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Queens York Rangers are not US Army Rangers

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Q.Y. Ranger

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MikeL said:
Also, you do know that "Rangers Lead the Way" is the motto of the US Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, not the QY Rangers..

Yes, I am aware that "Rangers Lead the Way" is the motto of the US Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, but Ive heard some of the QY Rang guys say it as well. But i know it is not our motto.
Q.Y. Ranger said:
Yes, I am aware that "Rangers Lead the Way" is the motto of the US Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, but Ive heard some of the QY Rang guys say it as well. But i know it is not our motto.

Just be warned, real Rangers(US Army Rangers an anyone that is tabbed) don't tend to like other people taking their motto an other Ranger related things. I heard awhile ago on a Reg Force base a bunch of troops from the Rocky Mountain Rangers(I think it was them) were walking around wearing black -shirts with the US Army Ranger tab on the front, an they happened to walk past a Reg Force Sgt who took the US Army Ranger course an was tabbed an give the troops a bit of sh*t for wearing the shirts because they weren't qualifed/tabbed.
QY Ranger cadet,
    For the sake of all, please do some honest research on things before posting here.
Remember; "Better to say nothing and have people think you are a fool than open your mouth and prove them right"
I would like to point out that it is very rare for us QYRANGS to use "Rangers Lead the Way" as our motto.

The occasional troom may sometimes be heard saying it when discussing a matter of regimental pride, but these days it is mostly a cadet saying.

Besides, we were around before the US Rangers anyways.  ;)
J. Gayson said:
I would like to point out that it is very rare for us QYRANGS to use "Rangers Lead the Way" as our motto.
The occasional troom may sometimes be heard saying it when discussing a matter of regimental pride, but these days it is mostly a cadet saying.
Besides, we were around before the US Rangers anyways.  ;)

Very rare my butt.  I heard it quite regularily in Meaford.
48Highlander said:
Very rare my butt.   I heard it quite regularily in Meaford.

alot of stuff gets said there by the MO ;)
heh, I remember my first days in meaford, the memories.
I did my armored recce course with QYRANG this summer and never heard any of them say it...
I heard awhile ago on a Reg Force base a bunch of troops from the Rocky Mountain Rangers(I think it was them) were walking around wearing black -shirts with the US Army Ranger tab on the front, an they happened to walk past a Reg Force Sgt who took the US Army Ranger course an was tabbed an give the troops a bit of sh*t for wearing the shirts because they weren't qualified/tabbed.

For God's sake, lighten up.  If I wear a Marine boonie, does it make me think I'm a Marine?  I wore a PPCLI Battle School shirt when I was there too, but did I think I was in the PPCLI?  No.  And I don't care when I now see people wearing RCMP shirts either.  Take it as a compliment.
Blackhorse7 said:
I heard awhile ago on a Reg Force base a bunch of troops from the Rocky Mountain Rangers(I think it was them) were walking around wearing black -shirts with the US Army Ranger tab on the front, an they happened to walk past a Reg Force Sgt who took the US Army Ranger course an was tabbed an give the troops a bit of sh*t for wearing the shirts because they weren't qualified/tabbed.

For God's sake, lighten up.   If I wear a Marine boonie, does it make me think I'm a Marine?   I wore a PPCLI Battle School shirt when I was there too, but did I think I was in the PPCLI?   No.   And I don't care when I now see people wearing RCMP shirts either.   Take it as a compliment.

I just posted something I heard that happened when some troops were a ranger shirt no need to get all steamed up over it.
48Highlander said:
Very rare my butt.  I heard it quite regularily in Meaford.

That was probably from us recruits being all hyper just before and after our badging ceremony.

Also apperently a bunch of us new guys were yelling it at Orbitz in Owen Sound the night before grad.

Like I said, it's mostly a cadet thing with the occasional ranger saying it during a moment of regimental pride.
Mike L

I'm not snapping at you, my distatste was for the actions of the Sgt. you refered to.  I know the Ranger training is tough, and that they are an elite infantry group.  But I feel sometimes that the "been there, done that, and you haven't" routine is a little over the top.  That Sgt. could have just shaken his head, kept his thoughts to himself, and prided himself a little bit that these troops wanted to emulate something that he had earned.

Hope you didn't feel I was attacking you...
i think thats the whole point of the forums is to talk and get info, im a QY Rang my self and ill agree there are some discrepencies like the motto but thats only pride for the regement the us rangers still mad eit up but also we are cousens to the us rangers so thast generally why we get away with saying it.
The QYRs are cousins, in a way. The US Ranger are from Rogers Rangers type unit and the QYR are also. There is 4 or 5 other old defunked Regts. that were part of the Loyalists. Butlers, Queen's Loyal (Pete's Corp)and (Jessup's Corp), King's Loyal, York County Rangers, etc. All were Loyalists. The QYR's, to my best history are from the Queen's and YC Rangers.
History buff, that I am. But for that Ranger Lead the way, they should in alrights stop.
For the life of me I fail to see why anyone is dignifying this thread with a response. ya ya, you ranger guys are the best. you are just like U.S. Rangers...........just without any training. You can in all likelyhood draw your origins from the roman legion......they walked upright as well
Why was their a thread made of this?

1)QYRANG and the US RANGERS share a little common history.  The similarities end there.

2)Members of my regiment do not go around using mottos from other regiments.  Yes It has been said before, it is uncommon and is used when in a moment of regimental pride in private amoungts other rangers.

3)To the cadet's here.  You guys are not Queens York Rangers, you are cadets in a cadet corps.  You are civilians who are members of the regimental family, not the regiment itself.  If you want to express pride in us fine, but why don't you use our actual motto Celer et Audax instead?

I personally don't understand why the whole "Rangers Lead The Way" motto keeps coming up.  We have so many better sayings commonly muttered in the JR's mess at Aurora.  ;D
J. Gayson said:
Why was their a thread made of this?

1)QYRANG and the US RANGERS share a little common history. The similarities end there.

2)Members of my regiment do not go around using mottos from other regiments. Yes It has been said before, it is uncommon and is used when in a moment of regimental pride in private amoungts other rangers.

3)To the cadet's here. You guys are not Queens York Rangers, you are cadets in a cadet corps. You are civilians who are members of the regimental family, not the regiment itself. If you want to express pride in us fine, but why don't you use our actual motto Celer et Audax instead?

I personally don't understand why the whole "Rangers Lead The Way" motto keeps coming up. We have so many better sayings commonly muttered in the JR's mess at Aurora. ;D

Nicely said, especially #3
I know the last C.O. you guys had ended his speech to the unit at the soldiers Christmas Mess Dinner with the words Rangers lead the Way. 

Please don't rag on the cadets too hard if they are seeing it said by the LCol in command.  Yes it was a regimental event, but its times like that where the cadets are watching to see how you guys act, and learn to act accordingly.  It all comes down to monkey see monkey do.  No, your not entirely responsible for how they act.  But don't dump all over them all the time. 

This is just a rant and is not intended at anyone, just my last two cents.  Merry Christmas.
J. Gayson said:
2)Members of my regiment do not go around using mottos from other regiments.   Yes It has been said before, it is uncommon and is used when in a moment of regimental pride in private amoungts other rangers.

Gayson, First off i agree with points #1 and 3 entirely (especially #3). But i must disagree with #2, mind you I'm going to take alot of flak from the Regiment. For as long as i've been around the Regiment, "Rangers Lead The Way" has been used time and time again, and has been used long before i was around. I've always found it tacky, and in contrast to what you've said, its used quite alot. Now, its used in a moment of "Regimental Pride" yes, but isnt that the same manner that the U.S. Rangers use it in? What differentiates the context? Personally, i think it should be done away with entirely, and lets start shouting "celer et Audax!" instead, personally i like that much more. For those of you who dont know, thats the Q.Y. Rangers actual motto, which means "Swift and Bold".

Since we're on the topic, how about we talk of the term "Hooah" as well? Another term, far too commonly used within the Regiment. Although not a term used by the Rangers specifically, it is a term taken from the U.S. Army. This term in fact, is not necessarily Q.Y. Rang alone, but i've heard plenty of others from different regiments use it. Why? A country as rich in heritage and pride as Canada, I would have thought that the Military, and specifically regiments would stick to their own customs, rather than adopt another countries.

ya ya, you ranger guys are the best. you are just like U.S. Rangers...........just without any training. You can in all likelyhood draw your origins from the roman legion......they walked upright as well

Point taken. Mind you, that isnt the attitude of the entire regiment. Its just a select few.

Brunton, nice to see you kicking around.  :army:
Ah yes, the struggle for Canadian identity continues.

Since this entire thread sounds like a kindergarten playground pissing contest, I'm locking it.
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