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Question about military law.


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Not really sure how to ask what I want to know, so I apologize if I ramble a bit.

There is a former member of my regiment who has created a blog that contains what I would consider quite a bit that would definitely be considered shedding a bad light on the military in general. http://anonym.to/?http://legalizecanada.blogspot.com/p/my-story_13.html is the link to it. Anyways, I could write novels of how this individual was a terrible soldier but I am really looking for what would I look for under the NDA and who could I report this to, since he hasn't been out a full year yet, he would still be chargeable, right? So much I want to say but this blog has made me so angry I can't put my thoughts into an intelligent post. Just if anyone with more knowledge than me could take a look, and give some advise, that would be great.

Moderator edit to add - URL changed to make referring site anonymous (thanks to Occam for suggestion)
Wow.  Just wow. 

Dude has a few personality issues, and I'm not quite sure how he gets his head through doorways.
Well, it doesn't look like he did any growing up during his time in the military. My initial advice, short of identifying him stating something that in itself should be reported, is to minimize any attention he receives. If he gets aggressive replies through blog comments, it may drive him to continue. Conversely, if he's ignored for being a hack writer with nothing useful to say, hopefully he'll get bored and abandon his blog.

Hey, It seems to me like he has down sydrome.  :nod: "You know the kind of guy who would who would scream his own name while hitting his chest with his hand."
Update: The link is down. Hopefully that is over with..  :salute:

- Im out  :biker:
Took a look but that specific page has been taken down.  In any case, since he's out, he's out, he's no longer subject to the Code of Service Discipline for anything he has done since his release date.
After reading this I have a question: are Sup Reserves still under the CSD?  Now not sure if this has changed but when I joined I was told that everyone who left the forces were automatically Sup Reserve for a year after their release date.
Lowlander said:
After reading this I have a question: are Sup Reserves still under the CSD?  Now not sure if this has changed but when I joined I was told that everyone who left the forces were automatically Sup Reserve for a year after their release date.

No.  You have to elect to transfer to the Supp Res.

Supp Res is not subject to the CSD unless placed on active duty.
Section 60, National Defence Act

60. (1) The following persons are subject to the Code of Service Discipline:


(c) an officer or non-commissioned member of the reserve force when the officer or non-commissioned member is

(i) undergoing drill or training, whether in uniform or not,

(ii) in uniform,

(iii) on duty,

(iv) [Repealed, 1998, c. 35, s. 19]

(v) called out under Part VI in aid of the civil power,

(vi) called out on service,

(vii) placed on active service,

(viii) in or on any vessel, vehicle or aircraft of the Canadian Forces or in or on any defence establishment or work for defence,

(ix) serving with any unit or other element of the regular force or the special force, or

(x) present, whether in uniform or not, at any drill or training of a unit or other element of the Canadian Forces;


So, generally, no.

Even then, it would be only under very extraordinary circumstances that someone who happened to be subject to (viii) or (x) would be charged under the CSD.