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Queen's Diamond Jubilee Super Thread

My  :2c: Yes I can disagree with the whole Justin Bieber thing. (Lord knows I have/want too) He's an 18 kid that got too much too soon. Regardless; The volunteer work he has done has been noticed.
It would have been more appropriate for him to wear a suit or something comparable. If the rest of our CF and general population take this as something to be proud of, shouldn't he do the same?
Lord knows my Catholic mother would have never allowed this!
I can feel the slap coming already...
It's already been forgotten and tossed in his tour buses equivalent of the kitchen junk drawer.
Jim Seggie said:
Or on Selena's chest.

I think Miss Gomez is maturing faster than young Mr. B; the unavoidable gossip is that she dumped the little beggar, presumable in order to hook up with a man.

  She's a bit young ...

... but worthy of me, I think.
E.R. Campbell said:
I think Miss Gomez is maturing faster than young Mr. B; the unavoidable gossip is that she dumped the little beggar, presumable in order to hook up with a man.

  She's a bit young ...

... but worthy of me, I think.

Apparently the two of them are back together after Mr B. begged her to get back together. Ahh true love.  :'(
Kat Stevens said:
It's already been forgotten and tossed in his tour buses equivalent of the kitchen junk drawer.
I'm sure he'll haul it out and put it in for his Order of Canada presentation down the road. 
Looking at the photo in the story of what he wore at the AMA's it's apparent he has no style or class whatsoever.  :not-again:

Would a suit hurt, Justin? Bieber branded 'white trash prince' after wearing overalls and baseball cap to accept prestigious award from Canadian Prime Minster

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2238267/Justin-Bieber-dons-unbuttoned-overalls-backwards-hat-accept-award-Canadian-prime-minister.html#ixzz2DHCXYoTE
At least no one took a shot about his meeting the 20% female qualification. ;D
I'll admit, the whole Bieber thing made me think long and hard about either playing the game and mounting it/wearing it, or popping it in an envelope for Rideau Hall with a note saying 'thanks, but no thanks' and weathering the ensuing sh!tstorm from higher for the final few months I'm in.

But then I watched the Barrie CTV news last night and saw something that made me think. It was a piece about the kick off of the MADD holiday Anti-DUI campaign, and it featured a young girl, an amputee, who spoke as a survivor of a DUI-caused accident. There, pinned on her chest and worn with obvious pride, was a QDJM.

Now debating or not whether she deserved it is fine, but if that young girl were to read this thread, would she not think a little differently about it, considering how much it is viewed in contempt by alot of people? EDIT TO ADD And would those same detractors of the medal be so quick to dismiss it as a chocolate gong having seen her?

Did the CF ****-up the whole plan of it being a meritorious decoration/award, with the quota system imposed from the outset? Certainly. Are some people getting it for all the wrong reasons? Yes indeed. Are the rest getting them for the right reasons, and in the spirit of how it was intended to be awarded? I think so.
Towards_the_gap said:
Now debating or not whether she deserved it is fine, but if that young girl were to read this thread, would she not think a little differently about it, considering how much it is viewed in contempt by alot of people?
We have been giving out "commemorative" medals for a long time ... I well recall the Centennial Medal and Canada 125 and sundry jubillee medals.


We have, in my opinion, always done it wrong; but my opinion is worth precisely what you are paying for it.

The fact is that someone has seen fit to "award" one of these to you ... or not. It should be clear to those who have read this thread that:

1. The CF leadership wants this medal to reward meritorious service which, for whatever reasons, does not reach the standards of e.g. the MSC; and

2. Different standards are being applied, as they always were in the past, to the military and civil and awards and, within the civil list, MPs and Senators were subject to very few rules or even guidelines; but

3. Broadly and generally, with a few notable exceptions, service to a cause, to a community, to the country, even to humanity at large, is being recognized.

Based on that, no-one should be anything except proud to wear this. The fact that I (and maybe others) don't much care for Justin Bieber is worth exactly the same as my opinion on various issues: nothing, at all. For all I know he is a nice young man who cares about his community and supports good causes and, and, and ... it doesn't really matter what I think about his sartorial choices, either.

We are, I suspect, going to see more, not less bling over the coming years; unless the government decides to give one e.g. Canada 150 medal to every lawfully serving member of the CF,* there will be debates about how they are "awarded." If you get one then I hope you will wear it with some pride in what in represents and in the fact that you CoC thought you worthy to carry it; if you don't get one I hope you will shrug and thank your luck stars you don't need to pay to get your medals remounted.

* Or one to each serving (regular and reserve) GOFO and CWO/MWO ~ which means the medals will disappear from everyday wear sooner
TTG very well presented, Mr Campbell always intrested in your words and thoughts as both are sagely. The reason for the Quota that I was told by my BDG RSM is that if there were no quotas some units would not submit any names as they would just take the lazy way out and say they have no deserving soldiers.
Some of the controversy over the awarding of this medal stems from the fact that most folks are aware that it is placed between the CD and Canada 125 in precedence.  I have no doubt that the vast majority of recipients are more than worthy, but should they not then be receiving a medal of a more appropriate precedence?

We have lots of tour medals, a TI decoration, a few valour and bravery medals, but when it comes to meritorious service, the CF has very few and few are awarded annually.  An additional meritorious medal or two, with gradually increasing level of precedence would allow leadership to recognize varying levels of meritorious service.  Similar in intent to the MSC and MSM, actions in a focused context could be singled out and awarded. 