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Question about an email

  • Thread starter Thread starter josebot533
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Loachman said:
What "crap"?

And don't expect "facts" tomorrow. You were asked to "get back in touch with her at the end of March to see where my applications (sic) going". Why not be a little patient, as I have gently suggested, and wait until then? She obviously has nothing of value, at this point, to tell you, else she'd have said it instead of asking that you give her a reasonable amount of time. Your acceptance or rejection is not decided at the recruiting centre.

Why are you even pissed off at all? I see absolutely no justification for that. What I do see, however, is somebody with an inflated sense of entitlement, a lack of patience, and an obnoxious attitude. You are not the number one priority for the recruiting system.

And, before I proceed further, understand this:

I want you to succeed, if you have that within you. I write this because I care, not merely to dump on you. I'd not waste so much time and so many electrons if I didn't care. I'll be blunt, because you clearly need somebody to be brutally honest with you.

Your instructors, regardless of their mother tongue, will want you to succeed as well, but their willingness to help you will be finite. You will be the one who loses, not them, and not the CF as a whole, when their willingness to help you evaporates.

Now, back to recruiting priorities...

You indicated that your target occupation is not in demand right now. Other occupations will be in demand, so, guess which applicants are more likely to move through the system a little more quickly?

How ******* dare you...

SHOULD you be accepted - and you are not exactly coming across as a highly-desirable candidate right now - you will find that, on your courses, several of your instructors are "Frenchies". SHOULD you make it past your initial courses, you will find that several of your superiors are "Frenchies". Get used to that idea now, and show the respect due to them, or you will have an unpleasant, and most likely short, career.

And nobody will mourn your failure, in either official language.

Yes, you should. P - o - l - i - t - e - l - y.

And learn to understand and follow simple direction. Inability to do so will not aid you one bit.

Start to unfuck yourself right now, before it is too late for you.

Nobody is better able to determine your success or your failure than you.

You have some choices and some adjustments to make.

Or not...

See, you were coming off as a smart fella before you told me to unfuck myself. Now you're just some fucking idiot.
Semper Fidelis
You are trying to get in.

I succeeded in doing so.

I also managed to successfully make it all of the way through the Pilot training programme as well, and complete a forty-three-year career.

But I was "just some fucking idiot" the whole time, yet failed to notice.

Thanks for setting me straight, sonny.

I gave you sound advice. You don't have to take it. You can continue to dig your hole deeper and deeper.

I'm not the one sabotaging himself.

You are not the first one to act this way. The end result is generally the same in each case.

You can unfuck yourself, or the DS in St-Jean will unfuck you, or you will be gone fairly quickly.

I continue to collect my $65000.00 pension annually either way.

And you are NOT a US Marine, so you can stop appropriating their motto.
Josebot,......be very careful with your next posts wording.
Thank you,
army.ca staff
Loachman said:
You are trying to get in.

I succeeded in doing so.

I also managed to successfully make it all of the way through the Pilot training programme as well, and complete a forty-three-year career.

But I was "just some ******* idiot" the whole time, yet failed to notice.

Thanks for setting me straight, sonny.

I gave you sound advice. You don't have to take it. You can continue to dig your hole deeper and deeper.

I'm not the one sabotaging himself.

You are not the first one to act this way. The end result is generally the same in each case.

You can unfuck yourself, or the DS in St-Jean will unfuck you, or you will be gone fairly quickly.

I continue to collect my $65000.00 pension annually either way.

And you are NOT a US Marine, so you can stop appropriating their motto.

Now that I slept on it and after a good workout I can say you are right. I should change my attitude and see what happens. Cheers on your service.

josebot533 said:
Now that I slept on it and after a good workout I can say you are right. I should change my attitude and see what happens.

I really did not expect this, and I truly appreciate it.

I only ask, now, for reports of your progress at each step.

Work hard, learn everything thoroughly, and help your team mates.

Enjoy your courses, enjoy your experiences, and enjoy your career.

I am envious. If I could do this all over again, I would.

Well, except for a couple of things...

RocketRichard said:
You seem frustrated.  I would watch your language as well as your insinuations about a C. F. member who speaks two of our official languages.
Holy reading that post.. that person doesnt deserve to get into the CF. That is racial language and insulting a CF person.

Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk

josebot533 said:
I wasn't insinuating that she was leading me astray because she's biased just that she should get her facts straight before passing them on. Imagine if the army tells you that you got 5 weeks to ready your affairs before deployment than do a 360 and tell you you got 5 days. You wouldn't feel pissed off or frustrated?
All you do is keep your moutb shut and go with what they tell you. Plain and simple. If you cant handle that things change and frequently in the CF, then maybe its not for you. But i can tell you this much, you better straighten out with that attitude because they will NOT tollerate with it in there. Suck it up or go a different direction.

Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk

Ryan_T said:
All you do is keep your moutb shut and go with what they tell you. Plain and simple. If you cant handle that things change and frequently in the CF, then maybe its not for you. But i can tell you this much, you better straighten out with that attitude because they will NOT tollerate with it in there. Suck it up or go a different direction.

Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk

Calm down fella. Everything is good again. You liberals are a phical bunch if "frenchy" is enough to get your panties in a twist. Racism is a serious accusation and you're not in a position to call me that. Who you think you are? If you were here I'd fuck you up. FiretrUCKer.
josebot533 said:
Calm down fella. Everything is good again. You liberals are a phical bunch if "frenchy" is enough to get your panties in a twist. Racism is a serious accusation and you're not in a position to call me that. Who you think you are? If you were here I'd frig you up. FiretrUCKer.
LoL.. wo with that kind of response, i do recommend thinking twice about it.. i have been in the CF. I have seen what happens when ppl talk like that. They dont last long. And threatening someone you dont know is a very bad decision. Especially on a site that is monitored.

Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk

Ryan_T said:
LoL.. wo with that kind of response, i do recommend thinking twice about it.. i have been in the CF. I have seen what happens when ppl talk like that. They dont last long. And threatening someone you dont know is a very bad decision. Especially on a site that is monitored.

Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk

Fuck you.
HorseRenoir said:
Now that I slept on it and after a good workout I can say you are right. I should change my attitude and see what happens. Cheers on your service.
Something else to keep in mind Jose.. The way you have spoken to ppl on here incl threatening me is obviously unacceptable. You may be that way in your personal life, but CF members will not tolerate it. Ya there is a lot of swearing in the forces.. But the wording that you have used (frenchy) is actually a racial way of calling a french person. Most ppl when in training are french instructors. If you were to get there, you would have a complete twist of reality about your attitude. I don't know how old you are, but your actions on here will not be tolerated. Time to shape up and like I said, you might really want to think about the true direction you really want to go. Basic changes ppl to be better physically and mentally. Oh and another word of advice, never ever theaten anyone that is trying to help you out. I told you exactly what my CO told me.

Just when I thought that everything was right in the world again and could go back to peacefully humming Kumbaya.

Your comments, Ryan_T, were completely unnecessary at this point. And "Frenchy" is derogative, but it is not racist - there is no French race.

And josebot533, josebot533, josebot533...

You were doing so well.

I have no idea how you claim to know Ryan_T's political leanings, but threats and childish "FiretrUCKers" and "Fuck yous" will not be tolerated.

Sometimes, it is best to ignore people. Not easy, I know. I often delete responses prior to clicking "Post", though.

Watch "Stripes" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stripes_(film). Pay attention to the character Private Francis Soyer.

Minor trivial point: Stripes was partially filmed in Fort Knox. The old wooden barracks were no longer in use then, and had been slated for demolition. We stayed in them during (then) LFCA's (now 4 Cdn Div) Exercise Bold Venture during Spring Break 2003.

Locked, as nothing good is likely to come from any further posts at this point.

Lighten up, Francis.
So I'm going to ignore all the things that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up in regards to this thread as Loachman has already handled them (thank you Loachman) :-)

"On Hold" can mean a few different things and is "new" lingo within the recruiting world.  Before people were given no information or that their file just wasn't moving.  Now "on hold" can mean a few different things:
    1) The occupation / entry plan you're applying to isn't the focus of the CAF at the moment (I.E. In January/February the push tends to be on ROTP/MOTP/DOTP/SEELM candidates, if you don't fit into this category you're probably not very high on the priority list).
    2) If the occupation / entry plan you're applying for is full for the remainder of the Fiscal Year.  Guess what the CAF recruits it's people based on the Fiscal Year (1-Apr to 31-Mar), while it may seem like they're always looking for certain trades, at a certain point in the year they fill that quota which means if you're applying for that trade they're not going to keep processing your file - that just takes up time that can be used for someone else that is applying for an occupation that is still needed.
    3) You're just not competitive at the moment.  It doesn't mean that you never will be, it just means that you aren't right now - at that point your file is put "on hold" because again, why would the CAF spend time and resources processing a file that won't get in?

Finally as Loachman stated "Locked, as nothing good is likely to come from any further posts at this point" I assume he meant to lock the thread, so this thread is now locked.

Edit Note: Yes Loachman that's what happened, I opened the thread before you "locked" it and due to my Moderator status it still allowed me to post, when I went to lock the thread after my post it was already locked - so I figured the thread was being glitchy :-)
It took me a few minutes to lock it after posting, due to a glitch. You, as DS, can post through a lock, so you probably did not notice.
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