battle honours that the unit is authorized to carry on their Colours... and one is never equal to t' other?

Any takers on the general who got shot by some friendlies?
The future general who spend over two years as a POW was none other that Captain Charles De Gaulle.  He tried to escape and was recaptured 5 times.  In one espcape attempt he killed a guard but avoided execution as he was not blamed for the soldier's death.
Aaargh.... those pesky Frenchmen (from France I mean ;))
And I was bustin my butt looking for a Brit... who also have a tradition of being a pain in the a$&
Good one!
geo said:
Aaargh.... those pesky Frenchmen (from France I mean ;))
And I was bustin my butt looking for a Brit... who also have a tradition of being a pain in the a$&
Good one!

Ah Geo so was I... we were probably both wasting our time on the same useless web-sites then!!  >:(
LOL.... probably true... then again, learnt all sorts of entirely useless but entertaining trivia on General officers under whom our dads, granddads (and great granddads) faced the foe.

Coulda been a lot worse :)
Name the honourary Lt who served the country in-theatre in 2 successive Wars. Between these 2 Wars, this person became the first to accomplish what (and with what corps) that would set the bar for those who would follow?
hmmm..... Honorary louie?.... interesting challenge
An unnusual rank ... has to have been presented to an unnusual and exceptional man.


in 1915 ,he went overseas with the second Brigade, arriving in France , no one knew who he was and as a joke he was given a wild horse to ride, The pranksters gathered around to watch   Father Madden thrown from the horse, but only fun to
take place, was Father Madden riding the wild horse to a standstill.
He retired   in 1944, with the rank of   'Honorary   Lieutenant"
geo said:
hmmm..... Honorary louie?.... interesting challenge
An unnusual rank ... has to have been presented to an unnusual and exceptional man.


in 1915 ,he went overseas with the second Brigade, arriving in France , no one knew who he was and as a joke he was given a wild horse to ride, The pranksters gathered around to watch   Father Madden thrown from the horse, but only fun to
take place, was Father Madden riding the wild horse to a standstill.
He retired   in 1944, with the rank of   'Honorary   Lieutenant"
Excellent attempt Geo but that's not who I'm fishing for....
A padre... made to "break" a horse & the 1st crack (by some fun loving OR)?... well - he'd get my vote anyway :)

Oh well.... will try to find some time to fire up the search engines.
There would seem to have been a great number of honourary Lieutenants, many with intriguing careers.   Perhaps some additional information might be helpful.

armyvern said:
Name the honourary Lt who served the country in-theatre in 2 successive Wars. Between these 2 Wars, this person became the first to accomplish what (and with what corps) that would set the bar for those who would follow?

Hmm the first to accomplish what? OK here's the hint, never assume anything.
"The unusual and exceptional man" is actually a woman.....